Chapter 7: Movie Night

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The Riize dorm continued buzzing with a mixture of laughter and the gentle hum of laptops as the four played Roblox. Shotaro, Wonbin, Anton, and Sungchan returned from their outside activities, their energy infectious as they entered the dorm. Shotaro, ever the lively one, raised his hand cheerfully as he stepped through the front door.

"Hey, everyone! How about a movie night tonight at 10? I haven't watched the new Studio Ghibli movie, 'The Boy and the Heron.' What do you think?" he exclaimed with enthusiasm.

The suggestion was met with collective agreement, and the members gathered on the couches to discuss the details of their impromptu movie night. Debates ensued about the genre, the snacks to be included, and the ideal seating arrangements. After a lively discussion, they settled on watching "The Boy and the Heron" at 10 pm.

With the movie plans in place, everyone dispersed to their rooms for some alone time before the evening entertainment. Y/N and Eunseok found themselves in their respective beds, each immersed in the solitude of their personal space. For about an hour, the room was filled with the faint sounds of scrolling on social media, the occasional chuckle from a funny video, and the soft murmurs of YouTube content. The atmosphere was relaxed, but a subtle undercurrent of anticipation for the upcoming movie night lingered.

In this shared quietness, Y/N suddenly heard a faint noise. She looked up from her phone to catch Eunseok making strong eye contact with her, a small wave accompanying his attempt to grab her attention. Y/N, intrigued, took off her headphones and sat up, mirroring Eunseok's posture.

Eunseok, looking somewhat serious, broke the silence. "Hey, Y/N, how was playing Roblox with Sohee and Seunghan?"

Y/N, surprised by the direct question, replied, "Oh, it was fun. No tension or anything, I enjoyed it."

Eunseok's face softened with relief at her response. "Really? That's great to hear. I was worried about the tension between you and Sohee. Glad things are improving."

Y/N chuckled, "Yeah, it was surprisingly chill. You are good at horror games, and Seunghan is fun to play with. Sohee was... Sohee, haha... I don't know what to say about him."

Eunseok nodded in agreement. "That's good you enjoyed playing with us. The team needs to have a good dynamic, especially with everything going on."

Y/N, sensing a deeper meaning in his words, asked, "Is everything okay, Eunseok? You seem a bit thoughtful."

Eunseok sighed, leaning back against the headboard. "It's just... managing group dynamics can be tricky, you know? I want everyone to get along and work well together."

Y/N, empathetic to Eunseok's concerns, nodded in understanding. "Yeah, it's not always easy, but I think everyone appreciates your efforts. You would be a good leader."

Eunseok's eyes softened with gratitude. "Thanks, Y/N. I appreciate that. It's just a bit challenging at times, but we'll get through it."

The conversation shifted to lighter topics, and they spent the remaining time before movie night discussing various things – from favorite snacks to the quirks of Studio Ghibli films. As the clock approached 10 pm, the members reconvened in the living room, excitement bubbling in the air.

The seating arrangement in the Riize dorm formed a cozy 'U' shape, ensuring everyone had a clear view of the television screen. As the movie night began, the members settled into their designated spots on the couches. On one end, Wonbin, Shotaro, and Anton claimed a spacious couch that could comfortably accommodate three people. In the middle, Sungchan and Y/N found themselves sharing the same couch, creating a subtle connection in the arrangement. The third couch hosted Sohee, Seunghan, and Eunseok, completing the ensemble.

To complement the movie experience, popcorn, and cola were distributed among the members. Sungchan and Y/N shared a single bucket of popcorn and cola, while the other couches held two buckets of popcorn and two colas each, shared among their occupants.

As the movie started, Sungchan wasted no time in grabbing a handful of popcorn, setting the tone for the communal snacking. Y/N followed suit, the bucket resting between them on the couch. They were careful not to spill the popcorn, creating a comfortable sharing dynamic. As the movie progressed, Y/N began to feel the weight of her head, a mix of tiredness and the relaxation of the movie night. Leaning toward Sungchan, she whispered, "Hey, Sungchan, mind if I rest my head on your shoulder? My head feels kinda heavy."

Sungchan, always the accommodating one, responded with a friendly smile, "Of course, Y/N. Make yourself comfortable." He even wrapped his arm around her, creating a makeshift pillow for her head.

The subtle intimacy didn't go unnoticed by Sohee, who watched from the adjacent couch. Y/N, sensing Sohee's gaze, lifted her head to look at him. Sungchan, slightly puzzled, glanced down at her. As Y/N saw Sohee staring, she quickly pushed her head back into Sungchan's arm, trying to deflect any potential awkwardness. Sohee's expression was unreadable, a mix of surprise and something Y/N couldn't quite decipher. Unsure of how to navigate the situation, Y/N decided to lift her head again, this time stretching and gesturing that her head didn't feel heavy anymore. Sungchan, feeling a bit suspicious but not wanting to make things uncomfortable, nodded and returned his attention to the movie.

With that, Sohee ceased his scrutiny, seemingly satisfied with Y/N's reassurance. The movie continued, and the members immersed themselves in the animated world of "The Boy and the Heron." The occasional laughter and shared glances added to the camaraderie of the movie night, momentarily eclipsing any lingering tensions.

As the movie continued, Sungchan seized an opportunity. The storyline, mixed with the warmth of the room, made Y/N's face glow beautifully. Sungchan, leaning closer, whispered, "You look pretty tonight."

Y/N, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment, blushed but managed to stammer out a thank you. Sohee, from the adjacent couch, noticed the interaction and a flicker of discomfort crossed his face. He shifted his gaze away, pretending to be engrossed in the movie.

Meanwhile, Y/N's heart quickened its pace. Sungchan's masculine yet gentle presence seemed to envelop her, creating a warmth that she couldn't ignore. Feeling emboldened, Sungchan rubbed her arm with his hand, the gentle gesture sending shivers down her spine. Without a word, he pulled her closer to him, and Y/N leaned onto his chest, her ear against the steady beat of his heart.

They remained like that for the duration of the movie, the ambient sounds of the animated tale blending with the comforting silence between them. Sungchan's arm provided a sense of security, and Y/N found solace in the rhythmic cadence of his heartbeat. The world outside the dorm seemed to fade away as they shared this unspoken connection, lost in the magic of the Studio Ghibli masterpiece.

As the credits rolled and the lights brightened, the members exchanged thoughts about the movie, but Y/N's mind lingered on the unexpected closeness with Sungchan. She couldn't deny the flutter in her chest or the lingering warmth from his touch.

The night continued with laughter and shared banter, yet Sohee's subtle glances hinted at an underlying tension. Y/N, torn between the unease of the unknown dynamics and the undeniable connection she felt with Sungchan, retreated to her room as the Riize members dispersed.

Closing the door, she found herself replaying the movie night in her mind. The delicate moments with Sungchan lingered, and the enigmatic allure of Sohee's reactions fueled her curiosity. As she settled into her bed, she couldn't help but wonder how these intricate threads of connection would weave into the tapestry of her internship journey. 

Eunseok soon after entered the room, plopping on the bed, exhausted. Y/N snapped out of her thoughts and giggled at Eunseok. He groaned into the pillow, obviously very tired from socializing with the talkative Seunghan. 

"Tired, huh?" Y/N poked at Eunseok. He lifted his head to reveal a groggy face as a response. Y/N continued to chuckle and made her way over to Eunseok's bed. She reached out both of her arms to gesture for him to use her to get up. He strapped his hands onto Y/N's extended arms and both worked together to get Eunseok to stand up. 

"Thanks, I'll get ready for bed, I suppose," Eunseok, like a sloth, made his way to the bathroom. Y/N's cheeks hurt from smiling at Eunseok's appearance. 

While Eunseok was in the bathroom, Y/N was lying in bed, waiting for Eunseok to be done using the restroom. Then, she hears a friendly knock on the door. "Come in," she said, and the door opened to reveal Sohee. He walked in, his usual composed demeanor present as always, and took a seat next to Y/N on her bed.

"So, cozy movie night, huh?" Sohee remarked casually, his eyes betraying the tension beneath the surface.

The room fell into a tense silence as Sohee stared at Y/N, his eyes probing for an explanation. Y/N, feeling the weight of his gaze, shifted uncomfortably before finally breaking the silence.

"It's not what you think, Sohee. We were just watching the movie and enjoying it. There's no hidden agenda," Y/N explained, trying to keep her tone calm.

Sohee, however, wasn't convinced. His eyes narrowed, and he leaned in slightly, intensifying the scrutiny. "Enjoying it a bit too much, don't you think?" he remarked, a subtle edge to his voice.

Y/N sighed, frustration creeping in. "Why is it such a big deal? We're all friends here, just having a good time."

Sohee's expression remained stern. "Friends or not, there are boundaries. You can't act like there aren't."

Y/N, growing more defensive, countered, "Boundaries? What boundaries? We were watching a movie together. I don't see the harm in that."

Sohee's irritation became more apparent. "You're being naive if you think everyone sees it that way. This isn't just about watching a movie."

Y/N, now irritated herself, shot back, "Well, what is it about then? Why are you making a big deal out of nothing?"

Sohee's jaw clenched, his frustration escalating. "Because you're a girl, Y/N. You can't just act like it's the same for you as it is for everyone else."

Y/N's eyes narrowed at the implication. "Are you serious? Are you saying I can't do the same things as the other members because I'm a girl?"

Sohee, not backing down, replied, "I'm saying it's different, and you need to be aware of that. You can't just ignore the implications."

Y/N, fed up with the argument, exclaimed, "Implications? Sohee, you're taking this way too seriously. It was innocent, just friends watching a movie."

Sohee, his frustration reaching its peak, snapped, "You can't act oblivious to how these things work, Y/N. It's not that simple."

Y/N, shot back, " I don't need you treating me differently because I'm a girl. I would appreciate you treating me like how Sungchan treats me or Eunseok or anyone else. You treat me so poorly, the others treat me like a human being."
Eunseok, still in the bathroom, overheard the conversation and decided to stay quiet to avoid escalating the tension further.

Y/N, growing more defensive, retorted, "Sohee, seriously, it was harmless. We were just enjoying the movie."

Sohee's demeanor shifted, his face revealing a hint of frustration, "Y/N, stop playing around. It's not just about snuggling. This kind of thing can cause problems."

Protesting, Y/N shot back, "What problems? We weren't in public, plus everyone else was doing it. Why is it different for me?"

Sohee ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, his voice tense and high, "It's just different, okay? I don't like it! And it's dangerous. You should be more careful."

Growing emotional, Y/N couldn't hold back her tears, "I can't do anything around you, Sohee. This whole experience sucks because of you. I just want to win your trust."

Sohee's stern expression softened as he watched her cry. Not knowing how to handle the situation, he awkwardly reached out and brought her into an embrace as she sobbed in his arms. He tentatively rubbed the back of her head, unsure of how to navigate the emotions flooding the room.
After a few minutes, Y/N released herself from his hold, wiping away her tears and snot. She took a deep breath and asked him to leave, her voice strained but resolute.

Sohee, with a sorrowful expression, stood up and left the room. The door closed behind him, leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts. The dorm, once a place of camaraderie, now felt heavy with unspoken tensions and emotional turbulence. As she settled into her bed, the weight of the day pressed on her, and she wondered how these intricate threads of connection and conflict would weave into the tapestry of her Riize journey.

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