Final Battle (for now)

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"Okay, Space Sword Blaster!" Uranus shouted. A scream suddenly pierced through the air. Thing is, it was Musa's.

"Musa?!" Flora exclaimed in worry. "Something slashed my arm..." Musa looked at her arm but quickly looked away again in disgust. Flora wrapped a few vines around her sudden wound to try and stop the bleeding.

"How did you get hurt? And Uranus, where did your attack land?" Pluto asked. "Don't know, I don't think a Youma appeared or got injured..."

"Uh, everyone... the mirror is picking up an evil energy all around us!" Neptune warned.

"Where? I don't see anything!" Everyone else replied. "All I see is fog" Flora said.

"There's something wrong with this place..." Pluto remarked, sensing strange things. "Of course there is, its the enemy's place!" Musa snapped.

"Yeah, but... this area is distorted somehow..." Pluto replied. "Flora, try sending a vine, straight ahead." The nature fairy did as told. From behind her, bursting from the mist, came a healthy green vine that wrapped around Saturn.

"Hey! What is this! Put me down!" Saturn protested. "Wait a second!" Flora reversed her spell and Saturn flew backwards along with the vine. "Saturn!" the outer scouts exclaimed. The girl in question suddenly appeared from the fog and was being carried backwards by the constricting plant.

"How did that happen?" Uranus asked as Flora managed to get the vine off Saturn. "Hang on a minute..." Pluto walked forward and disappeared only to reappear behind everyone. "Great, now we're forced to loop around forever..." Musa deadpanned.


Meanwhile, Mini Moons group was having trouble with Icy and Stormy. "Icicle Blast!" Icy exclaimed as ice shards flew at Mercury. "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" the guardian countered. The witches growled as they were drenched in water.

"Lightning Tornado!" Stormy yelled and a large tornado tossed the girls into the air. "I HATE THUNDER!!!" Mini Moon cried as she was spun around in the tornado. The sound of thunder was deafening to her.

"You're just like your Meatball Head of a mother!" Mars exclaimed while she pulled the little pinkette out of the storm. "Shut up!" Mini Moon snapped.

"Yellow Crystal Slash!" Stella exclaimed and next the Trix were blinded and attacked by a bright yellow light.

"Great Job, Stel" Techna congratulated her blonde friend. "Thanks! Now let's finish this!"

Techna nodded in agreement and they joined hands for a convergence spell. "Complimentary Electro Light!" the two Winx girls exclaimed. (I just realized that the two Winx's in each group have crystals in complementary colors o_o)

The Trix screamed and when the light faded, they were gone. "Woah, they got a lot stronger" Mars remarked.

"Let's hope, the last time they faced Metalia head on was when they died." Mercury replied.

"No worries! We just need to have the hope that we'll win!" Mini Moon cheered. The other girls smiled until they noticed a flash of green and red in the corner of her eye.

"That's Musa and Flora!" Techna exclaimed as she and Stella ran in the direction of all the flashing. "Wait for us!" the others shouted and they followed them.

A few minutes later they were surrounded in fog. "Minna! Where are you!" Mars called out.

"Mars?" Uranus's voice questioned.

"Hai! Where are you all?" Mars repeated. "We're in some sort of loop! We can't get out without returning to our starting point!" Uranus explained.

"Let's keep walking, we'll find them and then we should go look for the others." Mercury suggested. "Good idea." The five girls walked forward a little bit until they could see six silhouettes.

Crystalix (Winx Club x Sailor Moon)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz