"The meat is cut well, but it's bigger than what I asked for."

"Don't cut the fish into pieces, they must be connected to make the flowers."

Ji Si pressed a fish and picked out the spines while sweating profusely, before he could breathe a sigh of relief. , one ear was stuffed and stabbed several times on the left and right. No, wouldnt it be enough to make a fish by just chopping it into pieces? The fish he had eaten were either whole or in many pieces. When did they become pieces?

It also needs to be thin and unbreakable.

"Forget it, just cut off the fish meat. You can also roll it into flowers when you're done."

Ji Si: "..." Fish meat? flower? Can fish turn into flowers?

Fei Yu casually threw a few fruits to Ji Si, "Carve a flower out of it."

Ji Si: "..." Why is it a flower again? Can wild fruits also become flowers?

Fei Yu gave him a few wild vegetables: "Arrange them into flowers."

Ji Si: "..."

Flowers, flowers, flowers! He hates flowers!

Fei Yu suppressed a smile and consoled him: "That's why I won't let you help. After all, you haven't learned anything."

Ji Si didn't feel comforted at all and whispered: "Then you teach me when you get back."

Fei Yu agreed, Ask him to wait outside the kitchen.

Ji Si probably felt humiliated, so she didn't say anything. She glanced at Fei Yu and left the kitchen sadly.

With the dragon and snake gone, it was finally easier for Fei Yu to do things. He immediately summoned two phantom flowers in the space and transformed himself into two.

The previous ones were just to make the dragon and snake retreat in the face of difficulties. Fei Yu actually didn't think about what food to make for the cubs before he came to the training place. He was planning to go to the place and see what ingredients were available before deciding. After checking the kitchen, Fei Yu couldn't be more satisfied.

The cubs are indeed treasures!

Take a look at the kitchen used to prepare food for them. There are more than twenty kinds of wild animal meat, seven or eight of which Fei Yu can't guess what kind of beast they come from. All kinds of green, red, white, pink... more than a dozen kinds of wild fruits were piled in a row in the basket. There are six or seven kinds of animal milk filled in clay pots and placed on the table, and finally there are wild vegetables.

Wild vegetables are the only type of food that Rou specially explained to Fei Yu before leaving.

The meaning of her words is very simple, just to let the cubs who don't like to eat wild vegetables eat more wild vegetables. The orcs in the training office who are responsible for preparing wild vegetables can concentrate on collecting wild vegetables when they have nothing to do. There were some wild vegetables that they often ate and knew by name, and some that they had only tried once and confirmed that they were not poisonous.

The latter may taste good or bad, but it was originally meant to be taken away for the teenage orcs to eat. After all, they have learned that taste is not the only requirement for food. But since the cooks were skilled chefs, I thought they might be able to make the unpalatable food delicious, so I stayed again. I also want to try my luck, what if there is a Zaizai who likes those weird smells?

Fei Yu was very grateful that they did not take away the unpalatable wild vegetables. As long as the orcs have leaves, they are classified as wild vegetables. Fei Yu dug out star anise, Sichuan peppercorns and cumin.

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