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Lily had spent the entire day watching the clock and glancing out of the window to see the light slowly fade

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Lily had spent the entire day watching the clock and glancing out of the window to see the light slowly fade.

She welcomed the darkness and the moon quite happily. They signalled the go ahead to sneak out of her dorm and make her way through the deserted corridors of the castle. Lily felt as if she was a child; excited for a trip to the sweet shop or something.

Lily had just thrown on her some shorts and her quidditch jumper but she had taken care with her hair and her make up. She wanted to look good but not so good that Nico knew that she'd done it for him. Standing outside she breathed deeply, wrapping the cloak tighter around her shoulder. Quickly she knocked on the door and waited for it to open.

As soon as she did so, the door opened slightly and Nico's hand shot out, grasping her hand and pulling her into the room.

The door closed with a slam behind her.

Lily shrugged the cloak off and fixed her hair.

"Someone's happy to see me" she teased, throwing the cloak on the back of a chair

Nico rolled his eyes laughing, "You shouldn't be in the corridors at dark. The less time you're out there the better. We wouldn't want you to get caught"

Lily shrugged, "You'd get me out of trouble wouldn't you?" she smiled



"Im not too sure about that" Nico said, resuming their previous conversation, "It would look terribly suspicious to find you lurking outside my quarters" he said smirking, filling a kettle with water for their teas, "They might think something is going on"

Lily sat at the end of the bed, watching Nico leaning against the cupboards of the small kitchenette. She raised an eyebrow, "Well something is going on, isn't it?" she hummed

Nico laughed deeply and Lily loved the sound of it. It almost made her melt it was so attractive.

"Is there? I've not given it much thought or notice" Nico shrugged

Lily's mouth dropped open

Nico burst out laughing again, "Lils, I'm joking" he said walking over to cup her face and push a strand of hair behind her ear, "Of course there is"

Lily just wanted him to lean a little bit closer. That way she could connect their lips and she'd finally be able to melt away under his touch.

The kettle whistled and Nico let her go.

Lily rolled her eyes in frustration as Nico walked back over to the kitchen to pour two mugs of tea.

Nico's staff sleeping quarters was homely and cosy. The bed was big but not too big it took up all the room. Several brooms were hung on the wall and a pot of polish was open on the side with the cloth beside it. The room constantly smelt of broom polish and his aftershave. The kitchenette was simple and contained a sink, a couple of wooden cupboards and had a small circular wooden table with two chairs.

Lily stood up and made her way over to him. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, her breath fanning against his neck.

"Thank you for the tea"

Nico smiled and turned around handing her the mug as she took a sip. The hot liquid running down her throat warmed her from the inside out.

The pair of them sat beside each other on the small sofa infront of the fire, their legs up and intertwined on the cushions and Nico's arm casually wrapped around her shoulders. Nico was gently caressing her leg with his other hand and it was driving Lily crazy. She had such an effect from his touch and Nico didn't even know it.

Nico did know it. It was impossible to not realise. Knowing lily for so long meant he knew her inside out. He noticed when their skin touched she'd always tense, her breath would shorten and her eyes would shine with something he couldn't quite grasp, yet it was something he loved and was drawn to.

Lily couldn't take it anymore.

"You drive me crazy. You do know that, don't you?"

Nico laughed, throwing his head back, "I do"

"Well then you're just plain cruel" Lily replied deadly serious

"Cruel?" Nico asked teasingly raising an eyebrow

"yes cruel. Instead of just kissing me you make me struggle. I'd call that cruel"

Nico just laughed more and looked at the girl curled into his side who looked up at him with such casualness.

"You're funny you know that"

"Wood, just kiss me"

Nico had no chance of resistance and slammed his lips onto Lily's who seemed to gasp in relief at the contact. Nico's hands grasped her cheeks as he kissed her firmly and confidently. Nico was so unlike any other boys lily had kissed. He was assured and strong and dominant and just all round amazing. Whenever she was around him she felt like she could turn her brain off because Nico would have it sorted. She felt like she could simply drift through life and Nico would sort it all.

Lily savoured the feeling of his hands on her skin and in her hair and she manoeuvred her body around until she was straddling his hips. Nico's back was pressed up against the arm of the sofa, lily's body pressed against his muscly chest. He was always taken away by the such strong smell of Vanilla that seemed to constantly radiate off lily and he adored the feeling of her soft hair through his calloused quidditch worn hands.
Lily seemed so delicate under his hands and consequently made a conscious effort to keep his touches gentle and fleeting.

Lily could hear his heart beat pounding in his chest as her small hands slid up his jumper and shirt onto the warm skin of his torso. She sighed as she ran her hands across his chest.

Nico groaned a little into her mouth and picked her up off the sofa. Lily giggled a little and wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked her over towards the bed .

He threw her down into it and Lily laughed as she bounced on the mattress. Nico laughed in turn at the smile on Lily's face. He thought it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

As soon as his body was on top of hers lily rushed to pull his jumper and shirt off, revealing his tone and muscled body. She ran her hand over his back and watched his silver chain shine in the small amount of firelight that filled the room.

Nico paused for a moment and broke their kiss looking at Lily. Her blond reddish hair was fanned across his pillow and her bra strap fell slightly off her shoulder, her jumper had been discarded long ago. She looked flustered and her lips were slightly swollen from kissing and a pink blush kissed her neck and cheeks. Her eyes gazed up at him widely and expectantly.

"You're everything, you know that don't you?"


I wasn't going to write this but here It is. Sorry it's a bit shit.
On my last chapter i forgot to do my photo thingy at the start of each chapter. I don't know what's wrong with me. Is it even an eve mildred fic if there's not one?
Anyways I redid one.
I'm struggling to find pics for this fic bcs i've been writing trouble so much my Pinterest is full of Valentina aesthetic.  Anyways, love you xx


(i love writing that book and chapters are nearly everyday xxxx)

Forbidden Attraction 4~ N.W      DISCONTINUED Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang