Chapter 6: Day Off

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The dorm was alive with the slow, leisurely rhythm of a day off. Wonbin and Anton had ventured out for a bit of shopping around town, while Shotaro and Sungchan had taken the opportunity to visit a friend. Left behind in the dorm were Eunseok, Sohee, Y/N, and Seunghan, each with their plans for the day.

Y/N and Eunseok were the first to wake up around 11 a.m. Y/N, feeling the freedom of a day off, decided to indulge in a relaxing morning. After a quick shower, she slipped into a comfortable set of new pajamas, a small luxury she had treated herself to recently. With the promise of a lazy day ahead, she was excited to unwind in the familiar surroundings of the dorm.

Making her way downstairs to the kitchen, Y/N caught wind of a conversation in progress. Sohee and Seunghan were engaged in laughter, engrossed in a discussion about Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen memes. Y/N couldn't help but smile at the camaraderie, but her excitement faltered when she saw Sohee in the mix.

Deciding to play it cool, Y/N waved at Seunghan and greeted him with a cheerful "Good morning." Seunghan returned the greeting with equal enthusiasm, but Y/N chose to ignore Sohee, who was still engrossed in the conversation. Seunghan, ever observant, noticed the subtle tension and shot Sohee a pointed look, almost forcing him to acknowledge Y/N.

Sohee, relenting, muttered a begrudging "Good morning," earning a satisfied smirk from Seunghan. Y/N, maintaining her nonchalant demeanor, stayed silent as she joined them in the kitchen.

Eunseok, walking in with a yawn and a stretch, opened the fridge to fetch some milk for his cereal. He greeted each person in the room individually, a habit of his that reflected his considerate nature. Y/N, opting for leftovers from the previous night, settled at the table alongside Sohee, Seunghan, and Eunseok.

Seunghan, taking the lead in the conversation, expressed his excitement about staying home for the day. Sohee chimed in, talking about his plans to immerse himself in a video game. Intrigued, Y/N couldn't help but ask, "Oh, what game do you play"

Sohee, side-eyeing Y/N with a hint of mystery, chose to keep his cards close to his chest. Eunseok answered on Sohee's behalf, "He's into League of Legends."

Y/N, letting out a playful laugh, teased Sohee, "Really? League of Legends? That's pretty lame."Sohee shot her a look, his pride momentarily stung. Undeterred, he turned the tables, asking Y/N if she played any video games herself.

Casually, she responded, "I dabble in Honkai Star Rail and play Roblox sometimes."
Eunseok, finding the conversation amusing, joined in with a laugh, "My little brother loves Roblox. He bullies kids on there or something."

Y/N chuckled and added, "Yeah, I do the same. It's all in good fun."

Seunghan, finding the banter entertaining, decided to keep the mood light. "Well, at least you're having fun. What's the harm in that?" he remarked.

Sohee, still feeling a bit wounded by Y/N's teasing, retorted, "Playing Roblox is pretty lame, you know."

Y/N and Sohee maintained a brief, tense silence, the air thick with unspoken words. Sensing the need to diffuse the tension, Seunghan and Eunseok quickly jumped in, suggesting they all play Roblox together to lighten the mood.

"Come on, it'll be fun! A little gaming session to kick off our day off," Seunghan encouraged.Eunseok, ever the peacemaker, added, "Yeah, it's been a while since we've all played something together. Let's do it."

Reluctantly, Sohee agreed, realizing it might be a good way to shift the focus away from the mild confrontation. Y/N, willing to go along with the suggestion, nodded, "Sure, why not? It's been ages since I've played with others."

The living room was transformed into a makeshift gaming hub, with Y/N, Eunseok, Sohee, and Seunghan forming a square formation on the floor. Laptops were perched on lap tables as the group prepared for a gaming session on this lazy day off.

Seunghan, ever the instigator of mischief, suggested a horror game to spice up their day. "How about we play something spooky? It's been a while since we got scared together," he proposed with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Eunseok and Y/N exchanged amused glances before nodding in agreement. Sohee, though hesitant, didn't want to admit his fear of horror games. With a nonchalant shrug, he said, "Sure, why not? I can handle a little scare."

Seunghan grinned and quickly set up the game, making sure everyone was ready for the impending fright fest. As the game loaded, eerie music filled the room, setting the stage for the horror adventure they were about to embark on.

The premise of the game was simple: escape a scary monster within a 15-minute time limit.

Eunseok, having played the game before, took the lead in guiding the group through the haunted landscape.
Seated on the floor in their designated spots, laptops open, the tension was palpable as the game began. The group controlled their characters, running through dimly lit corridors and avoiding the ominous monster lurking in the shadows.

Eunseok, cool under pressure, calmly directed them, "Okay, turn left here, avoid that room, and head towards the flickering lights."

Seunghan and Y/N, however, were not as composed. Every sudden noise or flicker of movement made them yelp in fear, much to Sohee's amusement.

"Guys, chill! It's just a game," Sohee teased, trying to downplay his unease.

Seunghan, gripping his laptop with a nervous chuckle, replied, "Easy for you to say, Sohee! This thing is scary!"

The group continued to navigate through the virtual labyrinth, and as the minutes ticked away, the tension heightened. Y/N, in particular, found herself in close encounters with the virtual monster more than once, each instance accompanied by a startled yelp.

"Okay, seriously, can we hurry up? I don't want to be haunted by this thing in my dreams," Sohee urged, his nonchalance waning.

Eunseok, maintaining his calm demeanor, guided them towards the exit point. "Just a few more turns, guys. We're almost there."

Seunghan and Y/N, feeling the pressure, quickened their pace, occasionally stumbling over their own virtual feet. Sohee, though seemingly unfazed, was secretly relieved each time they narrowly avoided the monster.

As the timer reached the final minutes, everyone except Y/N managed to reach the exit point. Frustration painted her face as she wandered through the virtual darkness.

"Come on, Y/N, you can do it! Just head straight and take a right," Seunghan encouraged, watching her struggle.

Sohee, unable to resist the urge to tease, chimed in, "Maybe if you weren't screaming every two seconds, you could focus better."

Y/N shot him a playful glare, "Easy for you to say, you say you aren't scared of things like this but I see you flinch every so often."

The room was filled with the eerie ambiance of the horror game, and as the tension peaked, Sohee found himself standing behind Y/N, watching her struggle to navigate the dark corridors. The glow of the laptop illuminated her focused expression, unaware of Sohee's proximity. Unable to resist the opportunity to both tease and assist, Sohee moved closer, his eyes darting between Y/N's screen and the virtual dangers lurking in the game. He cleared his throat, breaking the silence.

"Here, just follow this path," he said, his voice low and oddly intimate as he pointed out the virtual route.

Y/N, feeling his body close behind her, couldn't help but freeze for a moment. The room seemed to shrink, and she became acutely aware of Sohee's warmth radiating from his body. His breath, gentle and close, grazed the back of her neck as he continued to guide her character through the digital maze.

As Y/N followed Sohee's instructions, she felt the subtle movement of air caused by his proximity. His hands, occasionally gesturing towards her laptop, brushed against her shoulders. The pulsating tension of the horror game became entwined with an unexpected intimacy, creating a moment suspended in the virtual realm.

Eunseok and Seunghan, observing from their screens, exchanged intrigued glances. The playful banter that had characterized the earlier part of the game was replaced by a hushed atmosphere as if the virtual world had transcended into the real one.

Sohee, despite his usual nonchalance, couldn't deny the palpable connection that seemed to have formed between them. His heart, echoing in the confined space, betrayed a hint of vulnerability beneath the surface. Y/N, on the other hand, felt a strange mix of exhilaration and uncertainty. Sohee's proximity had stirred something within her, a subtle shift in the dynamics of their interactions. The virtual scares seemed to pale in comparison to the real-life tension hanging between them.

As they approached the final moments of the game, Y/N's character successfully reached the exit point. The victory was met with cheers from Seunghan and Eunseok, but Sohee lingered behind, a peculiar mix of emotions etched across his features. With the game concluded, Sohee slowly stepped back, creating a physical distance that mirrored the newfound awareness lingering in the air. Y/N, turning around to face him, was met with his characteristic smirk, a playful facade concealing the complexities that had briefly surfaced.

"Looks like you made it out alive," he remarked, his tone casual yet holding a trace of the shared experience.

Y/N, attempting to regain her composure, chuckled nervously, "Thanks to your expert guidance, sir."

The room, once charged with an unexpected intimacy, shifted back to a more familiar camaraderie. Eunseok and Seunghan, ever attuned to the dynamics of the group, subtly redirected the conversation to lighter topics, allowing everyone to ease back into the relaxed atmosphere of their day off.

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