Chapter 12: Performance

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The following day, Riize had a performance at Seoul National University. The college event was buzzing with anticipation, the air thick with excitement. Riize was set to perform, and the venue was filled with eager fans, their cheers resonating through the auditorium. Y/N, busy with her tasks, moved swiftly backstage, ensuring every detail was in place for the upcoming performance.

The manager, recognizing the importance of the event, worked closely with Y/N, delegating responsibilities to make the performance seamless. Y/N, focused and determined, collaborated with the camera crew to ensure every angle was captured perfectly.

As the minutes ticked down to showtime, Y/N caught a rare moment to take a sip of water and catch her breath. Sohee, brimming with anticipation, approached her, a wide grin on his face.
"Y/N! Can you believe we're performing here? I'm so excited!" Sohee exclaimed, taking a seat next to her.

Y/N, setting her water bottle down, smiled at his enthusiasm. "It's a fantastic opportunity, Sohee. You're going to rock the stage, I'm sure of it."

Sohee's eyes sparkled with appreciation. "Coming from you, that means a lot. I hope you get to enjoy the performance too."

Y/N chuckled, "Don't worry about me. I'll be running around backstage, making sure everything runs smoothly."

As Sohee soaked in her words, Sungchan, with his makeup retouched, caught Y/N's eye and silently waved. Y/N returned the subtle greeting. Sohee, observing the interaction, couldn't suppress a scoff.

Y/N, curious, arched an eyebrow. "What's with the scoff, Sohee?"

Sohee, feigning nonchalance, shrugged. "Nothing, just excited, you know."

Y/N chuckled, seeing through his facade. "Sure, Sohee. I know you're pumped up for the performance."

As the lights dimmed, Riize took the stage, the crowd erupting in cheers. Y/N, now fully immersed in her role, worked closely with the camera crew to capture the energy of the performance. The stage lit up with vibrant colors, and the members of Riize dazzled the audience with their talent.

Sohee, in the spotlight, showcased his charisma and skill, drawing cheers from the crowd. Y/N couldn't help but admire his stage presence, and her focus on the task at hand.

As the performance reached its peak, Y/N's heart raced with a mix of pride and excitement. The college event was a success, and Riize received an overwhelming response from the audience. Once the performance concluded, the members retreated backstage, breathless and exhilarated. Y/N, managing her tasks efficiently, made her way to join them.

Sohee, basking in the afterglow of the performance, sought Y/N out. "How did we do? Wasn't it amazing?"

Y/N grinned, genuinely pleased. "You all killed it! The audience loved every moment." 

As Y/N retrieved a small towel, her fingers brushed against the dampness of Sohee's forehead. The subtle contact sent a shiver down her spine, and she couldn't ignore the magnetic pull between them. The towel absorbed the beads of sweat, tracing a tantalizing path along the contours of Sohee's face. Their eyes locked, and for a suspended moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the charged atmosphere that surrounded them.

"You looked so attractive up there, Sohee," Y/N admitted, her gaze lingering on his lips for the briefest moment before returning to his eyes. Sohee, captivated by her sincerity, maintained the intense eye contact. The air crackled with an unspoken desire, and Y/N couldn't help but feel the magnetic pull intensify. Her fingertips lingered on Sohee's skin for a heartbeat longer than necessary, a silent invitation hanging in the air.

As the backstage buzzed with the distant hum of conversations and the faint echoes of the audience's applause, the tension between Y/N and Sohee escalated. Their lips seemed to itch to touch, the anticipation thickening with each passing second. Yet, before the charged moment could unfold into something more, Sungchan, all giddy and animated, barged into the scene, disrupting the delicate balance.

"Y/N! We ate that up!" Sungchan's excitement echoed backstage, pulling both Y/N and Sohee back to reality.

Sohee, taking a subtle step back, concealed the undercurrent of emotions that lingered beneath the surface. Sungchan, unaware of the palpable tension, wrapped an arm around Y/N's shoulders, inadvertently breaking the spell that had momentarily ensnared them.

"I was thinking, since we did so well, we should celebrate tonight! How about coming to my dorm room? We can order some food, maybe watch a movie, or just hang out. What do you say?" Sungchan suggested, eyes shining with anticipation.

Sohee, his gaze never leaving the duo, observed the interaction silently. Y/N, caught off guard by Sungchan's spontaneous invitation, hesitated for a moment. The unspoken tension between her and Sohee lingered, and for a split second, she felt torn between the two.

"Sure," Y/N finally agreed, attempting to diffuse the awkwardness.

Sohee, keeping his composure, simply nodded. "Sure, have fun, you two. I'll catch you later." As Sungchan led Y/N away, Sohee watched them with a poker face.

After the performance, Y/N was gracefully led into Sungchan's room, and a hushed symphony of whispers and curious glances from the other Riize members followed in her wake. Sohee, wrestling with a complex cocktail of jealousy and envy, masterfully concealed his emotions behind a mask of indifference. Yet, the palpable tension lingered beneath the surface, an unspoken discord threading its way through the air. He attempted to engage in casual banter with the others, but his mind was a turbulent sea, waves of conflicting emotions crashing against the shore of his consciousness.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Sungchan exuded his usual infectious enthusiasm. The space was transformed into a culinary haven, an enticing spread of delectable food and refreshing drinks adorning his desk. With a flourish, he pulled out a chair for Y/N, inviting her to partake in the feast. "Behold this culinary masterpiece!" Sungchan declared, a twinkle in his eye as he presented the array of dishes they had gathered on their journey back from the performance.

As Y/N settled into the chair, she suggested catching up on the latest episode of "One Piece," a proposition met with eager agreement from Sungchan. The room resonated with the muted excitement of their shared endeavor – enjoying both the culinary delights and the unfolding drama on the screen. Sungchan, unable to resist stealing glances at Y/N, was captivated by the effortless way she immersed herself in the moment.

Amid the laughter and the ambient glow of the screen, a subtle detail escaped neither Y/N nor Sungchan's notice. A small bit of food clung delicately to her cheek, an innocent accomplice to their shared delight. In an impulsive move, Sungchan extended his thumb, gently wiping away the food on her cheek. Their laughter, unbridled and genuine, harmonized with the ambiance, creating a cocoon of warmth within the confines of the room.

Outside, the whispers persisted, and the curious glances multiplied. The atmosphere, thick with intrigue, encapsulated the clandestine camaraderie developing between Y/N and Sungchan. In that small act of intimacy, a silent accord unfolded, forging a connection that transcended the boundaries of the room. They continued their culinary exploration and the unfolding drama on the screen, the shared experience deepening the connection that had begun to blossom between them.

Once the sumptuous feast concluded, Y/N graciously volunteered to tackle the aftermath, expressing her sincere gratitude for both the delectable meal and Sungchan's thoughtful setup. As she strolled out to the kitchen, her footsteps echoed in the semi-hushed atmosphere, granting the members an opportune moment to satiate their curiosity. Seizing this chance, Shotaro, with his keen observational skills, leaned in and inquired with a conspiratorial tone,  "How was hanging out with Sungchan? The food looked amazing."

Y/N's smile radiated genuine joy as she nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it was really fun. The food was delicious." The ambiance in Sungchan's room buzzed with the remnants of their shared laughter, adding to the air of mystery surrounding Y/N and Sungchan's newfound connection.

Intrigued by the dynamics at play, Shotaro then divulged a piece of information that sparked a flicker of concern in Y/N's eyes. "Sohee hasn't eaten. He said he was skipping dinner tonight. I think he's in his room."

Fueled by genuine worry for him, Y/N decided to investigate further and excused herself from the room. The hallway, normally bustling with the sounds of camaraderie, now felt unusually silent as she approached Sohee's door. Intent on checking on him, Y/N's knuckles were poised for a polite knock. However, before her hand could connect with the door, it swung open of its own accord.

The sight that greeted her was unexpected, catching both Y/N and Sohee off guard. There stood Sohee, draped in nothing but a towel, tendrils of steam escaping into the hallway from the open bathroom. Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, and a fleeting flush of embarrassment painted Sohee's features. "Oh, sorry, I thought you were one of the members," he stammered, hastily attempting to shield his semi-clad form.

"I... I was just checking if you were okay. Shotaro mentioned you didn't eat," Y/N explained, her gaze tactfully averting to respect his modesty.

Sohee, realizing his state of undress, swiftly moved to grab a shirt, his expression a blend of mild embarrassment and gratitude. "Yeah, I'll grab something later. Thanks for checking, though. I appreciate it," he managed, his eyes meeting hers with a genuine, albeit slightly flustered, smile. 

Y/N, her mind still racing from the unexpected encounter with Sohee, left his room with an awkward and flustered demeanor. The hallway felt like a corridor of judgment as she hastily made her way back to Sungchan's room. She took a moment to compose herself, her thoughts a chaotic mix of embarrassment and lingering images of Sohee's towel-clad figure.

When she reached Sungchan's door, she took a deep breath, hoping to shake off the residual unease. Knocking gently, she was met with Sungchan's warm and inviting smile as he opened the door.

"Hey! Thanks for cleaning up. Want to watch something else?" Sungchan asked, genuinely enthusiastic about extending their time together.

Y/N, still feeling the heat of her previous encounter, hesitated. "Sungchan, I appreciate the meal and all, but I'm feeling a bit tired. I think I'll just chill in my room for now."

Sungchan, with an understanding nod, said, "No problem at all. Whenever you're up for it, just drop by."

As Y/N retreated to her room, she couldn't shake off the flustered feeling. Upon entering, she found Eunseok inside, tidying up a bit. He looked up and greeted her with a friendly smile.

"Hey, Y/N! Thanks for your hard work supporting the performance backstage."

"Thanks, Eunseok. You were great on stage," Y/N replied, appreciating the distraction from the whirlwind of emotions.

Eunseok continued cleaning, creating a comfortable atmosphere. "You worked hard backstage. It's not easy handling all those responsibilities."

Y/N, feeling the need for a moment of solitude, nodded and said, "Yeah, it gets hectic, but I enjoy it. Thanks for your kind words, Eunseok."

She flopped onto her bed and grabbed a nearby pillow, burying her face in it. The residual embarrassment from seeing Sohee's wet hair and half-naked state lingered, creating a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Deep breaths did little to ease the flustered feeling that clung to her.

"What's wrong?" Eunseok asked, watching Y/N with a slightly curious smile.

"Nothing..." She groaned into her pillow. She lifted her face, it was beating bright red and Eunseok's lips circled into an 'O' as he noticed how red she was.

"I don't think so, what happened? You look bright like a tomato," he laughs.

"I accidentally saw Sohee... In a towel," she admitted.

A laugh escaped Eunseok's lips, "Oh, I see. Haha. You aren't ever this giddy and red around Sungchan, but he is around you. Interesting," he observes.

Confused, Y/N sat up with a lost expression. "Sungchan is like this around me?" She asks. 

Eunseok nods intensely, "Yes! Oh my god. He is very interested in you, everyone knows. Haha, but it's funny because Shotaro sometimes comments how he is envious that Sungchan is hogging you and he can never put moves on you- wait was I supposed to say that. Oops, forget the last part," Eunseok nervously laughed.

"Oh..." Y/N was speechless. This whole time, she thought it was just friendly behavior, not recognizing Sungchan's true intentions.

"But, I see that Sohee has turned a whole 180 with you. He used to hate you, we all knew it. But then after you left the dorm, we had a deep talk and he expressed that he does like you as a person. However, I think ever since Sungchan has shown more interest in you, Sohee's concerns turned more personal," Eunseok said.

"What do you mean?" Y/N tried wrapping her brain around Eunseok's words.

"Well, he was concerned about you and Sungchan causing a dating scandal, so that is why initially he was not happy with you two. Now... It seems like he is trying to get closer to you as a friend at least, and I have noticed a change in Sohee. He seems sort of jealous of Sungchan," Eunseok points out. 

Y/N processed Eunseok's words, the revelation sinking in like a heavy stone. Sungchan's interest in her and Sohee's shifting attitude made sense in a way she hadn't fully grasped before. The dynamics within Riize were becoming more intricate than she could have imagined.
"So, you're saying Sohee is jealous because of me and Sungchan?" Y/N questioned, her mind racing to connect the dots.

Eunseok nodded, "Exactly. It's like a weird love triangle, and the other members are stuck in the middle witnessing it all. But hey, it makes things interesting, doesn't it?"

Y/N couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle. "Interesting is one way to put it. I had no idea things were perceived this way."

Eunseok leaned back against the wall, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Welcome to the world of K-pop drama, Y/N. It's not just about the music and performances, but the backstage stories can be just as enthralling."

As Y/N absorbed the newfound information, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being caught in a web of emotions and unspoken desires. The realization that Sungchan harbored more than friendly feelings for her and that Sohee's past animosity was now evolving into something complex left her bewildered.

"What do I do now?" Y/N murmured more to herself than Eunseok.

Eunseok shrugged, "Follow your heart, I guess. See where it takes you. But remember, relationships in this industry can be tricky. Just be mindful of the feelings involved."

Y/N nodded, grateful for Eunseok's candid advice. The dorm had become a haven of unspoken tensions, and navigating through it would require a delicate balance. As she sat there, contemplating the intricate dynamics, she spent the whole night pondering how she truly felt about Sungchan and Sohee.

​🇨​​🇴​​🇲​​🇫​​🇴​​🇷​​🇹​ | RIIZE Lee Sohee x Y/Nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن