Chapter 17: Special Date

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Waking up to the soft glow of morning, Y/N found herself facing another day of work in the familiar hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry. After a quick routine of getting ready, she made her way to the communal kitchen. Sungchan was already there, and their interactions held a hint of residual awkwardness, a silent echo of the recent heart-to-heart they had shared.
The atmosphere within the dorm was unexpectedly upbeat. The members exchanged smiles and light-hearted banter, seemingly unburdened by any lingering tension. Sohee, ever thoughtful, approached Y/N with a warm smile, presenting her with a neatly wrapped bundle.
"I made this for you," Sohee said, handing her the mystery gift.

Curiosity sparked in Y/N's eyes as she unwrapped the gift, revealing a meticulously crafted beagle-shaped pastry. She looked up at Sohee, genuinely touched. "Wow, Sohee, this looks yummy! Thank you!"

Sohee's face lit up with satisfaction, his effort appreciated. "I'm glad you like it."
With the delightful beagle pastry in hand, Y/N joined Sohee at the kitchen table. As she savored the treat, their conversation drifted into the realm of dreams. Sohee listened attentively, his laughter punctuating the air at the whimsical details Y/N shared. 

Then Sohee chirped up as he remembered to tell Y/N to not eat dinner. Confused, Y/N asked why but then she backtracked and remembered last night, he wanted to plan a date with her. She agreed and promised to not eat dinner for him.

Sohee's request to skip dinner lingered in Y/N's mind as she navigated through the day's work at the SM Entertainment building. The hours melted away in a whirlwind of meetings and coordination with department representatives. Y/N found herself engrossed in the responsibilities usually shouldered by the manager. The dance and vocal practice rooms buzzed with activity as Riize honed their skills under the watchful eye of their dance instructor.

Around 6 pm, Y/N was finally excused from her meetings. She headed to the dance room to check up on the members, only to find it empty. Concerned, she quickly texted the manager to confirm that he had taken them back to the dorm. His response reassured her, mentioning that Shotaro would drive over to bring her back.

Texting her thanks to the manager, Y/N called Shotaro to coordinate their meeting. His voice came through the phone, the sounds of a car subtly humming in the background. He assured her that he'd be at the front door in five minutes. Y/N agreed and headed outside to wait for him.The cool evening air greeted her as she stood near the entrance, anticipation building as she wondered about Sohee's surprise. The soft glow of the building's lights created a tranquil atmosphere, making her eager to discover the evening's secrets.

As Shotaro parked in front of the building, Y/N hopped into the passenger seat, her curiosity piqued. To her surprise, he handed her a stunning black dress and a pair of heels from the backseat. The dress was a masterpiece, revealing yet elegant, with intricate designs that accentuated her figure. Its fabric shimmered in the dim light, casting an enchanting allure.

"Why are you giving me a dress?" Y/N asked, holding it up with a puzzled expression.

Shotaro grinned, "You'll see. Go ahead and change. I'll wait."

Accepting the mysterious turn of events, Y/N ventured back into the building, finding her way to the bathroom. As she changed into the dress and slipped on the heels, she couldn't help but admire the intricate details that made the outfit uniquely hers.

Returning to the car, Shotaro smiled at the transformation. "You look stunning, Y/N."

But the surprises didn't end there. He began driving to an empty parking lot, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and suspicion. "Why are we here?"

Shotaro turned to her, his expression calm. "I just want to do your makeup, that's all."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "Makeup? I have to meet Sohee, though."

Shotaro nodded, "Exactly."

Curiosity and caution warred within her, but she agreed. "Fine, but make it quick. Sohee's waiting."

He handed her a hair tie and instructed, "Put your hair back."

As she complied, he revealed a neatly organized set of skincare items—a face cleanser, a bucket with water, and hand wipes—all strategically arranged to allow her to freshen up without the risk of spreading germs.

"Okay, let's make sure you look perfect for your date," Shotaro said with a mischievous grin, diving into the impromptu makeup session.

Shotaro delicately took out a compact mirror and positioned it so Y/N could catch a glimpse of the process. The soft hum of a melody played from the car stereo, creating an atmosphere of intimacy within the confined space. He held a palette of eyeshadows, choosing colors that complemented the mysterious allure of her dress.

"Can I do a peachy eye look with glitter? It'll match the vibe of that stunning dress," Shotaro suggested, his fingers deftly blending shadows like an artist applying strokes to a canvas. The eyeshadows, reminiscent of a sunset, melded seamlessly, creating a sultry gaze that mirrored the evening's allure.

He leaned back to assess his work, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Perfect."

Next came the eyeliner, his touch precise yet gentle. The pencil danced across her lash line like a dancer tracing elegant movements. "Your eyes are beautiful."

As he reached for the mascara, he spoke, "Wow, your eyelashes are cute."

The mascara wand swirled through her lashes, accentuating each one like the stars in a night sky. Y/N glanced at the compact mirror, witnessing the transformation unfolding before her.

"Now, the lips," Shotaro announced, selecting a soft, pink color with a hint of magenta. As he applied the color, he complimented how soft her lips were.

"There we go," he remarked, admiring the finished look. He handed her a hairbrush for her, "Do your hair while I drive," he requested.

The car's interior seemed to glow with a newfound radiance, matching the luminosity of Y/N's transformed appearance. Shotaro's eyes sparkled with pride as he beheld the masterpiece he had created, a testament to the beauty found within spontaneity and unexpected moments.

The sleek car glided through the city, and soon, Shotaro pulled up to a hidden gem – a high-end restaurant tucked away from the bustling crowds. Its exterior was unassuming, a deliberate disguise for the luxurious haven that lay within. A discreet sign marked its entrance, betraying nothing of the culinary wonderland beyond.

As Y/N stepped out of the car, she took in the opulent surroundings. The restaurant exuded an air of exclusivity, with dimmed lights casting a soft glow over plush furnishings and elegant decor. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting reflections that danced across the polished surfaces.

A waiter, impeccably dressed, greeted Y/N with a warm smile and guided her through the maze of tables to a private enclave reserved for the evening. The scent of gourmet cuisine wafted through the air, tantalizing her senses. The hushed ambiance and the distant hum of conversation created an intimate atmosphere, amplifying the sense of seclusion.

And there, in the heart of this culinary sanctuary, was Sohee. Dressed in a handsome suit that accentuated his refined taste, he sat at the elegantly set table. His hair was neatly styled, a testament to the effort he had put into the evening. A genuine smile lit up his face as he caught sight of Y/N approaching.

The waiter pulled out the seat for her with a graceful flourish, a gesture that spoke volumes about the restaurant's commitment to exceptional service. Sohee, momentarily struck speechless by Y/N's stunning appearance, managed to stammer out a compliment about her beauty. She graciously accepted, returning the sentiment by noting how handsome he looked in his suit.

As they settled into their seats, the waiter presented them with menus – a carefully curated selection that promised an exquisite culinary journey. 

"Wow... You look incredibly beautiful," Sohee complimented again. Y/N laughed, thanking him for the compliment. "You are the most beautiful person I have seen," Sohee admits.

Y/N raises an eyebrow, "Hmm... Chaewon exists, Wonyoung exists, Wonbin exists-"

"You are more beautiful than them," he cuts her off, "I am serious."

Y/N's cheeks warmed with a blush, and a playful smile curled at the corners of her lips. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Sohee," she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement. The waiter discreetly disappeared, allowing them to peruse the enticing menu.

As they navigated through the culinary options, Sohee's eyes never strayed far from Y/N. The dim lighting of the restaurant cast a soft glow on their faces, highlighting the warmth in Sohee's eyes as he gazed at her. The air was charged with an undercurrent of something more than just a casual dinner.

"So, why did you arrange such a fancy date?" Y/N asked, her curiosity piqued as she set the menu aside.

Sohee leaned back, a subtle smile playing on his lips. "I wanted to give you the best of the best, and see you like this~."

Y/N's heart fluttered at his sincerity. "Thank you for putting this together. I am glad you did this because I can see you in a suit."
The waiter returned, ready to take their orders. Sohee, ever the gentleman, insisted on selecting a variety of dishes for them to share. The table soon filled with culinary delights – a feast for the senses.

As they indulged in the exquisite fare, their conversation flowed effortlessly. Sohee shared anecdotes about the group's day, peppered with playful banter and laughter. The ambiance of the restaurant, coupled with the delightful company, created a perfect tapestry for the evening.

"So, what's your favorite part of the day so far?" Y/N asked, sipping on a glass of a fruity drink.

Sohee pondered for a moment before answering, "Right now, this moment. It's rare to have such a peaceful and beautiful evening. And of course, being here with you."

As the first course arrived, plated with artistic precision, Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the presentation. Y/N took a forkful and savored the explosion of flavors. "Ah~ this is amazing."

After Y/N took the first bite of the main course, a tender moment unfolded between her and Sohee. As the rich flavors danced on her palate, she looked up to find Sohee watching her intently, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Sohee grinned, his eyes lighting up with satisfaction. "Glad you like it."

The ambiance of the restaurant seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a bubble of shared connection. Sohee's gaze, filled with a warmth that mirrored the candlelight, conveyed a silent understanding. In that moment, words became unnecessary, replaced by a quiet acknowledgment of the beauty in simple pleasures.

Sohee, appreciating the genuine delight on Y/N's face, couldn't help but feel a flutter in his own heart. It wasn't just the culinary masterpiece before them that made the evening special; it was the shared experience, the unspoken connection deepening with each passing moment.
As they sipped from their glasses, the world outside the restaurant ceased to exist for a moment. It was just Y/N and Sohee, caught in the enchantment of the evening, hearts fluttering in tandem with the delicate dance of flavors on their tongues.
As they continued to enjoy the array of dishes, a playful atmosphere settled between them. Y/N, feeling a bit mischievous, seized the opportunity when a dessert arrived – a delicate chocolate creation that looked too pretty to eat.

"Sohee, you should take the first bite. It's too perfect; I don't want to ruin it," she teased, a twinkle in her eye.

He raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge accepted. "Okay." Sohee picked up a spoon, carefully scooping a portion of the dessert. Just as he was about to take a bite, Y/N swiftly reached over and flicked a bit of the chocolate onto his nose.

Their laughter echoed in the elegant ambiance of the restaurant as Sohee looked at her with mock offense, "Wow."

She grinned, unapologetic. "Oops."

Sohee, after wiping the chocolate off his nose, shook his head with a laugh.

"Oops." He dipped his spoon into the dessert and flicked a bit of chocolate back at her.Their impromptu food fight continued, creating a lighthearted moment that transcended the confines of their sophisticated surroundings. In that shared laughter and playful exchange, a new layer was added to the growing connection between Y/N and Sohee – a memory sweetened by the taste of chocolate and the joy of shared spontaneity.

As they savored the last bites of the exquisite dessert, Sohee set his spoon down and took a deep breath. The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow on his face as he mustered the courage to express what had been on his mind.

"Y/N," he began, his eyes locking onto hers, "I've been wanting to tell you something."

Her heart raced as she anticipated what he was about to say. The air seemed to thicken with the weight of his unspoken words.

"If it's okay with you, I want to be your boyfriend, Y/N," Sohee confessed, a mix of nervousness and sincerity in his voice. Y/N's eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed with surprise.

"Wh-what?" she stammered, caught off guard by the unexpected revelation.

Sohee continued, "I can't stand the thought of someone else making moves on you while you're single. Like with Sungchan."

Y/N chuckled, "Sungchan? Oh, he confessed to me. I couldn't return my feelings for him so we decided to stay as friends."

Sohee's eyes widened, "Oh, wow. That's good to hear."

There was a moment of silence before Sohee continued, "I really like you, Y/N. And I would love if I could continue to shower you with love but as your boyfriend."

Y/N, still processing the confession, hesitated before asking, "What would you do as my boyfriend?"

Sohee took a moment, then with a playful grin, he began listing in a cute way, "Well, for starters, I'll send you cute good morning texts and bring you breakfast every morning. I'll make sure you never go to bed angry. I'll be your personal chef and make you heart-shaped pancakes or whatever you are craving. And of course, I'll be your biggest supporter and your number one fan in everything you do."

Y/N couldn't help but laugh at his adorable and thoughtful list. Sohee, now with a hopeful gleam in his eyes, added, "Will you let me be your boyfriend?"

Still giggling, Y/N nodded, "I would love that." Their eyes locked in a shared understanding, sealing the beginning of a new chapter in their evolving relationship.

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