food The competition is a competition held by the Yan tribe and some neighboring star tribes. The content of the competition is to try all the food that other tribes except your own tribe bring to the competition.

Yes, thats all food.

Lets not talk about how many competing tribes there are, how much food each tribe will bring in total, and whether a male orc with a big appetite can eat them all. Lets just talk about the taste of the food itself. Even the orcs who don't ask for it can't eat it.

The essence of the food tasting competition is not a welfare program where everyone sits down in a friendly manner and just eats each other to compete with who can eat more.

Its purpose is transformation.

All the food brought to the competition will not cause any harm to the orcs' bodies. On the contrary, it will improve their meat, body or abilities. They are all delicacies made by spiritual chefs.

The only drawback is that it tastes bad.

Food is unpalatable and it is a pity to throw it away, so in order not to waste the effect of the food itself, the food tasters participating in the competition need to taste all the food, give a certain number of words of their impressions, and discuss how to eat it without affecting the effect of the food. Below, I only put forward a certain number of words to improve the taste.

Speaking of this, the female orc suddenly remembered that she seemed to have forgotten to ask the most important question. She asked Feiyu nervously: "Can you make food?" Feiyu shook his head and quickly relaxed the conditions, "I can't do anything, I understand. It can be deep."

There was really no way to hide this. Fei Yu nodded with difficulty and admitted: "I can."

"Great." The female orc slapped the table, "Then you can be a food taster. "

In fact, even if Fei Yu can't, the female orcs will still keep Fei Yu. Every time there are not enough orcs to participate in this competition, everyone stays far away when they hear that there is a competition. The other participating tribes were able to gather enough people to count, but they, the Yan tribe, could not find anyone. There is no other way, they are famous for their facial expressions, and almost all of them are orcs who love beauty. Who is willing to eat that unpalatable food and make themselves grin?

Food has special effects, but they need to be eaten for a long time to appear.

It was also Feiyu who had just arrived and didnt understand anything. The meaning of each plank was actually clearly laid out from the beginning. The female orc clearly made a trick on the plank because she couldn't attract any orcs to compete. Unfortunately, Fei Yu didn't know that after the other party made it clear that he couldn't re-select if he scratched it off, Fei Yu had no choice but to accept this somewhat unpleasant job.

After taking out the wooden board that proved his identity, Fei Yu dipped his thumb into the orange juice that the female orc took out - each wooden board had a different color when fingerprinting it - and after pressing his fingerprints, Fei Yu couldn't wait to stand up and leave.

The female orc sent him to the door, and at the same time did not forget to remind: "If you put your fingerprints on the identity board, your fingerprints will also appear on your other identity board retained by the tribe. So, remember not to skip the game~"

Fei Yu: "..."


soon as Fei Yu left the room, he was greeted by curious inquiries from a few people.

"What's in the room?"

"Why did they let you into the room?"

Fei Yu didn't intend to hide it from them, so he said it in a few words.

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