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Lily had returned back to hogwarts

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Lily had returned back to hogwarts. She was somewhat sad to be back, although she loved it. She wanted to say at the lupin cottage, with her brother and Alya, help with the baby.

It was her first time being an auntie and she absolutely adored it already.

Herself and James had made a plan to get florence into quidditch as soon as she could walk.

Lily herself had decided to head down to the quidditch pitch early in the morning for a quick session before breakfast.

It was misty and cold, it pricked her skin through her jumper and scarf. Her ears and nose had turned pink from the cold and she cursed herself for putting her hair into a pony tail making her unable to wear her hat.

The ground was wet and muddy causing her to slip a little bit on her way down, her broom in her hand. She left out a little squeak as she slipped in the mud, stabilising herself before she face planted into the muddy ground.

"Careful" Someone shouted from the distance laughing

Lily looked up and shook her head smiling.

"You're up early" she said, walking over to the stands where Nico was sat, polishing the quidditch equipment

"Thought i'd get a head start on this lot" he said gesturing to the equipment, "it's Ravenclaw versus Slytherin this afternoon"

"ah" Lily nodded, "You don't mind if i have a quick spin?" she asked gesturing to her broom

"Would you listen even if i said no?"


Nico laughed as Lily shot him a smiled, hopping onto her broom and soaring off into the sky.

Nico watched her from the stands.

Lily was fast, nimble, agile. She was really good.

She looked really good.

You could instantly tell which player was lily from a distance, purely from the pure skill she demonstrated. Plus, her hair was a dead giveaway. Her strawberry blonde hair seemed to ripple and shine even though the sun was covered by a thick layer of cloud.

Nico sat for a few minutes.

What was he doing? Lily is James little sister. James, his best friend. His little sister, really?

He's a professor.

Lily had descended and slipped off her broom walking towards Nico, standing in front of him.

She was close.

He could smell her vanilla perfume.

"what are you thinking up there hm?" Lily asked smirking, tapping a finger to his forehead

Nico looked up to meet her eyes.

They were challenging and mysterious.

"come on" Lily said, taking Nico's arm and pulling him down the steps to the bottom of the stands and below them.

"what are you doing lils?" he asked looking at her interestedly

"Moving to a place no one can see us" She replied simply, guiding him further under the stands.

"And that is because?"

"Because i'm fed up of waiting" Lily replied, walking closer into his chest, her arms wrapped around his neck.

She could smell his aftershave. It was woody and rich. He smelt like a man. Not the other boys who smelt overly strong of cheap stuff.

She looked him in the eyes, searching them. "what's wrong?" she said running a hand through his brown curls, she tilted her head, her eye wide.

Fuck it, it's a later problem, Nico thought to himself.

He slammed his lips onto Lily's, making her gasp a little bit into his mouth.

She kissed him back with strength, wrapping her arms more tightly around his neck, pulling her body into his.
She could feel her body being held against his toned body. It was unlike anyone else's she'd ever seen. His scent filled her senses and she was hyper aware to his hands on her slower back. They were warm and strong, big and had a firm grasp on her, not letting her go anytime soon. She didn't want to be let go.

Lily's hands had travelled, one in his hair, the other creeping up the inside of his jumper.

She could feel Nico tense as she ran her hand over his chest and abs. Lily smiled against his lips as he let out a noise.

He had picked Lily up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, her back pinned to the wall as Nico kissed her harder, his hand debating to travel further, like he was deciding whether he was brave enough to cross the line.

He pulled back giving Lily one last peck on the lips and pushing a strand of her hair which had fallen out from her ponytail behind her ear.

"Why'd you stop" she ask cheekily, placing a hand on his cheek

"This isn't happening here lils" he gestured around making Lily look around at their surroundings.

Lily had only just realised that they were still under the quidditch stands.

"So you wanted to?" she asked smiling, flowering kisses to his neck

Nico groaned in response at the sensation, "Of course you know I wanted to"

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