
419 8 17

(Y/N) (L/N)

Age: 15

Alignment: Mage


(H/L) (H/C) hair

(E/C) eyes (heterochromia included)

(S/C) skin

(Y/H) = height

Likes: her friends, sweets, cooking, singing, cute things, looking at the stars, making tea, daydreaming

Hates: villains, seeing her friends get hurt, anything horror-related, bullies, being alone for way too long

*Outfit is above*

Healing magic
Starry magic
Elemental magic (possible if shared with/learned by others or with an elemental charm)
Outfit changes based on element
Teleportation (even to places you were in before)

Weapon: Wand, book/tome, relic

Weapon: Wand, book/tome, relic

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