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I woke up around three in the morning from being ice cold inside the cool cabin. Beside me, where Ryan had fallen asleep next to me was nothing but a pillow in its place. Maybe he was in the bathroom? Yet, the space was ice cold like had hadn't even been there for hours.

I stood to my feet and tied my hair back into a ponytail. Worst case ideas came into my head. What could have happened to him? Maybe he got sick from drinking in the heat and went outside to throw up? It's a pretty good idea.

I slipped on my flip flops and stepped out onto the front porch. Outside it was dark, and hardly lighten by street lights. I watched as a tiny black snake slithered along in the grass and cringed. I may be a wolf and like the outdoors, but I will never want to live in then forever.

Light laugher filled my ears from around the side of the house. A female voice, and I could clearly hear more than one male voice. I clenched my teeth. Obviously, I was getting ticked off.

I tip toed to the corner of the house and peeked around the corner. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and anger boiled inside of me. Bates, Ryan, and Lacey were standing there. Between Ryan's fingers was a light joint and I watched him put it to his lips.

I thought he didn't smoke? My heart shattered. Not only did he 'forget' to mention it to me, it was an illegal drug. I hated seeing him act different. It made me feel awful. What angered me more was when Lacey pressed her hand against his chest and pulled the joint from his lips and put the end in her mouth.

I couldn't silence the growl that erupted from my chest. Their heads snapped my way. Ryan's eyes were bloodshot red, and fear was across his face. Lacey on the other hand gave me a satisfied grin. I wanted to rip her throat out then, but I can't just murder her.

Within seconds I had her pinned against the side of the house by her throat. Her hands clawed at my wrist trying to get me to release my grip. My growls couldn't stop. I wanted to kill her. She had her hands on my mate! She knew what she was doing!

Her hands started to get weaker, and he face paled. Yells were going on behind me, and right before her eyes closed I ripped my hand away from her throat and watched as she sucked in a breath of air.

It took me over the edge, and for the first time in years I shifted into my wolf. I stood over her with my teeth bared, wanting her to try and stand up to me. I wanted a good reason to kill her. She deserved it.

Bates pushed his way to Lacey and picked her up in his arms. Who would want to touch her? I watched them in silence huffing. When they were gone, my eyes Found Ryan.

A pained expression was shinning in the reflection of his eyes. I looked down at the drug on the ground and then back at him. He was so shameful. I thought I could trust him.

I couldn't look at him. I just couldn't. He let her touch him. He let her, that's what got me. He knew I was only feet away. What else could have happened if I didn't show up when I did? Would they have kissed?

I turned the corner and stepped into the cabin and into the bedroom. I slammed the door shut and locked it behind me after shifting back into my human form. As soon as I was dressed I slung the door open and was face to face with Ryan.

He reached out to touch me but I shied away. "Taylor..." He whispered. I pushed him away from me and growled, looking him right in the eye.

"Is this why you wanted to come? So you could meet up with your other girlfriend, and get high?" I yelled. I watched him flinch.

"What happened to Your mine, huh? DOES THE MARK ON YOU NECK MEAN ANYTHING TO you at all?" I yelled.

"Taylor, yes! It does I-" I growled cutting him short.

"Save it. I don't want to hear anything from you." I yelled, pushing him hard enough to make him fall on the couch.

Then I was out the door. He didn't chase after me. I didn't want or expect him to either. He had already pissed me off enough to make even my wolf mad at him. How dare he let her touch him? Did he not understand he was ours?

Part of me felt like he should come after us, and be a man. To explain himself even if he has to use a little force. That little half of me was dimmed by the bigger half that wanted to shove his dick off and ram it right up his poop-chute. He deserved what ever he got at this point.

I walked to the cabin I was looking for and sighed in relief when Lucas was already outside looking straight at me. He glanced over to where my cabin is and let out a tired sigh, and opened the door wide for me to come inside.

"Is it okay if I stay here tonight? I won't be a bother and-" I continued to apologize for waking him up. Clearly he was sleeping from his hardly clothed body and the way his eyes were hardly open. He gave me a sympathetic smile and shook his head.

"It's fine- you can sleep in the bed if you want and I'll take the couch," I shook my head against it. I couldn't do that to him. It was his bed.

"I'll be fine of the couch, thank you," I breathed. Lucas just gave me a look and rubbed his eyes. I latched myself onto him with a hug and let out a shaky breath. As much as I wanted to cry I couldn't. I will not show weakness.

"Taylor I'd feel better knowing that I'll be there if something happens tonight, if someone comes in I don't want them to get to you- sleeping in the room. If you feel bad well split the bed- okay?" He asked. I nodded my head. He was looking out for me.

"Okay," I breathed. He let me go and showed me the way to the room. The bed was large, like the one in the other cabin, and the bed sheets were messed up from his previous slumber.

Hesitantly I climbed in and pulled the blanket to my chin. Lucas didn't give it a second thought and climbed on the other side keeping his distance from me. Thankfully as soon as I was in bed I fell asleep without even thinking about what happened tonight.

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