Chapter 22 - Hard Truths, Cut Both Ways

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Chapter 22 - Hard Truths, Cut Both Ways

The atmosphere inside the dining hall was as gloomy as the blackish-grey skies outside. Ice rain relentlessly battered the massive glass windows, and the wind howled in the distance. Miorine and Suletta sat in a booth, surrounded by the cold spectacle of the weather.

"H-hey, Miorine," Suletta spoke tentatively.

Miorine turned her gaze from the chaotic scene outside. Chin resting on her hand, she stared at the purple lights flickering in the distance. The lack of power had left the whole campus in darkness, a frustrating circumstance for someone whose setup relied heavily on electricity. They found themselves forced to eat in the dimly lit dining hall.

"Look!" Suletta exclaimed, excitement in her voice. She took a lone cookie and slammed it forcefully against the table. The cookie remained intact, but the table now bore a dent.

"What in the world?" Miorine muttered, wide-eyed. "It's a cookie, a damned chocolate chip cookie," she said to herself, only for Suletta to smile and chuckle.

Miorine sighed, taking a sip from her coffee. At least the coffee was halfway decent, she thought. Neither of them seemed to have much appetite. Suletta had barely touched her food, mirroring Miorine's lack of interest. Miorine noticed Suletta's smile gradually shifting into a contorted expression.

"Are you okay?" Miorine asked, concern in her voice.

Suletta shrugged, her emotions oddly elusive. Miorine, usually adept at reading Suletta, found herself unable to discern her friend's feelings. Leaning back in her seat, Miorine wrapped her arms around herself.

"Is this about Aiden and House Harmony?" she sighed, her frustration evident even in the way she pronounced Suletta's name. "They have lied to us on a number of occasions. Even after my conversation with Deacon about no more lies, he continues to deceive me. Does it not bother you how they concealed where they went for over a week? How Deacon would openly be our friend but hide such information? I'm practically forking the bill for their mechs and equipment, and this is how they repay me, repay us?"

Suletta lifted her gaze, and Miorine pressed on. "Aiden comes back with bruises and wounds. They drag in some hot-headed ginger with a gun that threatened Earth House. It would be a damned miracle if Harmony did not get reported to academy police!" Miorine was breathing heavily now, a mix of frustration and exasperation escaping in a heavy groan.

"Suletta, I get that you care about them. I get that you feel for them, and yes, that is a good thing about your character. However, they don't deserve it," Miorine snapped. "The moment I went into that room, they were trying to hide what happened to Oscar."

"Oscar?" Suletta's eyes widened. "H-he looked to be fine, Miorne. Actually, he seemed to be the only one acting like himself."

Miorine shook her head, pausing, contemplating whether to reveal the gruesome truth about Oscar's condition. The dilemma gripped her, aware that Suletta's compassionate nature would propel her to check on Oscar herself. Yet, the injury couldn't be concealed. She bit her lip and locked eyes with Suletta.

"Suletta, when I went into the room, Oscar, he was trying to act like it was normal, but his leg...his foot, it was..."

The conversation halted abruptly as a new figure approached. The dining hall, with its sparse occupants, turned their attention to the newcomer. Miorine and Suletta, consumed by the day's chaos, hadn't paid much heed to who was present. A distracted Miorine just wanted to eat and leave. Yet, the approaching figure demanded their attention.

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