90)Can We Find The Magical Solutions?

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"I guess you just needed someone here with you" Kai told him with a small pull against his own lip as he pulled his dark hair up and off his face

"Guess I did" Chris slightly smiled back to him

Kais fingers were creeping around, slowly sliding across Chris' hip up to his chest "Well, I'll always be here. Willing to chase the nightmares away"

Chris shivered a little as Kais hands caressed him, he saw Kais face pull up a little as he felt the way he was making Chris feel "I think we need to get up" Chris sighed

Kai hummed at him while looking up as if to show that he was thinking "Erm, no. I don't think we do"

"But we do, Kai. Food is a must"

"What is it with you and your food routine. You're in a prison world. There's no society. No reason to do anything. Besides be here, in bed, with me" Kai smirked as he traced his fingers up and down Chris' side

Chris was looking at Kai and thought he was cute. Usually his mind would go to a guy being hot, which he did when they were having sex for most the night. But right now laying in bed with Kai obviously trying to tease him, he looked kind of adorable with his messed up bed hair and pleads to stay laying down together "But Kai-" Chris whinned

"Don't 'but Kai' me" Kai mocked his whining voice which made Chris smack his bare chest with a slight chuckle which Kai was now mimicking instead "What are you so afraid of? Can't be me because, well, you can't be afraid of someone who gave you that much pleasure" Kai pumped his eyebrows to Chris

'Oh my god, he never stops' Chris thought to himself "If it was up to you then I'd be here till I starved to death"

Kai hummed "Quite true. Alright, I'll compromise. Either we stay like this for a few hours, or I can join you in the shower?"

Chris laughed at him a little "How is that a compromise?"

"It's a compromise where either way I get what I want" Kai shrugged without a care about his slight selfishness that Chris found slightly funny "Now it's up to what you want? To lay here in the bed, or up against a wall with me against you?"

"What makes you so sure it would be me up the wall?" Chris asked him

"You're not seriously asking that are you? How about you ask the house walls? Pretty sure they've memorised my name because of you" Kai said which made Chris go slightly red from the embarrassment, he then tried to roll over to look away but Kai grabbed Chris' chin and pulled him back "Come on, spare me the shame" Kai then kissed Chris "They're not the only thing that will memorise me" He winked to him

Chris immediately thought 'right' he then turned quickly and jumped off of the bed which sent Kai into a laughing fit. He was in a very hot and bothered state right now which Kai was very amused by. Chris knew he had to get up and out before any thoughts Kai was having also invaided his mind "I'm going to go and hop in the shower now. Could you make something for us for when I get out?"

Kai sat up back against the headboard, pulling a pillow behind his back to be more comfortable "Sure I can" The bedsheet fell down off his chest down to his hips where Chris noticed that he wasn't wearing any clothes at all, and if they went any lower then he would be exposed to something he had already felt for hours the night before "If you had manners that is" Kai grinned


"I do love when you say my name"

"Kai!" Chris shouted at him but when looking down at Kais smug smile he knew that his was stubborn nature wouldn't let him budge until he got what he wanted. Chris gave him a heavy sigh "Fine. Please"

TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1 || RewriteOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora