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Lily, Hugo and Laia all made their way to Transfiguration

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Lily, Hugo and Laia all made their way to Transfiguration. It was Lily's favourite lessons at Hogwarts, perhaps she was a little biased but still their classes were never short of interesting. Though she loved the lessons she always seemed to excel in Defence Against the Dark Arts. While James had been practically a genius in all subjects without studying and Albus Remus excelling in all aspects of schooling while studying, Lily would consider herself a mixture between the two. She could never understand how James managed such high scores, majority of the time he seemed to be the biggest moron she's ever had the displeasure of meeting.

For Lily it was easy to get on with Albus, he was a lot more calming than James, easier to get on with, relaxing. She loved to talk to Albus Remus about everything. Although she did love James deeply the two were so similar they'd often clash, resulting in many a squabble in their younger childhood, driving both Harry and Viola insane.

Her mother always said Albus had a gentle soul, that he reminded her of her father; warm and comforting in a way that made you feel as if you were safe. That's how Lily felt around Albus Remus.

While with James It was always a whirl wind of jokes, games, madness, quidditch, play fighting. Though she hated to admit it she did miss James after he'd moved out. He and his girlfriend Alya had decided to move into the Lupin cottage only a few months ago along with Alya's mother Suzanna. Though she often expressed how annoying James was and how unnecessarily over protective he is, she appreciated it all and was truly grateful for both her older brothers.

Pushing open the door to her mother's classroom Lily rolled her eyes as she saw yet another picture frame on her mums desk. It was one of her with her dad at the beach at Lupin Cottage, her dads arm around her shoulder and her smiling wildly, squinting because of the sun.

Noticing her mum wasn't here yet, something that was nothing out of the ordinary, she walked up to the front of the room, snatching the frame off her desk and rushing back to her seat, shoving it into her bag.

The rest of the class looked at her strangely

"What?" She asked, "don't tell me you wouldn't do the same thing?"

The class just nodded and hummed in agreement going back to minding their own business.

"Erm... is that allowed?" Laia asked looking at Lily skeptically

"Probably not" Lily shrugged, "not like she needs anymore photos up" she said, gesturing to the congregation of frames scattered across Violas desk.

"Surprised she can move for them all" Hugo laughed

"Well you know my mum. Always on about family and all that" Lily laughed fondly remember one of her mother's weekly tangents about how each other should be our main priorities.

At that moment the doors to the classroom and Viola walked in, balancing a mug of coffee on a pile of marked essays.

"Morning" she smiled to the class as she accidentally spilled a drop onto someone's work as she put them down onto the desk, "sorry to who's ever work that was. Don't worry I'll just bump your grade up a bit, just don't tell McGonagall" she said taking a seat at the front.

Viola went to start speaking again before she narrowed her eyes at her desk. Her line of vision instantly found Lily and Lily knew instantly she'd been found out.

"Accio Frame" she said simply, flicking her wand in Lily's direction.

The photo frame, sure enough, came whizzing out of Lily's bag and soaring though the air into Violas hand.

"Really Lily? I expected you to hide it somewhere better than that. You've disappointed me" she tutted

"I'll do better next time Professor, don't worry" Lily replied

"I'm glad"

"So I've graded all your essays and the results are well... errrr... interesting. But that's okay because we've got months until newts so don't stress about it. If anyone is really worried then feel free to talk to me about it after class but I'd like to hand them out and I'd like you all to read over your improvements and corrections"

Transfiguration was over soon enough and Lily's lessons seemed to go by in a flash. Though it was still  early on in the school year she could already feel the stress of newts seeming to keep up her spine.

As she reached her dorm she decided that she had enough time to head down to the Quidditch pitch before dinner. It was nice outside and she didn't have anything else to do so she grabbed her broom, bat and jumper, scrambled her hair up and made her way through the castle and out into the Hogwarts grounds.


I've had a thought.

What if Peter meant to hurt his friends by betraying the marauders and Rosaleé, mainly Remus.
I think here's evidence to suggest that Peter was in love with Rosaleé. She was the new kid, pretty and confident and probably the first girl to pay him any kind of attention. With the confidence and friendship Rosa gave Peter it'd be quite likely that Peters feelings weren't 100% Platonic.
And so he was hurt and upset that remus, James and Sirius never noticed or acknowledged his feelings as Remus and Rosa started getting closer. This led Peter to become angry at Remus, and Rosaleé for that matter, Remus for taking Rosa from him, Peter was no longer her favourite boy, and Rosa for not realising that he loved her and that she left him for Remus. So Peter then did something that would hurt Remus the most. He couldn't do anything to Rosaleé, he loved her, and so hurt Remus' friends.

Not me trying to justify this omg. I hate him tho

I thought of this while in the shower listening to favourite boy by Rex Orange County lol 

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