Chapter 8: Dance Practice

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The following day at Riize started with Y/N getting ready for work. She went through her morning routine, trying to shake off the lingering unease from the previous night's confrontation with Sohee. As she walked into the kitchen to grab some breakfast, she was met with the lively presence of Sungchan, who greeted her with a wide smile.

"Morning, Y/N! How'd you sleep?" Sungchan asked, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. Y/N returned the greeting, appreciating Sungchan's positive energy. They sat down to eat breakfast together, chatting amicably. Sungchan's animated conversation and genuine interest in her well-being made Y/N forget about the tension with Sohee, if only for a moment.

Unbeknownst to Y/N, Wonbin and Shotaro observed the interaction from a distance. They exchanged glances and shared a subtle nod, silently acknowledging the noticeable camaraderie between Y/N and Sungchan. Shotaro, in particular, couldn't conceal the hint of jealousy in his eyes.

Sohee entered the kitchen with Anton, both grabbing cereal without acknowledging Y/N's presence. The air was thick with tension as Sohee intentionally avoided eye contact. Y/N reciprocated, focusing on her breakfast while the unspoken tension simmered.

As the group headed to the dance studio for a full-day practice, Y/N found herself in a meeting with the Riize managers. She diligently provided updates on each member's well-being at home. Anton's disciplined morning routine and positive demeanor were highlighted, while Eunseok's recent fatigue and grogginess were expressed concern. The managers appreciated Y/N's insights, promptly texting Eunseok a suggestion to go for a morning walk for a refreshing start.

With the meeting concluded, Y/N had an hour before Riize finished their practice. Deciding to check in on the members, she entered the dance studio to find them exhausted from their intense session. A friendly giggle escaped her lips as she observed their tired but determined expressions.

Sungchan, still catching his breath, approached Y/N and took a seat beside her on the couch. Y/N complimented his hard work and dedication, to which Sungchan nodded, his eyes reflecting both exhaustion and pride. 

"So... What did you do today for work?" Sungchan's question hung in the air, his eyes fixed on Y/N with genuine curiosity. She smiled, appreciating the friendly exchange.

"Oh, just the usual," she replied, the warmth of Sungchan's presence making the conversation easy. "I had a meeting with the managers, checking in on everyone's well-being at home. Eunseok got a suggestion for a morning walk, by the way."

Sungchan nodded a playful glint in his eyes. "A morning walk, huh? Sounds healthy. Maybe I should consider that too."

Y/N chuckled, "It's not a bad idea. You know, to keep up that energy for the dance moves."
Sungchan grinned, his personality shining through with a mix of shyness and humor. "True, true. Gotta stay in top shape. By the way, how do you manage working with Riize? It must be quite an experience."

Y/N leaned back, considering his question. "It's interesting. I mean, I get to see all the hard work you guys put into your performances. And managing the little details to make sure everything runs smoothly is a challenge, but it's rewarding."

Sungchan listened intently, his eyes never leaving Y/N. "Sounds like a lot of responsibility, but you handle it well. And you're always around to cheer us on. That means a lot."

Y/N felt a warmth spreading in her chest, appreciating Sungchan's sincere acknowledgment. "Well, you guys make it easy. Your dedication and passion for what you do inspire me."

As they continued chatting, Shotaro and Wonbin entered the dance studio, calling everyone back together for the final hour of practice. Sungchan, ever respectful, excused himself with a polite smile.

"It was great talking to you, Y/N. I'll be back soon, so don't go anywhere," Sungchan said, leaving Y/N with a lingering impression of his friendly and considerate personality.

As Sungchan joined the others, Sohee, who had been observing the interaction from a distance, shot glares at Y/N and Sungchan. His eyes betrayed a mix of jealousy and irritation, sensing a connection forming between them.

Y/N, oblivious to Sohee's scrutiny, watched Sungchan leave with a smile. The dance studio buzzed with energy once again as Riize prepared for the final stretch of their practice. As the members began their choreography, each step was a testament to the countless hours of practice and dedication that echoed through the room. She couldn't help but marvel at the seamless synchronization, the collective heartbeat of a group bonded by a shared passion. The thump of the bass and the fluidity of their movements painted an intricate dance tapestry, and Y/N found herself entranced by the artistry unfolding before her.

Her eyes darted from one member to another, catching the individual nuances that made each dancer unique. Sungchan's powerful and confident rap resonated with an infectious energy, while Eunseok's graceful moves and charismatic presence held the studio in a captivating spell. Seunghan's fluidity, Anton's precision, Wonbin's charisma, and Shotaro's bright energy added layers to the performance, creating a visual symphony that left Y/N in awe. Sohee, with a mix of elegance and intensity, completed the ensemble. As she watched their harmonious dance, Y/N's admiration deepened, not just for their skill but for the bonds that tied them together, forging a team within the confines of the dance studio. The dedication and passion radiating from each member painted a vivid picture of Riize's commitment to their craft, and Y/N couldn't help but feel privileged to witness this extraordinary display of talent and camaraderie.

After 30 minutes, Anton screamed for a break. All the members decided to take a 10-minute break, leaving 20 minutes left for dancing. As the break was announced, Riize members dispersed across the dance studio, finding spots to catch their breath and recharge. Sungchan, always prompt and eager, made a beeline for Y/N, who was still sitting on the couch. He wore a hopeful smile as he approached her, looking for validation in her feedback.

"Hey, Y/N! How did you like our dance?" Sungchan asked, his eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and a hint of nervousness.

Y/N grinned, appreciating his enthusiasm. "You guys were fantastic! The coordination, the energy – it's all on point."

Sungchan's face lit up with satisfaction, and he couldn't help but ask with a touch of playfulness, "Were you paying attention to me?"

Y/N responded in a teasing yet positive tone, "Well, mostly you. I had my eye on you, Sungchan."

Sungchan, a blush creeping onto his cheeks, looked down with a shy smile. "That's good. It feels like I'm working harder when I know you're watching."

Y/N felt a warm flutter in her chest at Sungchan's sincere words. Before their conversation could deepen, Shotaro called Sungchan over, diverting his attention. "Hey, Sungchan, can we talk about adding a new hand motion to our dance?"

Sungchan turned to Y/N, a regretful expression on his face. "I'll be back shortly, okay? Don't go anywhere!"

Nodding, Y/N watched as Sungchan joined Shotaro for their dance discussion. Anton, seizing the opportunity to engage with her, approached Y/N, who was stretching on the couch. They exchanged a few words about how proud Y/N was of Anton's improvement in dancing. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the positive rapport she was building with each member.

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