It was going to hurt. It was going to hurt bad. Stan recalled the moment when Craig turned away from him without saying anything a few months ago and now that small interaction felt to him. It felt like his heart was penetrated by a dull dagger.

This was going to be way, way worse than that. He realized, now, that this was going to be damaging to both of them on so many levels. He literally has to break Craig's spirit. The thought of doing something so horrible made him feel even worse.

When it came time to leave, Stan grabbed his backpack, as well as a bag of weed, and made a run for it out the front door into the cold air and snow. He felt sick to his stomach the whole way to school, and when he finally arrived and parked in the parking lot, he saw Craig get out of his Mazda and walk in with his friends. His heart ached watching the alpha walk into the school.

I don't wanna do this...

He got out of his car and walked into the building. His legs felt like Jell-O and his heart was pounding in his chest. He kept his head downturned, doing his best to not gain attention from, really, anybody.

"Stan! Over here!"

Stan snapped his head up and stared at Kyle with wide eyes. He was calling him over and waving at him, but he was with Tolkien, Clyde, Tweek, and Craig too.

Oh god...Craig. He stared straight into Stan's eyes and he already looked hurt. Stan didn't know what to do. He can't do this in front of them!

Almost on cue, he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders and he was being pulled into a body that permeated that familiar, awful smell.

"Hey there, baby. Did you miss me?" Gary whispered into his ear as he pulled Stan into the direction of his friend group, forcing him to break eye contact with his friends.

As soon as Gary wrapped his arm around Stan, Craig felt his heart shatter into pieces, and it was evident on his face. Stan wanted nothing more than to die.

Kyle dropped his arm and looked at his friends with a horrified, confused look.

"What the fuck? What is he doing with Gary?" Kyle asked them with look of bewilderment and disgust. They were all staring at the pair wide eyed and confused before they looked at Craig for answers.

Craig felt hurt and angry. Gary, without a doubt, had done something to Stan and Craig wanted nothing more than to go to the blonde alpha and beat him to a bloody pulp again.

Craig growled, feeling himself begin to go feral again. He needed to get out of there before he lost control. The last thing he needed, was to be expelled on top of Gary stealing his love interest right in front of him.

He tore his eyes away from the sorry sight and quickly walked away, causing his friends to call out to him but their words fell on deaf ears. This didn't make any sense to them. Just yesterday, Stan and Craig were connected at the hip. They were seeing progress with both of them!

What happened?

Kyle was shaking as he glared at Gary, who was whispering into his broken friend's ear. He knew he needed to do something. Tolkien was thinking the same thing.

"Did you get me the weed?" Gary whispered into Stan's ear with gruff voice. Stan let out a shaky breath, taking his backpack off and reaching in to grab the bag before handing it to him. Gary smiled, finally taking his arm off of the omegas shoulders and grabbed the baggie from him.

"Good boy."

Jonas beamed at the bag of weed, but Christan and Danny were confused as to why Gary was with Stan to begin with.

Satellite (Staig - Craig x Stan)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя