Chapter 18: Agent

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The next day at SM Entertainment, Y/N and Sohee embarked on an ordinary and extraordinary day. As they entered the building, Sohee playfully held the door open, letting Y/N walk through first.

"Such a gentleman," Y/N teased, and Sohee grinned, "Only for you."

They made their way to the elevator, and Sohee pressed the button, the subtle hum filling the air. Inside, Y/N leaned against the wall, stealing glances at Sohee, who was busy pretending to be engrossed in his phone.

"So, what's on the agenda for today, Sohee?" Y/N asked with a playful smile.

Sohee looked up, feigning deep thought. "Well, first on the list is attending a top-secret meeting in the conference room. High-level stuff, you know?"

Y/N chuckled, "Ooh, sounds thrilling. What's the next mission, Agent Sohee?"

"Mission two," he said dramatically, "accompanies the ever-so-lovely Y/N to the cafeteria for a mid-morning coffee break."

The elevator dinged, and they stepped out, continuing their banter as they strolled down the hallway. The workday unfolded with the rhythm of familiar routines and tasks, but now with an added layer of sweetness.

Amid a busy workday, Y/N sat at her desk, engrossed in a pile of papers. The soft hum of the office buzzed around her as colleagues hurriedly moved about. Suddenly, a shadow fell across her desk, and she looked up to find Sohee standing there with a mischievous grin.

"Special delivery for the hardworking and prettiest," he announced, holding out a small bag of her favorite snacks.

Y/N's eyes lit up with surprise and delight. "Oh, Sohee! How did you know I was craving these?"

He shrugged playfully. "I observe what you snack on at the dorm."

She chuckled, taking the bag from him. "This is so sweet, thank you!" As he lingered by her desk, Sohee grabbed a nearby sticky note and a pen. With swift strokes, he doodled a cute portrait of Y/N with a heart-shaped balloon.
"Here, this is you," he declared, sticking the note to her computer screen.

Y/N laughed, genuinely touched by the gesture. "You made my head so huge! Haha."

He leaned in conspiratorially, "It's accurate." With that, followed Sohee receiving a series of playful slaps from Y/N. 

As the morning sunlight filtered through the office windows, Sohee couldn't resist the temptation to interrupt Y/N's work with a proposition.

"Y/N," he said with a charming smile, "how about we take a break and grab some coffee? A mid-morning coffee break, just you and me."

Y/N looked up from her computer, a mix of surprise and amusement on her face. "Sure! We have around 30 minutes before your day starts with the others, so it's manageable."

They strolled down the hallway, the hum of office activity fading into the background as they approached the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting from the cafeteria. The sound of their footsteps mingled with lighthearted chatter. The cafeteria itself was a haven of warmth, with sunlight streaming through the large windows and casting a gentle glow on the polished tables.

They made their way up to the counter, browsing through the menu.
"What do you like?" he asked, gesturing to the menu.

Y/N perused the options, her eyes lighting up at the mention of a seasonal spiced latte. "I will get the iced americano. How about you?"

Sohee grinned, "I'll take one too!" he called to the barista.

They settled into a cozy corner, the rich aroma of coffee enveloping them. As they waited for their drinks, the conversation flowed effortlessly, echoing the ease of their growing connection. Their coffee arrived, sipping their spiced lattes, they lost themselves in the simple pleasure of each other's company, surrounded by the comforting ambiance of the cafeteria.

Following their coffee break, Y/N playfully coerced Sohee into the dance practice room for rehearsal. Sohee, feigning reluctance, indulged in a bit of whining and a mock tantrum, attempting to prolong their time together. Despite his initial resistance, she managed to usher him into the room. Once inside, he swiftly transitioned from his playful, vulnerable demeanor to a more composed and nonchalant state. The abrupt shift elicited a chuckle from Y/N, who couldn't help but find amusement in witnessing this endearing and multifaceted side of Sohee.

"Oh, there you are, Sohee!" Seunghan chirped, running towards him and giving him chin scratches. Sohee stood still, bearing the baby treatment from Seunghan. As Seunghan doted on Sohee with playful chin scratches, the rest of the Riize members gathered around, ready to commence their dance practice. Sohee, momentarily caught in Seunghan's affectionate display, grinned and tousled Seunghan's hair.

"Alright, let's get this practice rolling," Seunghan declared with enthusiasm, rallying the group. They all took their positions, preparing for another session of intense rehearsals. The dance instructor set the tone, and the studio resonated with the beats of the music as they immersed themselves in the intricate choreography. Y/N was observed from the sidelines, occasionally encouraging.

Throughout the practice, Seunghan's energy was infectious, creating a lively atmosphere. Sohee, despite the earlier babying, quickly shifted into a focused and determined mindset, seamlessly blending into the group's synchronized movements. As the routine progressed, Y/N couldn't help but appreciate the camaraderie and dedication exhibited by the members. The room echoed with the rhythmic sounds of footsteps and music, filling the air with the undeniable passion and unity of the group. Even Seunghan's playful antics didn't disrupt the flow of their practice, as they worked seamlessly toward perfection.

At lunch, Sohee and Y/N sat together in the cafeteria, their shoulders brushing. Sohee recounted silly stories from his trainee days, and Y/N shared anecdotes from her time in the States. Laughter echoed between them, creating a bubble of warmth in the bustling surroundings. The hum of chatter surrounded them, but it felt like a distant melody as they immersed themselves in each other's company. Sohee's eyes sparkled with genuine joy as he recounted the mishaps and adventures of his trainee days, his animated expressions drawing hearty laughs from Y/N.

"Once, Seunghan and I were arguing because I was so lazy, I didn't want to continue after a five-minute practice. Then, Wonbin stomped over to us and forced us to hug," Sohee chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

Y/N grinned, imagining that, "Wonbin is a real one for that, I would've loved to see that" she teased, playfully nudging his shoulder. In response, Sohee rolled his eyes while displaying his white pearly teeth in a grin.

Their laughter echoed through the cafeteria, creating a little haven of joy amidst the daily hustle. As they shared more stories, the ordinary lunchtime evolved into a series of snapshots, each one capturing the essence of their growing connection.

Later, as they drove back to the dorm, Sohee couldn't resist the playful banter.

"Mission accomplished, Agent Sohee," Y/N teased, giving him a mock salute. He responded with a confident wink." The car ride transformed into a journey of shared glances, stolen smiles, and the quiet acknowledgment of something special blossoming between them. The ordinary workday had become a canvas for blossoming love, and each moment painted a vibrant stroke in the evolving masterpiece of Sohee and Y/N.


author's note: HELLO!!! this is the last chapter, i fear... honestly, i am not the biggest fan of like continuing after the couple gets together. it's like that with kdramas and anime, like i just stop. so i will stop here teehee. ANYWAYS!!! i shall never write another enemies to lovers again, it's too difficult :) soooo... I WILL WRITE ANOTHER SOHEE X Y/N FF that is more on the fluff, soft, cutesy omg this is saur cute side, BUT with a little angst. muahaha.

anyways, please check out "dance of destiny," it's about y/n, a popular dancer on social media, adventuring into Korea for change in her life, and an SM Entertainment employee recruits her to work as a backup dancer for RIIZE. BUT guess what... Shotaro and her used to dance together back in Japan when he was 10 years old and when she was 5 years old. Y/N has always liked Shotaro, ever since they were kids. So she wonders if he would recognize her when she meets RIIZE as their back-up dancer. Her feelings for Shotaro came back the moment she laid eyes on him when she was introduced to RIIZE. However, Sohee has been a huge admirer and follower of Y/N's dance skills on social media, so he was captivated by Y/N the moment he laid eyes on her...

MUAHAHA. okay bye guys, see you in the other ff :3

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