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"I know how this looks" Viola said sipping her tea, her feet on her office desk, "and I know why you'd think it was me and be suspicious

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"I know how this looks" Viola said sipping her tea, her feet on her office desk, "and I know why you'd think it was me and be suspicious. But it wasn't" she shrugged easily as Lily stood before her, hands on hips with a stern face.

"You're lying" Lily accused

"First of all, put some respect on my name. I'm Viola Lupin Potter, watch your tone"

Lily just rolled her eyes

"But I swear to you Lil mil, it wasn't me" Viola truthfully said, "I wish it was, it was a genius idea. But I didn't lock you in the broom shed"

"I am really wishing you did. Because if it wasn't you I know exactly who it was"

Lily had thought about it a lot. She remembered walking past that girl, Edith Jenkins, the one from Quidditch, as she walked down towards the pitch. Lily herself hadn't seen Nico in there until the door slammed and he came out from behind a pile of cases, the person who had locked them in obviously didn't see Nico either meaning that the person who locked her in there intended on locking Lily in there alone and leaving her there.

It was her, Edith.

Lily picked up her wand from Violas desk and shoved it into her skirts waist band.

"Where're you going now?" Viola called after her daughter

"To hex a bitch into graduation" Lily said simply

"As your Professor I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, but as your mother I'm saying just don't get caught. Oh! And mind your fucking language"

"See mum this is why I love you"

Lily walked through the Hogwarts corridors towards Gryffindor tower, not replying to anyone's greetings or waves as she went, she was too angry to focus on anything else.

"Lily there you are. Where've you been we need to do that essay-" Hugo started running along side her

"Not now Hugo" Lily sighed, "got things to do, people to hex"

"... you know what? I respect that, I guess I'll see you later then Lils"

"In a bit Weasley"

As Lily approached the portrait to the common room she spotted her.

"Oi Jenkins" she hollered making the fellow seventh year girl turn around

She looked Lily up and down with a disgusted look before scoffing.

Lily pulled her wand out, aiming it at her chest, "what's your problem with me? Huh? I know it was you? I'm not completely dense"

"I've not idea what you mean" the girl shrugged a knowing smirk on her face, angering Lily. It was confirmation.

Jenkins went to turn to walk away from Lily but Lily hadn't finished.


Jenkins had been rooted to the floor, unable to walk further away from Lily.

"I've not done with the conversation. And no one walks away from me. So tell me... what's your name again?"

"So arrogant you don't even know the same of someone you've gone to school with for seven years" she spat

"Emma? Emmi? Emilia? Emily? It was something like that wasn't it?"

"Edith" she grumbled, trying to break through the charm with no luck

"Oh yes. I remember now. I just wanted a chat is all" Lily said noticing her trying to reach for her wand, "why'd you lock me in the broom shed?"

"You deserved it. Perhaps you could reflect on yourself as a person in the dark dusty room" Edith muttered

"All this just because of some Quidditch try outs. You are bitter aren't you?" Lily laughed, playing with the ends of her own hair, twisting it around her finger in amusement

"It's not about Quidditch" Edith protested defensively, "you're so arrogant it's unbelievable. Your whole family. You strut around Hogwarts like it's a runway not giving a flying toss about anyone but yourselves. The quidditch try outs just prove that"

Lily stared right into her eyes, approaching her face on, her wand right underneath Ediths chin, "you can insult me, I couldn't care less, but you speak like that  again about my family and you'll be wishing those words never left your lips"

Deep down Lily knew she could never seriously hurt anyone, not really. Her mum and Dad had taught and shown her what violence did to people and Lily didn't want to be sucked into such a deep black hole.

She pulled her wand away, turning around.

"Is that a threat?"

"You bet it's a fucking threat" Lily smiled, "oh and I also sort of want to thank you for locking me in that shed, I enjoyed the company in there. Until you decide to kick off again Jenkins" Lily nodded walking away leaving Edith still stuck on the floor, not bothering to let her free.

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