Chapter 2: Unexpected Living Conditions

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As Y/N disembarked from the plane onto the vibrant Korean soil, the energy of the city enveloped her. A text from her driver, complete with a snapshot of his car and precise instructions on where to meet, greeted her like a friendly guide. Navigating through the bustling airport with her suitcases and bags in tow, Y/N followed the digital breadcrumbs to the designated meeting point.

The moment she arrived, the friendly driver materialized, exuding warmth and a genuine smile. "Hello, Y/N! Nice to meet you. I'm your driver," he greeted warmly, effortlessly taking her suitcases and arranging them in the trunk. A fleeting moment of uncertainty gripped Y/N as she pondered whether she should sit in the back of the car. The driver, attuned to her unspoken query, chuckled and assured her, "Don't worry, you can sit up front with me. It's more fun that way!"

Relieved by the driver's comforting words, Y/N settled into the passenger seat, and the journey unfolded into an exchange of stories and laughter. Amidst the hum of the city and the rhythmic movement of the car, Y/N found herself sharing snippets of her life in the States, her aspirations, and her eagerness for the upcoming internship. 

Their arrival at the destination marked the end of the captivating ride. The modern white building before her seemed to fit the bill of an apartment complex, and she could already picture herself in a cozy room with the convenience of laundry facilities. However, her assumptions took an unexpected turn when the driver knocked on the door, revealing a tall man with brown hair – Sungchan from Riize.

Their eyes locked, and Y/N's widened in shock, mirroring the confusion on Sungchan's face. Turning to the driver for clarification, Y/N discovered the truth – they stood at the entrance of Riize's dorm, not an apartment building as she initially thought. The driver, amused by their reactions, explained the unique living arrangement – a cost-saving compromise between Anton's parents and SM Entertainment.

"I thought Anton's parents would have explained to you where you will live," the driver said to Y/N.

"No, they just sent me the address and that's it. I should've asked for more details but I didn't because it seemed like it was all handled and I trusted them," Y/N admitted.

"Well, they told me that SM Entertainment was on the fence between hiring you and another person, they were going to go with the other person because they didn't want to spend money on your housing expenses, but Anton's parents suggested that you could live with Riize," the driver informed. 

Y/N looked at Sungchan worriedly. He recognized her concerns in an instant and consulted her with a warm smile. "I don't mind her staying here, I am sure the other members are fine with it too." Sungchan, quick to share the unexpected news, summoned the entire group to the door. Y/N found herself amid Riize, including a surprised Anton. A sense of apology lingered as she expressed her regret for the unforeseen circumstances, but the members, led by Sungchan and Seunghan, reassured her with smiles and welcoming gestures. Anton, slightly embarrassed by the lack of prior notice, extended his welcome, sealing Y/N's fate as an unexpected member of the Riize household.

With the assistance of the members, Y/N entered the dorm, her heart a mix of nerves and excitement. Bid farewell by the driver, she turned to Sungchan, inquiring about her living arrangements. Eunseok, ever the considerate one, spoke up, offering a solution. His room on the second floor featured an extra bed, and Y/N was more than welcome to stay with him. Eunseok and Y/N ascended to their room, a minimalistic haven in white, black, and gray hues, radiating serene cleanliness. The sunlight filtered through the window, casting a gentle glow on the room.
"Here we are. Feel free to make yourself at home," Eunseok gestured with a welcoming smile, setting the bags down. Y/N couldn't help but appreciate the aesthetic appeal of the room.

"Thank you so much, Eunseok. I appreciate your hospitality," Y/N replied, her gratitude evident in her voice.

Eunseok chuckled, "No problem at all. If you need anything, just let me know." His casual demeanor put Y/N at ease, and she couldn't help but feel fortunate to have landed in such a welcoming environment. As Y/N unpacked her belongings, she couldn't shake the surreal feeling of being in Riize's dorm. The air buzzed with excitement and curiosity, and she couldn't help but wonder how her summer would unfold. The room, though minimalistic, felt cozy, and she took a moment to admire the framed pictures on the wall – glimpses into Eunseok's life.

"You know," Eunseok began, breaking the silence, "we're all pretty excited to have you here. It's not every day that we get an intern living with us."

Y/N giggled as she felt his attempt to make Y/N feel less anxious about this unexpected living condition. She began feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. "I'm excited too. It's an incredible opportunity, and I can't wait to contribute however I can."

Eunseok nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we're looking forward to it. We're like a family here, and you're part of it now, I suppose."

The thought of being part of Riize's close-knit family brought warmth to Y/N's heart. As they continued to chat, Eunseok shared more about the daily routines, the camaraderie among the members, and the occasional spontaneous jam sessions that echoed through the dorm. Before long, a gentle knock on the door interrupted their conversation. It swung open to reveal Seunghan, another member of Riize, with a friendly grin."Hey, Eunseok, Anton was wondering if Y/N wants to join us for dinner. We're ordering some chicken."

Eunseok turned to Y/N, "What do you think? Up for some chicken and meeting the others?"

A genuine smile spread across Y/N's face as she replied, "Absolutely! I'd love to."

As they made their way downstairs, Y/N felt a mix of anticipation and gratitude. The unexpected turn of events had not only brought her to Korea for an internship but had also woven her into the fabric of Riize's daily life. With each step, she couldn't help but wonder how the melodies of this extraordinary journey would continue to unfold.

When she arrived at the first floor's living room, the members sat in anticipation. They quickly stood up and bowed to Y/N's arrival. Flustered, she bowed back. 

"I am very sorry that my parents did not inform you about your living conditions properly, I just got off the phone with them and it seemed like it slipped their minds," Anton's voice carried a note of worry. 

"It's fine," Y/N assured, "I am just happy that they found a way to save money. I have a roof over my head, so that's fine with me. I hope my being here isn't an inconvenience to you all."

"I think it is cool to have a new face here," Seunghan chirped in, "Let's get to know each other more," he smiled.

Y/N and Seunghan shared a spark of warmth. "Yeah, I'd like that," Y/N replied.

Taking a seat on the couch, Shotaro warmly gestured for Y/N to join him and the other members. A sense of camaraderie enveloped the room as everyone gathered in a comfortable U-shaped arrangement of couches, all oriented toward the captivating glow of the TV. Crayon Shin Chan played in the background of the small-talk conversations between Y/N and the members.

"Say, why did you decide to work in Korea for Riize?" Shotaro couldn't help but ask. The members leaned in towards her in curiosity.

"I have always wanted to visit a different country, be in a new environment, and experience a new culture. I am learning Korean and think it is good to put it to use and immerse myself in a country that uses Korean. And I wanted to work for Riize because I really like you guys, your music is great, your team has great chemistry - at least online - and I want to support you guys," Y/N answered truthfully. 

The members were astonished by Y/N's ambitions and life goals. Shotaro resonated with some of her words, especially when she mentioned how she wanted to visit a new country. His departure from Japan and immersion into Korea felt similar to Y/N's departure from the States. With that familiarity, he felt closer to Y/N and wanted to get to know her more. 

Shotaro spoke in a soft voice, "Y/N, if you ever want to talk about how it is adjusting to Korean culture or about anything, just come to me."

Y/N mirrored Shotaro's comforting smile, "Thank you, I will." 

As Y/N continued to answer the members' questions, she couldn't help but notice how quiet Sohee was. He didn't ask her any questions, instead, he sat back and carefully observed Y/N. Uncomfortable by his strong gaze, she avoided eye contact with him for 30 minutes waiting for the chicken and conversing with the members during that time.

After some time, the doorbell rang. Quickly, Sungchan runs to the door and grabs the food from the delivery person. The fragrant aroma of freshly delivered chicken wafted through the living room, prompting everyone to shift their attention from the conversation to the delicious spread that adorned the coffee table. The golden, crispy pieces tempted their taste buds, and it wasn't long before they eagerly dug in. Y/N found herself absorbed in the delightful chaos of shared laughter, animated discussions, and the occasional friendly bickering over the last piece of chicken. She marveled at how quickly the initial nervousness had transformed into a sense of belonging.

After a delightful meal, Y/N excused herself, expressing her intention to freshen up. With a polite smile, she retreated upstairs, anticipating the comfort of a hot shower. The dorm's bathroom, though modest, held a sense of simplicity that she found reassuring. The warmth of the water was a welcome contrast to the coolness of the evening. Y/N took her time, allowing the soothing stream to wash away the remnants of travel fatigue. As she emerged, clad in a cozy set of pajamas, she felt a renewed sense of energy.

Quietly making her way downstairs, she encountered Sohee in the dimly lit kitchen area, fetching a glass of water. The atmosphere tensed momentarily as their eyes met. Y/N, still feeling the weight of his earlier scrutiny, offered a timid smile.

"So, you're the new intern," Sohee stated, his tone neutral. Y/N nodded, finding herself momentarily lost for words under the intensity of his gaze.

"Yeah, that's me," she replied, her voice carrying a mix of apprehension and curiosity. Sohee's expression softened, and he gestured towards the couch. "Can we talk?" Seating herself beside him, he begins the conversation, "I think you have good intentions, working for Riize and interning here. But, I feel a bit skeptical about this."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Y/N questions.

"It is weird to have a girl in this dorm. Weirdly, SM Entertainment allowed this. I am worried because of the recent scandals, what if people catch you and Riize in this dorm, what would they think? I don't want any more harm to this group. Can you not afford to live somewhere else? Maybe talk to Anton's parents again? If I were you, I would've asked them to help me find somewhere else to stay. I know you accepted this situation with ease when the members said they were fine with it, but I just find it worrisome," Sohee confesses his true feelings about this situation.

With a brief moment of silence, Y/N breaks, "I am sorry. I completely understand, I didn't protest to this because I found that living here would be the best financially for everyone. But I didn't recognize how bad things could turn if I stayed here. However, I assure you that I will be careful, I have no ill intentions and I do not want to negatively impact you and the group," Y/N's heart is heavy with empathy.

Sohee stays silent for a bit and lets out a worried sigh while brushing his hair with his fingers anxiously. "Alright, I mean yeah, there's nothing you can do. Please, just be careful. Don't ruin anything, please try to not get caught walking back to the dorm without a mask and a hood on."

"I promise," Y/N offers a pinky to Sohee. He lets out another sigh again and hooks pinkies with Y/N. His finger felt wet with sweat, letting Y/N know that he was genuinely worried about this. 

Sohee stands up and waddles back to his room. Y/N's lips curl as she finds his walk cute but her smile fades as she recalls how sticky this situation is. 


author's note: wowow crazy right, living with riize lolol. and sohee is sus of y/n? lolol crazyyy. ugh I cant wait to rly start w sohee and y/n, like w the enemies and lovers trope you know. i hope u enjoy x

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