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Lily, much like many of the Gryffindors, awoke late in the day, a terrible pounding in their heads

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Lily, much like many of the Gryffindors, awoke late in the day, a terrible pounding in their heads. It was a Saturday meaning she didn't have any lessons today, atleast that was some consolation.

As she blinked a couple to times, turned under her sheets and looked around the dorm. Lucie was the only other girl asleep, Laia and Ellis must be elsewhere within the castle. Rubbing her eyes she let out a groan. She remembered knocking on Nicos door, what she ended up saying was anyone's guess.

Stumbling out of bed, and out of her dorm she crashed into Hugo who was also nursing a horrendous headache.

"Bloody hell" he groaned rubbing his eyes, "you're fucked up as well?"

"How'd you guess?" Lily asked sarcastically, sheltering her eyes from the light, "come on, let's go for some food, I'm starving" she said grabbing his arm and pulling him behind her

"You don't have to tell me twice"

As the pair of them entered the great hall and headed towards the Gryffindor table Hugo spotted Laia chatting closely with Ellis and pointed them out.

Walking towards then Lily slid in beside Laia, and Hugo opposite her.

"What're you two whispering about hmm?" Lily smirked, looking at them with an interested gleam in her eye, resting her chin on her hand

"Nothing important" Laia shrugged

"Like I'm going to believe that" Lily rolled her eyes

"We we're just chatting about the party last night" Ellis smiled

With the mention of last night Hugo groaned, throwing his head in his hands, "you're all speaking way too loud for this early in the morning"

"Hugo... it's six pm. You've both slept all day" Said Laia

Lily had zoned out from their bickering as she tried to sort out her memories from last night. She remembered talking to Oliver, she remembered walking around the castle, she remembered knocking on Nicos door and she remembered kissing someone.

"For Merlins sake" Lily whispered to herself

Surely she didn't kiss Nico, she better not have. She hated to think of how awkward things would be if she'd drunkenly kissed him after wondering around Hogwarts alone, probably looking like a hot mess.

She really hoped she'd kissed Oliver.

Well hoped was a bit of a strong word to the feeling but she'd much rather deal with the consequences of kissing Oliver than Nico. Oliver was easy to get, attainable, completely the opposite from Nico who was always so out of reach and always left her wanting to lure him in. Lily could mostly have whoever she wanted regarding boys, but she couldn't have Nico. She just guessed that's why her mind was always so preoccupied with him. It'd be so different, kissing Nico to Oliver, Oliver was bland and boring. Nothing special nor spectacular. Nothing to what Lily thought kissing Nico would be like.

She imagined his passionate kisses, roaming hands, skin against skin, a burning fire whenever his hands met her-

"Lily!" Laia screamed "Have you been listening to anything I've been saying?"

"Erm no. Sorry Laia, I'm listening now"

"dozy" Hugo muttered from his place with his head in his hands, earning him a slap around the head from Lily making Ellis snigger.

"As I was saying, we've got that history of magic essay due Monday. Have you done it?"

"Honestly, I've not even started" Lily replied, her head still not fully in the conversation

"Well you should really start-"

Lily's eyes wondered over towards the teachers table to try and subtly glance at Nico. Perhaps she could gage an understanding about what type of things she'd said.

She tried her best to grab his attention, wanting his eye contact. It seemed more difficult than usual.

Now she thought about it, Nico would always shoot her a smile everyday, or a wink, or a nod. But there was nothing.

Suddenly feeling overwhelmed she abruptly pushed her food away and stood up making the cutlery clatter and a few Gryffindors look at her in surprise.

"Are you okay Lils?" Laia asked warily, putting a hand on her arm

"Yeah, yeah good" Lily nodded, "I've just thought of a new Quidditch play is all. Got to write it out before I forget" she smiled weakly, "I'll er... see you all later"

From the teachers table Viola had been watching her daughter with great curiosity. She had watched her zone out, watched her internally panic and watched her try to grab Nico's  attention. Hoping that it wasn't what she was thinking she sighed and continued her conversation with the other Professors.
From the other side of the teacher table Nico had watched her leave the hall in a hurry, her blond hair that today was in curls, bouncing as she went.

He'd been watching her to see if she was okay, she seemed fine, perhaps a little bit tired and hungover but relatively fine. Every time she'd glance in his directions he'd divert his attention else where, wether that be staring at his plate or starting another conversation with the other Professors.

He could make sure she was fine from a distance.

And that's what he'd do, keep a distance.


Thank you for 10k!

You're all hot asf <3

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