Chapter 8 - Duel of Will

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Author Note: I nearly uploaded the unedited chapter instead of the newly edited one! That experience truly taught me the importance of sleep. I've been working on this chapter almost all day to hone my writing skills. However, I didn't anticipate it becoming this lengthy. I had expected us to be halfway through the story, but technically, we're still on episode 1. I don't want the fic to be excessively long, but I want the quality to shine. If writing a lot is necessary for that, I'm willing to do so. Having 7,000 words for this chapter seems a bit insane. It's quite late where I am, and I'm feeling extremely exhausted. In the next chapter, I will respond to the reviews from the previous one. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has been following, favoriting, and reviewing my work. Reading your thoughts on the chapter is truly amazing and is one of the things that motivates me to continue writing. Thank you once again. Please remember to follow, favorite, and review, as it greatly helps with my motivation and the frequency of my uploads. Have a wonderful and awesome day!

Chapter 8

"Aiden," Jack's voice cut through the air, jolting Aiden from his contemplation. Aiden's eyes emerged from the confined space of his titan's cockpit, meeting Jack's gaze.

They stood in the hangar, a familiar haven that Aiden knew intimately. Despite his limited view from within the cockpit, the surroundings had etched themselves into his memory. The distinct aroma of oil permeated the air, a comforting scent that spoke of countless hours spent amidst the machinery.

The cacophony of House Harmony's engineers reverberated around them, the relentless flurry of activity filling the hangar. Drills buzzed, iPads were tapped, and scanners whirred as the technicians meticulously inspected the titans. It was a last-minute scramble, preparing for the imminent battle that would determine their fate.

Guel's declaration loomed over them like a specter, the weight of potential expulsion and the ruin of House Harmony bearing down on their shoulders. Aiden closed his eyes, his hand rising to his face. "Too much," he murmured under his breath. The past few days had been a whirlwind of chaotic events.

Recovering the Titans, confronting the relentless bugs, encountering the enigmatic Suletta—all of it had pushed Aiden to the edge. And now, with House Jetturk poised as their formidable opponents, the pressure was suffocating. He removed his hand, his false arm brushing against his skin, his heart pounding against the metallic core within him.

The expectations were palpable. Aiden couldn't afford to falter. Winning was the only option, a matter of survival. His gaze swept across the assembled crew, a group that once would have been formidable. They were a shadow of their former selves, lacking the resources and support they needed.

Engineers who would have fought alongside them in grand battles were scarce. The chains that once held the titans aloft now hung motionless, swaying gently in the gusts of the autumn wind that whistled through the hangar. Spent ammunition casings littered the floor, a stark reminder of their limited supplies.

Jack leaned against the edge of his cockpit door, his brown eyes reflecting off his glasses as he regarded Aiden. "Aiden," he called out once more.

Aiden's attention snapped back to Jack, confusion etched on his face. "You know that's a bad omen," Jack muttered. Aiden locked eyes with him, seeking an explanation. "A pilot's mind should never be clouded."

Aiden couldn't help but scoff. "Really?" he retorted, shaking his head as his helmet lay in his lap. He picked it up, his fingers rolling over the familiar contours. The armor they wore, pieced together from various sources, held a rugged and makeshift quality. But it was the helmets, remnants of their home planet, that held a deeper significance.

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