Chapter 21 - Never Forget, Never Forgive

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Hello everyone! It's been a while, but I'm still dedicated to completing this story. I'm confident in my ability to do so, and my dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the narrative has fueled my motivation. It's this dissatisfaction that drives me to take creative liberties, addressing what I perceive as "issues" and striving to enhance the overall viewing experience.

'The Witch from Mercury' holds a peculiar place in my perspective, unlike other Gundam shows within my knowledge. It appears shorter than its counterparts, possibly contributing to the rushed ending and the feeling of unresolved plot points and characters. My goal is to address and rectify these issues. I'm planning for the story to conclude within 40 to 60 chapters, a range I believe will allow for a more comprehensive and satisfying resolution. This project has been both challenging and enjoyable, providing me with an opportunity to refine my writing skills while concurrently working on my novel.

Now, for the exciting news: I've built up a substantial backlog, currently spanning Chapter 21 to Chapter 24. We're approaching the conclusion of the Elan arc, and I've relished the creative process in writing it. I can't wait for you to experience what's in store. Expect weekly updates on Fridays, but any occasional slowdowns are likely due to life's demands. Despite that, my commitment to this story remains strong. Let's see where this journey takes us.

On a personal note, this upcoming chapter is infused with drama. As always, I appreciate follows, favorites, votes, and comments. Join me in enjoying this rollercoaster of a story.

Best Regards,

The Author

Chapter 22

The figure, designated Enhanced Person Number 4, or the 4th Elan Ceres, existed in a state of uncertain identity - a blend of clone, human, or something beyond comprehension. Stripped of facial features, only a solitary memory lingered in the recesses of his consciousness.

Drifting through the sterile confines of a utilitarian medical chamber, he sat cross-legged in his sleepwear. Blond locks cascaded behind his ears, bathed in the soft glow of dim blue lights, while his half-lidded eyes exuded an air of indifference.

Belmaria, her eyes half-narrowed from fatigue, ceased her keyboard's rhythmic tap dance and swiveled in her chair. The grooves on her face, once etched with smiles, now seemed ironed and worn, as if she had forgotten the art of mirth over time.

"Four," she declared, her weary attempt at a smile betraying the struggles beneath. He met her gaze with impassivity. "Are you excited?"

Perhaps genuine excitement was a relic for the 4th. He merely stared back. Undeterred, Belmaria sighed, the pleasantries dissipating as she returned to her screen.

"After you triumph in the Aerial, freedom awaits. A new face, a substantial sum. Maybe, a chance at a semblance of normalcy."

"Maybe," the 4th replied dispassionately.

Undeterred by his stoicism, Belmaria pressed on with the debriefing. Unexpectedly, he broke his silence. "I wish to learn more about Aiden Winters," he declared.

Her surprise palpable, Belmaria turned back, chair swiveling. "You want to know about him? That's unusual for you, fourth."

His response was blunt. "I need to understand my opponent before facing him, especially someone as formidable as Aiden."

Belmaria paused, intrigued. "I've never heard you speak of a rival like this, fourth."

His newfound vigor prompted her to skip the standard medical checkup, delving straight into the crux of the matter. Typing 'Aiden Winters' into the screen, the file materialized. The large flat screen displayed Aiden, a mischievous smile playing on his features, eyes as blue as the ocean, and wavy black hair cascading.

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