Iceberg Shot--!//Chapter 28

Start from the beginning

Luffy spoke up, "Everyone loved and respected him..." He stood up and adjusted his hat before leaping away without asking, "I'm gonna go check things out."

Nami jumped, "Wait, Luffy. I'm coming too." She called out, making him pause and looking back. Nami then turned to Faythe—who was sitting on top of the rails with a leg dangling, idly, "Fae, you wanna come too? You also were with us at the time."

Faythe peered over with a blank look, her gaze flickering from Nami to the Captain who stared at her back. She then dropped her gaze to look out at the city, "No. Imma head out and look for Robin, too. Can't have anymore friends disappearing on us again."

The underlying statement was heard. And it hit the Captain more than he liked, especially when it was said from her. She didn't even bother looking at him.

Luffy tilted his hat to overshadow his face before turning again to head to the docks.

"Luffy wait—!" Nami cursed before frantically looking over at Faythe's standing up figure, "Faythe, that was unnecessary—!" But she wasn't able to finish before the red head turned around and walked the other way.

"If you need me, I'll see you at the meeting spot." Faythe muttered before transforming and flying off.

Nami gapped at the girl's behavior, "Fae..." A hand was brought upon the girl's shoulder, making her glance up to a Wyper—who was keeping a steady eye on the flying parrot.

"Don't worry. I'll be going with her in case of emergency. Make sure we're in pairs in case something else happens." Wyper comforted before heading off. He leaped over the railings and onto a nearby rooftop, rushing after the bird to keep up.

Sanji frowned at the disturbing interaction between Faythe and Luffy, "Well that was depressing..." He then glanced over at Zoro's resting figure, "We're going to head out in a bit to search too. What about you?"

Zoro shook his head and opened his eyes, "No... I'm gonna wait and see what happens.." He leaned back a bit, glancing off into the direction where Faythe flew off to, "Besides. I think we should just give the woman some space. She's been trapped up in this Inn with everyone coddling her to death."

Sanji grimaced at the mention.

Everyone was certainly trying to comfort the red head after her outburst last night. Trying to help her cope with the loss of the Sniper. But instead of a positive response to their efforts, it was deemed as something more of a silent response. Instead she would clam up and not respond to their questions. It looked like she was suffocating in the room of people. And she herself couldn't even understand why.

And her face was all the crew mates needed to know of her silent plea. Everyone had left her alone after that. Going to their own devices to distract themselves.

The blonde rubbed the back of his head as he let out an aggressive sigh of frustration, "It's all going to shit—!" He complained.

Zoro snorted, "Ain't that right..." He muttered before closing his eyes.


As the day passes, the soft breeze began to pick up into a harsh blow of wind. Faythe had to take a breather as flying was just becoming a hard exercise.

While sitting on a rooftop, the redhead overheard some people panicking over a high rising tide. It must've been super important because everyone looked like a herd of headless chicken as they started loading up boats to evacuate.

"Hey, Wyper, what's your take on this?" Faythe tilted her head towards the said 'headless chickens'.

"I don't really have a thought. Most likely a yearly round thing..."

Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Piece) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now