"...Let's take a look." The male orc outside said cautiously, "You are right, but what if someone died and fell on the board?"

"It's really troublesome." The female orc muttered, but she didn't feel at ease and came in to take a look.

While the two were talking, Fei Yu struggled to hold back the dull pain in his brain and could barely see where he was. Then, he discovered that he seemed to be put into a large wooden box by someone.

It is a square wooden box with six sides made of white wooden boards. The inside of the wooden box is smooth and flat, with a square pane on the left and right sides, through which light penetrates. There was nothing else inside the wooden box except two iron cages, one large and one small, stacked in one corner. Fei Yu glanced at the iron cage with difficulty, and finally saw clearly what was locked inside.

They should be two coiled snakes. The heads can't be seen, only the coiled bodies can be seen. One of the big snakes was as thick as Fei Yu's thigh, and its pitch-black scales were sharp and cold, with scattered golden spots scattered on them.

Compared with the big snake, the small snake is only as thick as Fei Yu's little finger. It can be coiled up into a small bundle and can be held in one hand. The little snake has no scales, and its red flesh has short white downs. I don't know if it noticed Fei Yu's gaze, but the little snake suddenly raised its head in the direction of Fei Yu, closed its eyes and hissed inaudibly.

The little voice sounded a little weak, helpless and pitiful, and Fei Yu couldn't help but feel weak in his heart.

At this time, the wooden board was suddenly opened. The sunlight poured in and shone on Fei Yu's face. He subconsciously closed his eyes and frowned.

"Are you really the one making the trouble?" Fei Yu heard the "woman" outside say something strange. Then footsteps approached, and the man probably looked down at him. He was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his foot and kicked him hard in the stomach.

"Ugh!" Fei Yu's body was on the verge of reaching its limit and he fainted from the pain as his intestines and internal organs crumbled into a ball of pain.

"You're so weak." The female orc who kicked him had a sarcastic smile on her lips, then "bang" she threw up the board and walked out.

"Did you hit him again?" asked the male orc outside.

"I get angry when I see his face." As a member who was rejected by the previous clan leader, the female orc is very dissatisfied with the useless beast inside who is hundreds of times weaker than her but can form a contract with the clan leader. Even now that he knows that the clan leader is also useless, it was not his original intention to form a contract with that useless beast. But how can I put it, the female orc really liked the former clan leader, so she always felt attracted to that useless beast. Zeng pressed one end.

The male orc thought for a while and advised: "Then don't kill him."

"I know, I know." The female orc waved her hands in annoyance and complained: "I just can't figure out why this useless beast is needed to take care of her ex. Patriarch? Can't you find other orcs?"

"Isn't it the same with the former patriarch? It would be easier to kill him, but you still have to save the other person's life." The male beast said, "Okay, don't think about it. Send them to them anyway. The destination mission has been completed. We cannot guess the thoughts of the current clan leader."

The female orc curled her lips: "That's right. No matter what happens, there will still be those awakened beasts who are more powerful than us to take care of us. We will die. It won't be our turn either."

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