"Because the food at Zaizai Restaurant is so delicious, Master Shumu is reluctant to leave."

"Oh." It turns out that the chef at Zaizai Restaurant is so good-looking that Master Shumu doesn't want to leave. As for being confused by food, it is false at first glance. Master Shumu is from the Xiao Tribe. What kind of delicious food have you not eaten in the Xiao Tribe? "Then let's go to Zaizai Restaurant." Even if he couldn't ask Master Shumu to treat his injuries, being able to see the famous medicinal solution master of the Xiao tribe was enough to brag.

He patted his chest and promised: "You will never regret going to our Yan tribe."

"You will be grateful to us."

The orcs laughed "hehe", "...then we should leave first?" "

Let's go. Let's go." Zhuang waved his hand, "If you are still here when we return to the tribe, I will take you to Zaizai Restaurant to eat."

Li added: "It would be nice to take you to eat, but you still have to pay for the beast coins yourself. ."

"Thank you..." It's just a meal, why do I need to wait for you to come back?

A few people took a few steps and heard Ji Si's reminder: "You're going in the wrong direction."

Those who didn't dare to admit that they went in the wrong direction on purpose turned back silently.

Jisi said again: "When we return to the tribe, I will ask the beast warriors guarding the gate if you have been here before."

The beast warriors: "..." Regret, I regret it now.

"I hope they can eat Yu's food when they go to the Yan tribe."

"It seems like they have no experience in queuing."

"Not only do they have no experience, they don't have beast coins yet." Ji Si said slowly.

Zhuang: "...then you still have to let them go to the Yan tribe?" Ji Si snorted and said with a smile: "If you don't go, how can you feel that you can see but can't eat? The less

you can eat, the more you want to eat?"

Not counting the hunting team of the Stone Tribe, after everyone had finished lunch and had enough to eat and drink, Ji Si led everyone towards the Stone Tribe.

The Stone Tribe is the tribe closest to the Yan Tribe. Because the tribe is surrounded by white stones that are used to build stone houses, they got the name Stone Tribe.

After handing over the animal coins to the tribe on a head-to-head basis, Zhuangshu found the place where the stone tribe managed the stalls. They handed over the animal coins again, and then received a stone certificate indicating permission to temporarily set up a stall. The group headed towards the stall. place to run to.

The rich orcs all went to open shops. The people who came to set up stalls were either aborigines from the Stone Tribe who made a living, or orcs who passed by like Ji Si and others and did not live in the Stone Tribe permanently.

Usually orcs like Jisi are very popular with the orcs of the Stone Tribe. Because the tribal aborigines sell fixed things every time they set up stalls, and they know what they are without looking at them. The orcs passing by the Stone Tribe were either hunting teams from other tribes, or they went out together for training. What these people will sell may be some powerful beasts, or it may be herbs, food, or other weird things.

Maybe you can try your luck and buy some treasures from there.

As soon as Ji Si's leader appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of the Stone Tribe orcs.

✓ I open a restaurant in YuanWhere stories live. Discover now