Fei Yu thought about it and accepted it.

The young orc laughed when he saw this: "I just like cheerful people." He leaned closer to Feiyu, lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "I'll tell you something secretly, the fruits I gave you were chopped up and left for a long time. The hot energy will dissipate completely. When the time comes, you can mix the fruit with honey and eat it. It will have a very powerful effect." His voice became even lower. "What's wrong with orcs who haven't awakened their abilities and eat it like that? It promotes the awakening of abilities, and if the ability has been awakened, no matter what ability it is, eating it can help improve it."

Fei Yu's mental energy turned back and forth between the fruit and honey a few times, and when he noticed something, his eyes flashed slightly, The joy of getting the new medicinal herbs in my heart faded a bit.

He was alert, but asked in a low voice: "You need to eat a lot to have the effect, right?" Otherwise, how could the other party be willing to give it in exchange?

The young orc immediately added: "You are right. But something is better than nothing, right? A little adds up to a lot, and more is of great use. And -" he deliberately prolonged his tone, "this fruit is very useful to me. It's not difficult to get."

Fei Yu heard what he meant and asked: "If I try it and it feels good, can I exchange more with you?"

"Hahaha, no problem." The young orc said to Fei Yu The superior seemed to be very satisfied. He took a few steps back and stopped avoiding the orcs around him. He returned to his original voice and said: "If you are satisfied with my fruit, then I will use it to exchange you for black eggs in the future." Facts. As long as Feiyu eats the fruit, the young orc is not afraid that he will not come to him.

Fei Yu smiled: "Okay."

The female orcs who saw the fruit were very interested, but the young orc didn't say much to them, waved to Fei Yu, picked up the vine basket and left.

Everyone sighed as they watched the rattan basket go away.

"It's sold out now? If I had known I should have bought fifty or sixty of them as soon as I went up!" "

Oh, I was just cautious for once. The opportunity slipped away too fast." "

I don't even have an egg shadow. I saw..."

"Brother, make more black eggs tomorrow!"

"The sun hasn't set yet, why are the eggs gone first?"

Fei Yu: "..."

After selling the cola eggs, Fei Yu went to the depths of the woods as usual. Take a trip to find enough eggs to sell tomorrow, hunt a few wild animals to add to the inventory, practice until it gets dark, then get up and go home.

After carefully checking the newly obtained honey and confirming that there was no problem, Fei Yu planned to make honey barbecue for dinner.

All the hunted beasts have been processed by Fei Yu, and they are stored in different spaces according to the type of beast and body parts. If Feiyu wants to make animal meat, he can just take it out.

What the animal meat looks like when you put it in, it will still look like when you take it out.

Turn on the fire, put the frying plate on the fire, use a small brush made of clean animal hair dipped in animal oil and gently brush it on the frying plate. After a while, the aroma of oil exploded with the sound of "sizzling".

Fei Yu held the bone knife in one hand, and picked up a piece of tender meat from a spiny toothed beast processed into long strips with the other hand. With a slight movement of his fingers, the bone knife made a beautiful slash. Then, the thin blade of the knife was attached to the picked up tender meat, and with a slight exertion of force on the wrist, a medium-thick piece of meat was cut from the long piece of thorn-toothed beast meat, and was cut in mid-air. It produced a parabola and fell steadily onto the frying plate.

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