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Chapter 10 Don’t be nervous

  The rain is getting heavier, hitting the car windows with pitter-patter, and water is dripping on the road, rippling in circles.

  This time I had to wait until the traffic light turned green for more than a hundred seconds, drowning in the rain and fog, and the numbers jumped hazily. What was originally an ordinary thing, after Yi Yang's questioning, became more like a long countdown to death.

  What Yi Yang said makes people feel so stressed.

  No matter what the facts are, we can't let him lead us by the nose all the time! Le Yan was silent for a moment, then took his hands away from his hat, holding one hand with the other. He asked, "How did you know that house actually belonged to Dr. Shen?" "I recognize him

  ." Yi Yang said. : "To be exact, my parents recognize me. They have been friends for many years."

  That's it.

  "But Teacher Shen said that this house is now in my name, which means it belongs to my personal property." "

  So, you do know Shen Qing, Professor Shen, right?" Yi Yang looked at the other side of the zebra road. There was no emotion at the traffic light at one end: "About half a month ago, the house opposite me, where you live now, had activity tracks, indicating that you just moved in half a month ago. And coincidentally, Yin Ge The underground laboratory in the mountain exploded half a month ago. Do you think there is any inevitable connection between the two?" There is an inevitable connection


  The small and confined space of a car is so depressing. It is raining and the windows are not even opened. It is just the two of them. Personally, I would be awkwardly quiet if I didn't speak.

  Le Yan quietly tightened his hands. At this moment, he didn't like Yi Yang a little. This atmosphere was a hundred times scarier than in the interrogation room.

  He couldn't find any effective words to refute in his poor vocabulary, so he said dryly: "I don't know what you are talking about." "

  You must know."

  Le Yan muttered: "I don't know."

  "You call him teacher. Le

  Yan sighed quietly, "So you want to have dinner with me today because of this incident? You are a policeman. When you ask all the questions, you already have the answer in your heart."

  "The answer is that you came out of the laboratory. Others may not know your name, but I do. In the document passed down from above, there is a person named Leyan. At first I thought he had the same name, but later I met him on the mountain. It was only after you arrived that I linked this name to you." Yi Yang glanced at him and said, "Don't be nervous, I just want to ask about the situation at that time. We are investigating this case." "What document has mine on it?

  " Name?"

  "List of personnel of Yinge Mountain Underground Laboratory. That is the document you saw in my office last night." "


  This is not surprising at all. Teacher Shen said that the experiments done in the laboratory cannot be Seeing the light, Leyan is the most special existence, so he has his own identity. If not, even if he successfully enters society, he will still be a black man.

  Yi Yang: "Is my guess correct?"

  "...I am indeed Teacher Shen's student." Le Yan was slightly frightened because he decided to lie. During the few seconds of pause, he kept thinking about After doing some mental construction on his own and cheering him up, he swallowed and said, "Teacher Shen personally sent me out of the laboratory half a month ago... It was raining like today, and the mountain road was too slippery, so I fell Went down..."

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