3 ~ in the palace

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Thorn and I appear in a totally new place, one I've never thought I'd see. But here I am, inside the palace of the fae, in a whole new realm. I step back from Thorn, and he looks at me, a strange, unidentifiable look in those eyes of his. He turns to the line of soldiers that stand several yards across from us, all armed to the teeth.

The room we find ourselves in is in fact, a corridor that is so huge, I feel small. There's a high, vaulted ceiling with rafters that from which hang banners. The floor is marble, covered with a red and gold colored carpet, and the walls themselves are lined with sconces and torches, all lit up. I see out the small, round windows, is cliff side, with a rocky outcropping that overlooks a raging, churning body of water. The sky above is gray, and when I look up, I can't tell if it's snow clouds or rain.

I just stare, my eyes wide as Thorn approaches the line of soldiers.  They all relax at the sight of him, and one steps forth. He lowers his spear, and removes the mask on his face. Each of them wear a black metal armor, with a plain white mask and a black hole for each eye. They also have hoods up, so it's impossible to tell who is who there.

"Prince Thorn," says the guard fae. He bows at the waist, hand a fist over his heart.

Wait. Prince?!

"Nice to see you, Cal. I trust things went well with the family meeting?"

"Ach, yeah. They spent half an hour debating on the merits of having the House of Aklindes as the new one bearing the Silk Trade Charter."

Thorn winces. "Ah. Of course, they did."

"My Prince, may I ask who that faerie there is?" Cal asks, nodding toward me.

"Call her Kesh," he says. Thorn turns towards me, and a soft smile flits across his face. He turns back to Cal. "She is my guest now, and I expect her to be under not only your protection, but the entire guards'."

"Yes, my Prince," Cal says, bowing once more.  "But if I may, I suggest we clean her up and change her into clothes more suitable for the Courts. Especially if she is to meet your parents."

Thorn nods. "Summon Maude, she can help Kesh get ready."

Cal nods once, and Thorn turns back to me. He walks back over, and lowers his voice. "All will be explained later, Kesh. But for now, I suggest you go with Cal. He will take you to Maude, who will clean you up and dress you for Court. You must listen and do as both of them says, alright?"

"I am not a child," I hiss.

He chuckles.  "Well, you are to us. I am indeed one hundred and fifty years old, and Cal is one hundred seventy. Maude, she's a bit closer to your age, as she is thirty-six. I believe you are around twenty-five, right?"

I glare at him. "Gloating does not suit you."

Thorn winks. "My dear, you've yet to see what does truly suit me." He then vanishes in a puff of smoke, and I see Cal, smirking at me.

"What?" I growl.

He holds his hands up in mock surrender. "Nothing, milady. I would like you to follow me, though." He gestures toward a nearby door. "Ladies first."

I scoff and approach the small, blue and yellow door. It opens up on its own, and I do my best to ignore the smug look on the guards' faces as I pass them.

We walk into a smaller, more narrow hall, and Cal steps by me, leading me down and to the side, where we descend some ramps, before finally stopping at another door. This one is just yellow, and it opens with a soft click. He and I walk inside, and I see the fae woman standing beside a dresser, shuffling through the clothes.

Cal clears his throat, and the fae turns to us. She has almond shaped hazel eyes, brown hair that curls around her chin, and pale tan skin. Her pointed ears are full of piercings, and her lip and nose are also pierced. She wears a white and pink dress, one that its skirt stops just above her knees. She wears flat, white sneakers, and as she steps up to me, I realize we are the same height.

This fae woman is plump, and her curves are beautiful. I feel my heart skip a beat, she's too damn pretty. I feel like a pug standing next to a purebred husky.

"Kesh, this is Maude, Maude, this is Kesh."

Maude looks me up and down, no doubt like I just did to her. She clicks her tongue. "Another wanderer that Prince Thorn rescued?"

Cal snorts. "Likely."

"I'm right here, you know. I can hear you," I say.

Maude wrinkles her nose.  "You've a good mind, don't you, lass?"

"Um, sure?"

She chuckles. "Stand outside the door, Cal. We have work to do."

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