Tuesday, January 9, 2024

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Last night the side of my hand was really itchy so i scratched it a lot and now there's like holes in my skin ew

Ok so my dad got covid from takinh my brother to taco bell

I brought  2 chocilates to shool today and gave one to midnight 

I ate mine in english

Today was an orientation day for younger kids so the wchedule was screwed up and we had rcess hafter 2nd period

The counselor said she could see me during 2 or 6 period

She didnt

In msth i ate my lemon starburst

In PE we did the dumbells and then cardio

In volleyball i got put on a team with Crush 3 and bro actually knows my name like what????????

In band we had a sub so we had kids go up to conduct and it was a disaster

We barely got naything done

The saxes played so loudly and i think my trombone is out of tune

My umbrella flipped inside out :(

Someone gave my mom a crocheted doll that kinda looks like alice in wonderland/cinderella



Why does everyone have mental health problems

Frenemy 2 admitted to self harm multiple times

Strawberries said in PE he was punching the walls and laughing it off

Fuck this shit

On a lighter note, Crush 2 (ok hes not ancrush anymore lets call him Undertale Guy) was gonna commission me for a pfp so yippee money

My life on crack at 2 amWhere stories live. Discover now