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Prachi was sitting on the sofa and having her favorite ice-cream, which she got to eat after days as pragya was being strict about her health.

The mens along with aryan/ranbir were in the study, discussing about the meeting that will be taking place today. Arav was with shahana, as usual both were fighting among each other.

The mens soon came back and joined others in the hall.

PRAGYA: prachi go and help ranbir in packing his bag..

PRACHI, whines: mumma please na.. I'm eating.. Please don't disturb na..

SUSHMA: prachi bacha..

RANBIR, interrupting: it's ok aunty

PRACHI: yes na daadimumma, let me eat this. Mumma didn't let me to even touch ice cream for sooo many days. And ranbir ji, (facing Ranbir) your bag is ready in our room.. You just need to pick it up and come down..

RANBIR, with shocked face: you already packed my bag!!??

PRACHI, shrugged: yes! Now let me eat..

RANBIR, shook his head: ice cream lover..

He went from there as prachi stuck a tongue at him. He stopped at the stairs and came back and sat beside her.

She looked at him with an eye-brow raised and mouth full with the desert. Ranbir leaned in and ran from there after eating a bite of the desert from her spoon.

PRACHI, shouts: ranbir ji!!!

All laughed at the two grown up kids while prachi pouts. Other mens too went to grab their bags.

Soon all were back.
DISHA: even I'm coming, I have a few surgeries today..

ALIA, smirking: be careful disha, don't know whom you will kill..

DISHA, smirks back: that person will be none other than you

All laughed at her while she fumed. Prachi too, who had just joined them after washing her hands which had some strains of ice cream.

RANBIR, to prachi, teasingly: done with your desert?

PRACHI, glaringly: yes

He chuckled at this.
ABHI: we should leave or else we will be late for the meeting

VIKRAM: yes, aryan even you have a meeting right?

ARYAN: yes, new clients are coming so..

All nodded and the office going people moving towards the door, but stopped as Ranbir stopped in between.

He turned and looked at prachi who was as confused as others on his hault of steps. Ranbir moved towards his wife and kept his bag aside, standing in front of her. He held her hands in his hands and looked at her with a small smile.

RANBIR, softly: come here..

He pulled her close slowly and hugged her. She too smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Both had a smile playing on their lips with their eyes closed.

Others smiled seeing the couple while ranbir tightened the hug more, snuggling into her.

Prachi broke the hug and he cupped her face, gazing into her eyes in the most lovable manner. She too looked at him with pure respect dripping from her eyes.

RANBIR: take care of yourself okay?

She nodded smilingly while he leaned in and kissed her forehead and everyone's face dropped the smile and shock expression took over it. Prachi blushed at his action making him smile.

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