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Long time yeah... Let's dive in the story directly..


The decorators did their work in the best possible way and the whole hall area looked absolutely amazing. The elders and youngsters were already down attending the guests, while Rhea's eyes kept on glancing at the stairs as the couple of the night haven't showed up yet.

A few minutes tickled more and now that even the guests were asking for the couple, Pallavi asked Naira and Kiara to look for the two. As they began to move, the lights went off with just one spotlight to be spotted at the stairs, showing the couple dressed up in all their glory. The boys were shamelessly ogling onto Prachi which didn't went unnoticed by her possessive husband and he just grabbed her by waist pulling her close to him, showing the world that this lady belongs to him and only him. Vikram's voice on the mic caught everyone's attention and they spotted him to be under another spotlight.

Vikram: hellooo everyone! Welcome to the reception party of my son and daughter in law. So please give a huge round of applause to my son, Mr. Ranbir Kohli and his loving wife, Mrs. Prachi Ranbir Kohli

The hall was filled with claps as asked and the couple descended the stairs giving a small smile to each other

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The hall was filled with claps as asked and the couple descended the stairs giving a small smile to each other. Rhea on the other hand fumed on listening Prachi's name joined with Ranbir's and she having the surname of Kohli's.

The introduction time of Prachi with various investors, business partners, friends, media took alot of time. The media asked so many questions which was answered in the most polite way possible. But, one question angered ranbir.

Media Person: Mr. Ranbir Kohli, we have heard up by someone that you have got married some time ago as well, but now you are divorced with your first wife, is that true?

The family members exchanged looks as if thinking who could be the person to spread this news. Ranbir's marriage with Rhea didn't involved alot of people, also Rhea wasn't introduced as Ranbir's wife to anyone else. Prachi looked at Ranbir, knowing very well, that Ranbir wasn't much fond of talking about the past and his clutched fist showed that well.

Prachi held his fist and opening it, she entangled their fingers. Instead of him, she made herself the one to answer them.

Prachi: well, the thing is that, yes my husband was married to someone, sometime back and yeah they are divorced too. Don't know who spread the thing, but yes you all got the correct information.

Ranbir looked on as to see how Prachi handles this situation.

Media Person: so does that mean that ma'am, you don't have any problem with his previous marriage?

Prachi: absolutely not. Why should I? I would have if he was stuck in the past and other stuffs. But here, the thing is isn't like that.

At the end, she smiled at Ranbir warmly who too passed the same smile to her.

The Sunshine Of My Life حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن