Can't Be Repaired...?//Chapter 26

Start from the beginning

Faythe's face dropped. Her eyes flickering desperately to her other crew mates, "Usopp...?"

Sanji had grabbed Usopp's arm and hurried him over to a crate to sit on, "Why don't you sit down for a bit? Don't want those injuries reopening."

Faythe sent the chef a grateful smile.


Usopp hung his head, "So you didn't get the money back..."

Luffy laughed, "Well, until this Franky guy comes back, we won't know if we can. And even if we don't get it back, we still have 100 million! No worries!"

Wyper shook his head, "So blunt."

"Cripes, how could you be so rash!? At least you're still alive..." Sanji half scolded the sniper.

Nami leaned on a hip and gave a sharp look at her Captain, "It is a worry! It's our money!"

"I'm sorry..." Usopp apologized again. Faythe was getting slightly annoyed with how many times he was going to repeat those words, "But how about the ship? Will 100 million be enough to fix Merry?" Usopp looked up worriedly to the crew, "We came to this big shipbuilding center to get her repaired. We need them to make her strong enough to handle the upcoming voyages..."

Faythe sucked in a harsh breathe. Her eyes darting to find Nami's and Wyper's. Also side glancing to Zoro—who also met her glance for a moment.

"Well, Usopp..." Luffy smiled, "I've decided to switch ships. We owe a lot to the Going Merry, but this is as far as she'll sail."

Usopp blinked.

Faythe felt something small clutch her leg, glancing down, it was Chopper looking at Usopp in worry. She placed a hand on top of his hat, giving him a small form of comfort in this tense moment.

Luffy twisted around in his seat and pulled out a boat catalogue from the table, "So I've been looking some ships to replace her... If we have 100 million, we can get one that even bigger, though it'll have to be second hand."

Usopp raised his hands frantically, "Hold it, hold it. You can stop the joking around now..." He looked up with a wobbly smile, "So... We don't have enough money to repair her? All because I got the 200 million stolen!? There isn't enough, is that it!?"

Faythe stilled, "No wait, Usopp! That isn't—." But he only ignored her as his mind was going through a million excuses as possible.

"I guess top-notch shipwrights sheathe a lot more..." Usopp muttered, but Luffy raised his hands to stop him there.

"Look that's not it!"

Usopp abruptly sat up, "Then explain! Don't hold anything back!"

Luffy was starting to lose his patience, "I'm not holding back! Getting money stolen has nothing to do with this!!"

"Then... Why'd you bring up the idiotic idea of changing ships!!" Usopp's face flickered from frustration to pure confusion, his brows furrowing.

Zoro watched with a frown, "Hey, you two—shouting at each other won't solve anything. Speak calmly!"

"Nothing will be solved if your both angry..!" Wyper agreed.

Usopp whipped a sharp look at Zoro, "How can I be calm when he says such stupid things!?"

Faythe and Sanji both looked at each other with growing concern for the two boys. Sanji moved first to make sure Luffy doesn't lunge at Usopp, while Faythe did so for the latter.

"Hey! This is important, so explain it one thing at a time." Sanji hurried over.

Chopper raced after Faythe to stop Usopp, "Usopp, you'll replaspe.. Don't get so excited!"

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