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Months have passed after Rhea was ousted from the mansion. No one was happy,as the news was spread that - "the daughter of Abhishek Prem Mehra, Rhea mehra.. runaway from her house with her boyfriend"

All were shocked as this wasn't the thing. No one knew who spread this news.. But, this news became the reason of losses that fusion beats faced.

Because of this news, and the losses that the company faced.., all became more sad as well as angry on rhea. Pallavi and Dida were better now as prachi took their responsibility.

She was taking care of each and every need of them. Their was a little happiness in the house.. and the reason were the youngsters. They didn't let the others sad. They always used to lift up their mood specially after what happened the very next day of departure of Rhea.

But one thing didn't changed and that was Ranbir's habit of drinking alcohol. This was the only sadness apart from Rhea.

Abhi was not able to meet his eyes with anyone in the family, even with the outsider. Rhea made his head fall in shame. He cursed his upbringing for it.

In all these phase, prachi forgave abhi.. this was indeed a shocking news for everyone. Now, they both share a good bond.. but for prachi, vansh comes first and not abhi. This thing never changed and that was a relief to vansh.

The fights among arav and shahana kept the house alive. Their stupidities.. silly fights.. cranky acts.. used to fill the house with laughter..

Shahana and prachi also used to fight sometimes as prachi always favours arav, whenever he and shahana gets into a fight. But, whenever vansh used to scold him... They both were his shield.. why not? Afterall he is the only brother of both sisters..

Talking about buisness, except for fusion beats.. all were in profit. Prachi had completed her studies, so she was at home only and had kept her dream of becoming a famous fashion designer at side for sometime, as the condition of the house and the situation wasn't that good.

It was a fine night, with everyone heading towards the dining table. Prachi came with the last dish and began serving everyone. Once they all began eating, Ranbir looked at prachi.. who was busy eating something.

RANBIR: prachi, I want to say something..

PRACHI: spill it Ranbir ji.

RANBIR: I.. actually.. see I'll directly come at the point. I'm appointing someone who will take care of Dida and mom, every now and then. You don't have to do it..

All looked at him with surprise as well as shock
PRACHI: bu..but why? Why can't I take care of them?

RANBIR: try to understand prachi.. if anyone from outside got to know, that you being no one to us.. taking so much care without any benefit of yours.. what if they point out your character or speak any kind of shit about you!?

PRACHI, angrily banged the table: what the heck to you mean by no one to you guys.. oh yeah.. I'm seriously no one to you all just a daughter of your father's buisness partner, right? Fine.. appoint whoever the fuck you want.. I don't care.. and why should I even.. who am I to you guys!!?? Listen to me very carefully Mr.Kohli that now onwards don't ever think of talking to me.. because I don't like to give a shit to strangers...

She angrily went from their wiping off her tears, without eating her dinner. All looked at Ranbir angrily.

VIKRAM: why did you said all that Ranbir? She take care of everyone in the house with whole heart.. why do you behave as such?

RANBIR: what could I have done dad? Yesterday one employee was also saying that if prachi isn't our family member than why do she care so much about us? Then even I thought, when Rhea who was my wife once, never cared of me and the family... But prachi does... Why?

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