"Did you and Cate broke up?"

"Aren't you supposed to be on court, not on the bar?"

"Does your parent taught you to be violent?"

Tsk I'm my own person, not because my father has a history of being violent does mean I have too. I ignored all the ridiculous questions and went straight on the back of this dive bar that my friend own.

"Ms. Stell, Ms. Blanchett is on the last booth at the corner, she's probably waiting for you." One of the staffs told me so I politely nod at him.

I enter the booth and there she is in her casual attire. A white lantern sleeve paired with dark jeans and Nikes. She's busy looking at her phone and when she felt my presence she smiled and opened her arms to welcome me. I lunged at her to relieve the pent up stress and worry I have after reading an article about my recent issue.

"I assumed you read the article?" She softly said and I sighed. I fiddle with her sleeve then nuzzled further into her neck.

"Well how could I not? That's the first thing my publicist sent me this morning. Can't help but notice it." I said with a little joke at the end trying to lighten up what I'm feeling."

"I'm so sorry darling. It'll pass don't worry. They don't know what happened so all they can do is judge us through rumors. I'm with you through it all."  

I look up at her and oh damn, I found her directly looking at me with those ocean blue orbs, that could make my knees weaker every time.

I saw and met a lot of people with blue eyes, and yet they don't hold the same warmth and radiance like hers. It feels like her eyes are really different, like I have never seen that kind of color blue.

"So I just wrapped up a shoot, we're into post production already so my angel, what do you wanna do?" I stare at her surprisingly while excitement is rising through my nerves.

"Wait, wait, for real? Seriously?" I asked her bouncing up and down on my seat like an excited child.

"Yeah, and seeing that we both have free time... think of the fun things we could do angel. We could go anywhere or we can hide away on our house." She said with glimmer on her orbs which makes me more excited than I was. It's been a long time since we spent some time together. We only see each other on breakfast, facetime and bed despite living on the same house because of our work, how crazy. 

"I would like to go to a beach and I would love to go camping with the kids.  Ahh~ and then the two of us can go to Paris my love. We have so much time on ourselves, I want to make the most our of it." 

"Me too angel, me too. Well it's settled, let's have fun and forget that ridiculous lawsuit for now." She said and then she ordered drinks for the both of us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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