Chapter 14: Accidental Sleepover

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After their shared laughter, while doing the dishes, Y/N and Sohee walked to his room to find Anton, who was scrolling through TikTok on his bed. Sohee proposed to play Roblox again, with Y/N, so he escorted her to his room after making a stop to Y/N's room to grab her laptop.

Sohee, with a welcoming gesture, addressed Y/N, "There's a spot right here for you." He patted the inviting expanse on his bed, creating a makeshift gaming haven for the two of them. The room buzzed with an effortless camaraderie, and the backdrop of Roblox adventures seemed to promise an evening filled with laughter and shared triumphs.

With their laptops open, Y/N and Sohee settled into a comfortable position on Sohee's bed, their shoulders casually brushing against each other. The soft glow of the laptop screens illuminated their faces as they delved into the virtual world of Roblox, ready for rounds of the duo obby adventure. Laughter filled the room, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

As they navigated through the virtual world of Roblox, the colorful graphics of the game unfolded before them. The duo's obby adventure began with a whimsical landscape of floating platforms, each presenting a challenge that required teamwork.

"So, are you ready?" Sohee grinned, his eyes reflecting the determination to conquer the virtual obstacles.

Y/N matched his enthusiasm with a nod. "Yes!"

Their characters, clad in virtual gear, stood side by side at the starting point. The first challenge loomed ahead – a series of precarious platforms suspended in the air. Sohee took the lead, holding down the button to create a stable pathway for Y/N to follow.

"Alright, step on, Y/N!" Sohee instructed, a playful grin on his face.

Y/N cautiously hopped onto the first platform, her character teetering on the edge. Sohee skillfully timed the button press, ensuring she landed safely. Laughter erupted as they celebrated their small victory.

As they progressed, the obstacles grew more intricate. Y/N took her turn at holding down the button, creating pathways for Sohee to navigate. Their communication flowed seamlessly, a symphony of laughter and strategizing filling the room.

"Sohee, I think we can make that jump together," Y/N suggested, her character standing at the edge of a platform.

Sohee, trusting her judgment, leaped in tandem with Y/N's character. For a moment, it seemed as if they might miss the mark, but they landed side by side, triumphantly exchanging glances.The virtual world mirrored their genuine connection, and with each level, their laughter echoed, creating a delightful ambiance. As they conquered challenges together, the shared joy intensified, building a bond that extended beyond the confines of the game.
Navigating through the challenging parkour levels, Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the game. "This is ridiculous," she remarked, deftly steering her character away from a virtual pitfall. Sohee, equally amused, agreed wholeheartedly, "It's fun playing with you though. We are doing pretty well."

Approaching a crucial point in the game, Y/N made an unfortunate misstep, leading to their characters tumbling back a level. Sohee, in mock horror, let out a playful scream before flicking her forehead with a teasing smile. Y/N responded with a giggle and a quick apology, "Oops, my bad."

Sohee, still smiling, reassured her, "No worries, we got this. We are almost there." His eyes sparkled with genuine enjoyment as he shared, "I haven't had this much fun gaming before."

Anton, while scrolling through TikTok, discreetly observed the playful dynamic between Sohee and Y/N. The camaraderie and laughter that echoed in the room were not lost on him, and he couldn't help but silently appreciate the adorable connection developing before his eyes.

As the night wore on, the laughter and cheers from Sohee and Y/N continued to resonate in Sohee's room. Anton, finally succumbing to the weariness, had bid them goodnight and retreated to his dreams. The room, now dimly lit by the glow of the laptop screens, became an intimate sanctuary for Sohee and Y/N.

The clock mercilessly ticked away, and soon it was well past 1 a.m. Their characters in Roblox were still navigating challenges, but the banter between Sohee and Y/N had shifted to hushed whispers, a shared secret in the quietude of the night.

Y/N, her eyes heavy but spirits high, leaned closer to Sohee. "We've been at this for hours. Are you getting tired?"

Sohee chuckled softly, the fatigue evident in his voice. "I can keep going if you can."

Y/N nodded and expressed, "I want to keep going, with you."

As they continued playing, the weariness eventually caught up to them. Y/N stifled a yawn, and Sohee's eyes drooped in exhaustion. Their characters stumbled through the virtual world, mirroring the gradual descent into drowsiness in the real one. In a quiet moment between levels, Y/N's head gently leaned against Sohee's shoulder, her eyes fluttering closed. Sohee, sensing her fatigue, instinctively shifted to accommodate her, allowing her to find a more comfortable position. Their characters stood still in the game as if mirroring the peaceful tableau that unfolded in the room.

As their characters stood frozen in the virtual world, Sohee and Y/N found themselves gradually enveloped by the comfort of each other's presence. The laptop screens cast a soft glow, illuminating the tranquil scene in Sohee's room. Sohee, feeling a shared sense of weariness, shifted his weight to create a makeshift pillow for Y/N. With a gentle touch, Y/N's fingers found a natural place on Sohee's forearm, a subtle connection that mirrored the camaraderie they had forged through pixels and laughter.

Sohee, embracing the newfound intimacy, adjusted his posture to ensure Y/N's comfort. Their bodies settled into a harmonious rhythm, nestled on the bed in a configuration that seemed almost choreographed by the quiet symphony of the night.
The room, once filled with the energetic clatter of gaming, now resonated with a profound stillness. Sohee's breaths synchronized with the gentle rise and fall of Y/N's shoulders. The warmth they shared transcended the pixels of the game, creating a cocoon of serenity in the dimly lit room.

The two drifted into a contented slumber, their avatars forgotten in the virtual world as they found solace in the gentle warmth of each other's presence. The room, once filled with the lively energy of gaming, now embraced the serene stillness of a shared dreamland.

The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the serene scene in Sohee's room. As the room slowly woke to the dawning day, Y/N and Sohee remained nestled in a peaceful slumber, their bodies still intertwined as if gravity itself conspired to keep them close.The room held a gentle aroma, a blend of the faint remnants of laughter from the night before and the comfort that lingers when genuine connections are forged. The morning sun painted their peaceful tableau with a golden hue, creating a scene that felt almost ethereal.

The room's tranquility, however, faced an abrupt interruption as Anton's blaring alarm pierced through the serene atmosphere. He groggily fumbled to turn it off, but his reluctance to embrace the new day echoed with each insistent ring. Y/N, roused from her comfortable cocoon, couldn't ignore the disturbance. With a slight grumble, she disentangled herself from Sohee's embrace and glided across the room.

The alarm's shrill cries persisted, and with a swift motion, Y/N silenced it. The room, now free from the invasive sound, returned to its peaceful state. However, not content with a simple victory, Y/N seized a nearby pillow and expertly tossed it at Anton.

"Get up, lazy! Your alarm was so annoying," she exclaimed, a playful glint in her eyes. Anton, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, was momentarily perplexed by Y/N's presence in the room.

"Why are you here?" he asked, half-awake and befuddled.

Y/N, snapping back into reality, "Oh my god, I think I might've accidentally fallen asleep playing Roblox with Sohee."

Anton's confusion dissipated as he glanced toward the still-slumbering Sohee. A shared realization unfolded, and Sohee, too, stirred from his sleep, his eyes meeting Y/N's with a mix of surprise and amusement. 

"Oh, good morning," Sohee greeted while rubbing the crust from his eyes off. Y/N gave a slightly awkward wave and greeted him back.

Then persistent knocking echoed through the room, disrupting the morning calm. Y/N, now fully awake, made her way to the door and opened it to reveal a disheveled Eunseok, his hair sticking out in all directions like Megumi from Jujutsu Kaisen.

"Y/N! There you are! Are you okay? I woke up, and you weren't in the room. I thought something happened!" he exclaimed, a hint of concern etched on his face.

Y/N chuckled, "Relax, Eunseok. I was just in Sohee's room playing Roblox. I fell asleep here, sorry roomie."

Eunseok's expression shifted from worry to relief, and he let out a sigh. "Thank goodness. Well, we're leaving in 20 minutes. Get ready, all of you," he instructed before turning to leave.

Y/N nodded in acknowledgment, and as soon as Eunseok departed, she turned to Anton and Sohee, a sense of urgency in her voice. "We need to get ready for work. Twenty minutes, guys!"

The trio rushed to a bathroom, each occupied with their morning routine. Amidst the flurry of brushing teeth, fixing hair, and choosing the right outfits, the time from the night before seamlessly transitioned into the tasks of a new day. As the clock ticked down, they emerged from the bathroom, ready to face the day.

author's note: honestly i have to admit this was such a cute chapter!!!

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