Chapter 16: Pinpointing Feelings

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As Y/N and Sungchan pulled up to the dorm, the engine's soft purr came to a stop. They exchanged casual goodbyes, and Y/N headed to her room while Sungchan made his way to his. The dorm's corridors were quiet, and the soft glow of lamps illuminated the way.

Entering her room, Y/N settled into bed, the soft embrace of her familiar space welcoming her.
She absentmindedly checked her messages and found one from Sohee.

7:13 PM - Sohee: How was the walk?

7:15 PM - Y/N: It was fun

Then in an instant, he responded:

7:15 PM - Sohee: Anton and Wonbin are out working out. I have the room to myself. Wanna hang out?

Sohee's message carried a sense of playful anticipation. Y/N couldn't help but feel a mix of suspicion and curiosity. After a moment's contemplation, she agreed, typing, "Sure, I'll be there in a bit."

Y/N walked down the hall to Sohee's room, the door slightly ajar. She hesitated for a moment, wondering what Sohee had in mind. Pushing the door open, she found Sohee sitting on the edge of his bed, a warm grin on his face.

As Y/N settled onto the bed beside Sohee, the atmosphere in the room was light and comfortable. She kicked her legs playfully off the edge of the bed, and Sohee mirrored the gesture, creating a scene that resembled two children excitedly talking to their crush.

"How was your day?" Y/N inquired, breaking the silence.

Sohee leaned back on his palms, looking up at the ceiling as if reminiscing about the day. "Good, I felt like I did well dancing today," he admitted with a modest smile. Y/N nodded, acknowledging his talent.

"You did great! I was watching from the sofa," she complimented, and Sohee's smile widened at the praise.

The conversation flowed effortlessly as they shared stories from their day. Sohee opened up about his dance practice, mentioning the challenges and victories. Y/N, in turn, spoke about her overall internship work, working behind the scenes, managing, and assisting. As they delved deeper into their lives, the air in the room warmed with the ease of understanding each other.

"So, what's your favorite way to relax after a long day?" Y/N asked, genuinely curious.

Sohee thought for a moment before replying, "Honestly, moments like these. Just chilling with someone and talking. It's so much better when it's with you, though." His words were sincere, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth.

As the night progressed, their conversation wove through various topics, from childhood memories to future dreams. The simplicity of their interaction created a bond that felt natural and unforced. Y/N found herself appreciating Sohee's company more with every passing moment.

The room fell into a brief silence as Sohee contemplated his next words. After a deep breath, he looked at Y/N with sincerity in his eyes.

"Y/N, I've been thinking a lot lately, and I might... I might have feelings for you," Sohee confessed, choosing honesty over ambiguity. He wanted to be upfront about it, not wanting to beat around the bush.

Y/N, however, burst into laughter, a genuine and warm sound that filled the room. Sohee's confession caught her off guard, and she found the situation amusing. "Are you serious, Sohee?" she chuckled, not taking him seriously.

Sohee scratched the back of his head, a bashful expression on his face. "Yeah, I am. I wanted to be honest with you," he admitted, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation.

Y/N's laughter subsided, and she regarded Sohee with a teasing smile. "Wasn't the whole reason you used to hate me because you were scared I'd get into a relationship with a Riize member and cause a scandal?" she asked playfully, raising an eyebrow.

Sohee's embarrassment was evident as he nodded, a sheepish grin on his face. "Yeah, but I guess my feelings about that shifted when I actually started to get to know you," he admitted, realizing the irony of the situation. 

"Hm? When? We started to get to know each other recently?" Y/N was confused about the timing of when he began developing feelings.

He let out a nervous chuckle, looking down, "Actually... Okay, so while you were gone today... I talked with the other members, and they all sat me down like it was a therapy session," he began.

"Wonbin and Shotaro led the conversation, asking me how I felt about you. Apparently, they were very curious and talked a lot about us," he told Y/N. She chuckled, listening attentively.

"Yeah... Anyways, they asked if my hate towards you changed when I saw you and Sungchan cuddling while watching the movie," he let out another nervous chuckle, feeling embarrassed while expressing his feelings so straightforwardly, "At first I said no. Then they gaslighted me into thinking I started to develop more positive feelings towards you when I saw you and Sungchan cuddling because everyone agreed that you looked really beautiful that day."

"Oh?" Y/N was left sort of speechless but longing to listen more.

Sohee scratched his head, leaving a moment of silence to help him continue describing the conversation earlier, "Then we did more digging on my feelings, like any other therapy session. Haha... I guess I saw you threatening to Riize because I was immediately attracted to your looks at least. That's why I felt so worried that you would easily cause a scandal because anyone would be attracted to you." 

Sohee's words struck Y/N, she was unsure of how to react so she continued to stay silent.

"I guess I was so mean to you, rude to you, and honestly a huge asshole because I found you attractive and made assumptions about you," he apologized, "and I have to admit, I have been admiring your hard work as an intern from afar. The way you agreed to do my makeup on your first day of work, even though I didn't want you to. I was honestly so mean to you, but you were so resilient. You are a great person, Y/N. I am a horrible person, so I don't expect you to reciprocate my feelings," Sohee admitted.

Y/N's lips parted, wanting to speak but her voice wouldn't project. She was trying to absorb all of his words, but she couldn't react.

"When I saw you with Sungchan during the movies, I got jealous. Whenever he speaks to you, I get jealous. He treats you so well, so I knew I was not the right person for you from the start," Sohee said in defeat.

"That is sort of true," Y/N laughed, brightening up the mood.

"Yeah... I have some issues with myself that I am trying to overcome, I am sorry. I am not the right person for you, I know that. But I can't stop myself from liking you, yearning to be with you. Instead, I just make things so complicated because I am fucked up," 

Sohee's admission hung in the air, a raw and vulnerable moment between them. Y/N, still processing his words, finally found her voice. "Sohee, it's okay. We all have our complexities and struggles. It's a part of being human," she reassured him, offering a gentle smile.

He sighed, relieved that she wasn't outright rejecting him but still burdened by the weight of his own self-perceived flaws. "I appreciate your understanding, Y/N. I don't deserve it, but thank you," he said, sincerity etched in his eyes.

Y/N's expression softened. "Sohee, you're not a horrible person. People grow, change, and learn from their mistakes. What matters is the effort you're putting into bettering yourself," she encouraged, reaching out to gently touch his hand. "Sohee, you've come a long way from where we started. I've seen your growth, and your efforts to change and become a better person. I've watched you evolve, and it's hard not to appreciate the progress you've made," Y/N confessed, her gaze reflecting genuine admiration.

He managed a small smile, appreciating her kind words. "Thank you for being so understanding. You have such a big heart. I know I've hurt you with my rudeness. I didn't deserve your understanding, especially when you were just trying to be kind. I'm sorry for that," Sohee sincerely apologized, his eyes conveying remorse.

She chuckled, "Well, you've always been my favorite member in Riize, you know? There's always been something about you that drew me in. But now, it's not just attraction; it's a genuine liking for the person you've become. I find you attractive, not just physically, but as a whole."

Sohee, taken aback by her confession, couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth. Her words resonated with him on a profound level, sparking a newfound appreciation for the connection they shared.

"You know, you can stop apologizing. I really do understand that you regret how you treated me," Y/N stated. 

"Sorry-I mean. Sorry, I keep apologizing. Thank you Y/N, for being a great person. You are truly amazing," Sohee's words shifted from apologetic to gratitude. 

"Thank you, Sohee. Let's try to move past everything. Starting from now, let's treat each other how we have wanted to treat each other, promise?" Y/N holds out her pinky.

Sohee smiled, a genuine warmth spreading across his face. "Promise," he affirmed, intertwining his pinky with hers. The symbolic gesture sealed their agreement to move forward, leaving behind the shadows of their past interactions.

As they shared a moment of connection, Sohee's eyes sparkled with newfound optimism. "To help us move on, I would like to learn more about you. Can I take you out on a date?" he hesitantly asked, a touch of vulnerability in his voice.

Y/N, pleasantly surprised, couldn't suppress a grin. "A date? Yeah, I'd like that," she replied, her eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and curiosity.

"Great! I'll plan something special," Sohee assured her, enthusiasm bubbling within him. The prospect of a date with Y/N, free from the complications of their initial interactions, filled him with anticipation.

Y/N chuckled, "I'm looking forward to it, Sohee."

Then a moment of silence stained the room, both Y/N and Sohee were unsure of what to say next. Y/N took this as a good opportunity to exit the conversation. 

"Oh, look at the time. I should prepare for bed, I need to catch up on some sleep. You should too," she suggested. Sohee agreed and both waved each other goodbye.

As Y/N made her way back to her room, Anton and Seunghan were in the hallway and froze when they saw her. Both wore faces of curiosity, knowing that Sohee would confess. Y/N, saving them the trouble, told them that they talked about their feelings. Anton and Seunghan, both still not reassured, asked how it went, in which, she gave them a thumbs up and a large smile. Anton and Seunghan sighed in relief, patting each other in joy. 

She opened the door to her room and Eunseok was laying on his bed with his phone in his hand. He instantly looked up, with the same curious look as Seunghan and Anton. Again, saving him the trouble, she gave a thumbs up and he nodded nonchalantly. 

"So, do you like him back?" Eunseok asked bluntly. Y/N nodded, a bit shyly, and Eunseok nodded nonchalantly again. 

"Great, that's good to hear," Eunseok sighed in relief, resuming to scrolling through his phone.


author's note: hi again, i took this chapter and last chapter as ways to express more of y/n's, sohee's and sungchan's true feelings. i hope these chapters cleared up some unclear parts. to reiterate, this is my first story ever ever so plz forgive any parts that seemed unclear!! honestly, if there was a sohee pov part, it would clear up why sohee acts the way he does and how he even started developing feelings for y/n, but i shall not do that cuz that is a lot of work lmao. 

but just know that he develops feelings for y/n because of her resilience, he found her attractive at first that is why he viewed her as a threat and 'hated' her, and ofc started to like her more due to his jealousy... i hope that made sense! UGH  i cannot wait to write about their cute date. i don't think i will ever write a enemies to lovers again, it is so hard y'all idk how ppl do it LMAO

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