Chapter 13: The Kusarigama

Start from the beginning

"Well, I've got nothing else better to do," I told myself. I walked over to the weapons rack and scanned through them in hoped of finding the same pair of Kusarigama that I was using when sparring. I only used them once and I could tell that I'd enjoy using them because they seemed to grip pretty well in my hands, and I loved using weapons that worked like that. I finally found them on one of the racks and picked it up, them still being as comfortable in my grip as before. As I was about to go to start training, I saw another pair in the corner of my eyes. I approached them and smiled. "Now this is a better one," instead of it having two blades on the end, it only had one blade on an end with an iron weight at the end. I put the one I was already holding down and picked up the new one, which somehow managed to be more comfortable than the other one. "I'll use these instead."

I walked into a clear area, that only had a few training dummies in it, and shifted my feet so that they were in a battle-ready stance, ready to give them a good swing. I took the Kuma in my right hand and held the chain in my left. I slowly let Iron weight start swinging beside me before i brought it over my head, still letting it swing. I took a deep breath and quickly whipped it back and at a training dummy. I watched it wrap around the training sword that it was holding and pulled it out of it's holder, what it's hand would be if it was living.

As it fell to the ground, I took the sickle in my hand that held it against the neck of the dummy, and would claim victory if it was a real fight. I stepped back to get a good look at the other dummies. I grabbed part of the chain and slid my grip closer to the middle before letting go of the sickle. I didn't hesitate to swing it around and wrapped the chain around another dummy. I whipped it to my left and let the thing fly to a wall across from me, which ended up hitting something in the way. I saw that it was someone, and that someone was Cole. "Gah!" I heard him shriek when the large wooden dummy hit him in the stomach.

"I'm sorry!" I ran over to him and helped him get the training dummy off of him, leaving the kusarigama on . I can't believe that that just happened! What was he even doing out here at this time? Who am I to ask, I was here already doing exactly what I was asking about him. "I didn't see you, and I couldn't stop the thing from hitting you in time," I tried.

He got up and put his hand up, assuring me "It's fine, you didn't know I was there. But what are you doing out here, though?" he questioned me.

"Oh, you know, couldn't fall asleep. Nya wouldn't stop snoring and it is so annoying!" I complained to him. He had to understand where I was coming from, right? He had to because no one liked sleeping in the same room as someone who snored, especially when it was really loud. "Plus I was hungry," I added.

"I hope you didn't eat my cake," he laughed "I don't know what I'd do without it. You wouldn't believe what happened the last time someone tried to eat it. Jay almost had to go to the hospital."

My eyes widened for a moment before I glanced over to the empty plate. "Uh, don't worry. I ate something else," I looked back at his hoping that he wouldn't catch on about the fact that I ate his cake. I was debating whether or not I felt bad, it seems like he wanted to eat it himself but I enjoy it so much! "Well anyways, what about you, what are you doing out here?" I was going to ask him the same, so I just did it now.

"I heard someone out here and I wanted to see who it was, and I can put to see you training," he admitted. "It's like one, you know?"

"Really?" I scratched the back of my head. "Didn't notice," I really didn't even think about looking at the time, but it was good to finally find out. I looked around and walked over to the kusarigama that I left on the ground and put them back on the rack. "Not sure If I'll fall asleep or not because I'm not even tired."

"You fall asleep late, too, huh?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I guess you could say that. I'm the kind of person who stays up late and wakes up late. Well, at least when I can. Don't know why but I can function on less than six hours of sleep, less than four if I'm lucky," I joked. It's not that I tried or anything but I could run off of little sleep if needed. It didn't have many benefits, the only that I could think of was being able to fight without a problem if I had gotten little sleep. "What about you? You said too."

"Yeah, I stay up late sometimes thinking about stuff. Mostly training, I tend to plan out what I'm going to do before the morning so I can get right to things at the start of training," damn, that was some serious dedication to training. I took training seriously too, but I didn't go out of my way to plan what I did the day before. I was the kind of person who prefered to go with the flow. "Well, uh, I'm going to head back to bed. You should do the same," he finished, pointing his thumb in the direction of the rooms we all stayed at. I agreed, maybe it was a good idea to try to fall asleep.

"Yep, got it," I waited for him to leave, which took a few seconds, before running over to the plate and then for the kitchen. Thank god he didn't see the plate with all of the cake crumbs on it! I bet that he would have had my ass if he found out, which is why I wasn't going to say a word to him. When I made it to my room I tried to be quiet so I wouldn't wake up Nya, who was still fast asleep. But luckily for me her snoring wasn't as loud as before, maybe I could finally fall asleep. With even more luck, I fell asleep in no time, just waiting for morning to come along so we could go see what the deal with the snakes was.

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