Chapter 16 - The Kids

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"Is everything alright, Miss Teresa?"

Teresa steps forward, a smile painted on her face. "Of course, Jackson. I just needed to check on something." She starts walking toward the desk but pauses when she sees the look on the man-Jackson's face.

"Why isn't your mask on?" He asks suspiciously, looking past Thomas and Gally at me.

Teresa turns to us quickly and gives Gally a look. He nods, steps closer to her, aims his launcher, and shoots.

Jackson convulses in his chair and falls to the floor. Teresa watches him for a second before walking around the desk, stepping over him, and looking at the screens. She presses a button, and all the doors, except one open with a hiss. She heads over to the closest door, tugs it open the rest of the way, and leans inside. After a couple of seconds, she comes back out, a trail of kids behind her. She goes to the remaining doors, bringing the kids out of each room.

They look around the room, checking everything is safe before they spot the man unconscious on the floor. They shuffle uncomfortably, mumbling to each other, and Teresa attempts to comfort them. "It's alright, we're saving you. You're safe, but you have to listen to this man," she says, pointing to Gally.

Gally pulls his helmet off, and Thomas takes that as an invitation to lose his own. "Alright. You're gonna follow me, and we're going to catch a bus. As long as you do as I say, you'll be completely fine."

Thomas steps next to Gally. "But before we do anything, there's something we have to get," he says, turning to Teresa. "Where's the serum?"

Teresa stares at him before pointing to a large door behind her that is still sealed. "It's in there, but I don't have access to it."

Gally regards them for a second before smiling down at Teresa wickedly. "That's not a problem. I can get in, but I need some time." He walks over to the door, sets his bag and launcher on the floor, and pulls out an angle grinder from the bag. He turns it on, stands up, brings it to the lock, and starts cutting.

"But that wasn't part of the plan," I retort, hoping they're not getting it for the reason I think they are. We have far more important things to worry about than my health. We don't have time. Nobody responds, and I feel the heat rising to my face. 'They need to listen.' They can't just ignore me.

Thomas scans the faces of the kids around us and walks over to Teresa. "Where is he?" She looks around and furrows her brow before heading back to the screens on the desk. She searches for Minho's file.

"Somebody's moved him up to the medical wing. Thomas, that's on the other side of the building." Teresa looks at Thomas, but there's a slight twinkle in her eye. "But Katya should be there too."

Thomas keeps staring at the screen, chewing his lip. "M'kay. Take me to them. Right now." Thomas adjusts his launcher in his hands and steps away from the desk.

"Alright, I'm coming with you," I say defiantly and turn to head back down the corridor.

"Newt, no, you are not. You have to stay here and wait with Gally for the serum."

I tighten my grip around the launcher, trying not to flip again. I can feel it inside me, and it's taking everything to keep it from coming out. "You can't do it on your own. And they come first. No matter what."

Gally switches the grinder off and spins around. "Just go, Shanks. We don't have all day. I'll get the serum and meet you at the bus."

Thomas looks at the three of us and nods. "Okay, let's go." He pushes Teresa forward to lead us back through the building. The kids watch us go, unsure what they're supposed to do. I muster a smile, silently telling them that it will be alright. Thomas and I put our helmets back on before exiting the corridor.

Teresa heads back towards the entrance but takes a sharp turn and stops at an elevator. Her eyes suddenly go wide, and she groans. "You guys have to go without me," she says, pressing the button to call the elevator.

"What? No. Absolutely not," Thomas objects, turning his head to look at her. I can only imagine the look he's giving her through his helmet.

"Trust me, Thomas. If you care about Katya, you'll let me go. I have to get something from her apartment. And do NOT try to argue with me. If she had the choice, she would much rather take this with her. And I want to give her that choice. I'll come back. I promise." Teresa gives us directions to get to the medical wing and her key card before she walks off. She exits the building, and I watch her run down the street.

Thomas and I turn our attention back to the elevator just as it opens. It's empty. We enter and press the button for the floor Teresa specified. We stay in silence for the entirety of the ride, not taking the chance that Alex got his device in place, and assuming that there are hidden cameras and microphones around us.

The elevator doors open with a happy chime, seemingly unaware that this is far from a happy situation. Thomas charges out of the elevator and races down the hallway. I run after him, struggling to keep up. My ankle buckles under me, and I start going down. I catch myself before I hit the ground, cursing that my shoddy leg has to play up now.

I catch up to Thomas as he rounds a corner and slides to a halt along the polished floor. "What's going on?" I ask, panting with my hands on my knees. I need to lift my mask, but I know that's not a good idea.

"If we followed Teresa's directions correctly, that door at the end should be where Minho is." Thomas looks over his shoulder at me and pats me on the shoulder. He walks toward the closed room, pulling Teresa's key card out of his pocket. I come up behind him, launcher ready in case of an ambush.

Thomas swipes the card along the scanner, and the door slowly slides open.

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