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~ Chapter one ~

I walk into school. My headphones on as I ignore everyone and walk straight to my locker. It's too early to deal with other people my age.

I rummage through my locker and then I feel my best friend Amelia hug me from behind.

"hey, bitch." she greets me. I turn around and take my headphones off and grin at her.

' Hey Millie, how was your weekend?" I ask Millie and start walking to class with her. She shrugs.
" Boring. I stayed home all weekend." I nod because that's exactly what I've been doing as well.

It's a new semester but Millie and I, don't care. We're always chilling on our own in school. We walk into the aula room. Suddenly i feel myself tripping over the stairs. Instead of helping me, Millie interrupts into laughter. I cackle as well and get up. The guys who are in the row I tripped next to are also laughing. I bow.

" glad i could make this school day entertaining for you guys." I grin at the guys and walk to my seats with Millie.

" New guys in our class huh." Millie points out and nods to the guys in front of us. I nod.

" Obviously, it's a new semester." I sarcastically say, causing Millie to roll her eyes.

" They are sexy." She whispers looking over at the three guys, using her hand as a fan. I roll my eyes and chuckle. Halfway through class, Millie and I both fall asleep. So after that class we decide to go to our shared apartment and stop attending class for the rest of the day.

However as we walk away from campus we get stopped by those same guys. Millie turns to me and leans in to whisper.
' Do I look hot?' I laugh and nod.

'Hey, you guys are the trippers right?' One of the guys asks. He's got a buzzcut, dark hair. He's pretty muscular build. But all of them are. I bow again and nod. ' Nice one. I'm Easton.' The buzzed head says.

' I'm Amelia, but please don't ever use that name. I hate it. Call me Millie' Millie says nervously.

' I'm sage.' I say giving them a small smile. Easton points at a guy with dark hair, fluffy and lightly curled. 'This is Kyle.' Easton says pointing at him. Then he points at the light brown kinda blondish guy. ' this is Vince' Easton says.

' Where are you guys from?' I ask Vince as we all decide to walk towards a coffee shop. ' Well we're actually all from here, England but we actually just travelled together for a bit before starting school' Vince explains and we all take a seat on the couches of the coffee shop. 

Millie starts chatting mainly with Easton. Neither of them giving me nor the two other guys any attention. I give them an awkward smile and lean back in the couch while typing away on my phone.

' Oh, well Sage and i have two bedrooms over. My dad rents the place so he'd be happy that he won't have to pay for everything himself.' I hear Millie say. I look up as if I'm a dog that heard their favorite word.

' what?' I ask Millie. She grins and looks at me. ' The guys don't have a place anywhere to live, and we have two free rooms so if two of them share a room they can move in with us.' Millie grins. I grin weirdly back at her and pull her hand. I drag her to the restroom of the coffee shop.

' Millie, we've known these guys for only two hours. You can't ask them to move in!' I tell Millie, she pouts at me.

' Well what if we ask their id's and keep it for a while, because then if they kill us they can't flee because we got their id's.' I look weirdly at Millie, not sure if she's bullshitting me or not.

' How did you get in college?' I mutter shaking my head. ' Fine, but a we have to tell our parents, just in case.' I say and she cheers. She pulls me back to the guys.

' Okay you guys can move in with us, but please. Don't do anything stupid.' I mutter. The boys cheer and high five each other. We head to our apartment.

' Okay so we walk in, on the left is the kitchen. Then you walk further and you've got Millie's room. My room. And then in the middle the living space. On the other side are the two other bedrooms and the bathroom. It's shared.' I explain walking around the apartment.

The guys start bickering about who is gonna get the bedroom alone. I go lay on the couch while Millie gets unready. After a while Millie joins me on the couch.

' They're still going? Fuck they're worse than us.' Millie says as we hear the boys muffled voices from inside the bedroom. I roll my eyes and nod. ' I wouldn't mind sharing a bedroom with Easton.' Millie whispers with a smirk on her voice. I laugh.

' Girl, he's got a buzzcut, I thought you hated that?' I grin playfully shoving Millie, I lean up and get the tv remote.

' I did... until I met Easton, the love of my life.' She says as if she's reading a poem. I chuckle and flick through Netflix.

' You, my girl are a fucking weirdo.' I wink. ' Do you want to order McDonald's for dinner?' I ask, giving Millie puppy eyes. She nods.

' BOYS!' I wince at her loud voice, and rub my ear. Muttering curse words under my breath. The boys pretty much barge into the living room. And Millie asks them what they want to eat. While we wait for the order we all watch Netflix together.

' So have you guys fought out who is getting the room alone?' I ask the guys while my head is on Millie's lap.

' Nope, we have to share a double bed. And they're my best friend don't get me wrong. But you guys are pigs.' Kyle says, his voice deep. He leans back on the couch and sighs.

' The couch is an option?' I grin. And they all shake their heads no. ' Or you two share a room?' Vince smirks, pointing at Millie and I. This time i shake my head no.

' Millie has too many boys over. So that's not an option.' I grimace and Millie grins, proud of herself. ' Besides we are girls, we need the space ourselves. We each got two desks in our room actually stolen from you guys rooms, one if for our makeup. the other one is to work for school at.' I grin not caring that we took the desks.

Soon our order arrives and we all eat and chat together. The boys decide to have change rooms each week. So each of them has the room for their own at one point.



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