Chapter 20: Finally!

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Here is the moment which you all were waiting for...

I don't want to be Holland and spoil anything so just go ahead and start reading!

Hope you enjoy reading;)🖤💚💙🧡



Steve and Loki started hand combating while Tony and Bruce were checking the strength of Hulk's punch and Tony's suit's capacity to hold onto fighting Hulk.

While you and Wanda on the other hand were having a quite you could say...both dominating and a lovely fight? Her magic was fighting yours and neither of you were ready to give up, it was quite enjoyable to watch which was bothering Loki.

After some time Loki yield to Steve and fell over the floor, panting for some air. Tony yielded to Hulk and he turned back to Bruce. Tony and Bruce went off for some laboratory work while the rest of you were taking a break.

Loki turned his head and saw Wanda pinning you against the wall, having a smile on both of your faces as she slowly whispered something and leaned down to almost touch her lips with yours. Loki's eyes burned into Wanda as he stood up and threw a green flash over her before she could kiss you, making her fall back down and groan.

"Don't you even dare to" he said to her and they both glared at each other while they had a silent conversation.

He immediately went up to you and  picked you in his arms as you protested and glared. 'Why did you do that to her!?' you asked him as he glanced at everyone looking at you three and quickly went up to the elevator, ignoring them all and  walking in, giving one last glare to Wanda. "Stay away from her, Witch" he said to her before the doors closed and he turned back to you with a frown.

'What's wrong with you?' you asked him and frowned which he returned. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you!? Don't act so innocent I saw you leaning down and trying to kiss her back" he spit the words which made you hit his arm and try to get off of his arms.

'Yes..What's wrong with that?' you asked cluelessly which made him frown as he put you down on your feet.

Before you could ask anything else he grabbed your wrists and pinned you against the wall as his lips collided with yours and your eyes widened as you processed it all.

He pulled away. "This what you wanted right? There, now don't even dare to go near her ever again." He grumbled and stared at your confused expression as he involuntarily kissed you again, this time a little longer.

He pulled away when the elevator door opened and he walked to his room, leaving you in shock.


For the rest of the day you kept thinking about what he did and blushed everytime you recalled it. Why did he do that? You needed answers and on top of that...he stole your first kiss!

You angrily stepped outside Loki's door and knocked violently multiple times till he opened the door with a groan. "What's wrong?" Your eyes paused as you saw him in wet hair and shirtless with only a towel around his waist. You got diverted as your eyes slowly started turning navy blue and stare deep into his chest.

You placed a hand around his chest as you stood tiptoes and sniffed him, he blushed at that and tried to push you away but before he could your lips touched his and he melted in it, pulling you close and kissing you back.

His eyes were slowly turning navy blue like yours and you both were about to lose control but you both heard a 'thud' and became conscious back, turning around and seeing a black cat on the window who threw the small potted plant on the floor.

He gave a meow and ran away, both of you turning back and facing eachother standing really close. You saw your hand on his chest and shyly took it away. You blinked and looked around till you remembered why you were here.

'You bastard!' you cried and pushed his shoulder, making him raise an eyebrow. 'You kissed me again!' you said mentally with heated cheeks which amused him. "Well this isn't on me since you were the who overflowed with your powers and did it to me" he complained.

'That isn't necessary..' you muttered as you glared and punched his shoulders. 'You stole my first kiss!' you said which made his eyes widen and burst out laughing.

" lived for over hundreds of years till now and still didn't got your first kiss!?" He asked and laughed hard as you turned crimson red and whined at him to stop laughing.

'Well I was gonna get it from Wanda before you stepped in' you grumbled which made his smile vanish and turn to a stern pale glare.

"No" he muttered as he pulled your waist and kissed you again. "I don't want Wanda to kiss or do anything to you" he said angrily.

'Why?' You asked which made him growl as he stroked your chin and lean down to brush his lips against yours. "Because..I want to be the only one to do that" he muttered which made you bewilder once again.

'Why?' you asked again which made him smack your butt which made your face red. "Because I like you, you idiot" he muttered.

"And this is what a real kiss is like" he muttered as his tongue found its way in your mouth and tied with yours.

He pulled away and placed his forehead against yours. 'Fine but don't act so mean to Wanda again' you said mentally which made him growl and bite your earlobe.

"Well if she stopped being so close to you then I will" he muttered and giggled when he saw your glare. 'I was choosing her as my first kiss before you' you grumbled and he laughed softly and gave an amused smile.

"She didn't deserve it" he muttered as you rolled your eyes and pushed him away to go and take a shower.

So not only did he steal your first kiss he also said he liked you? Damn..



So they finally confessed and got their first kiss!

Let's see what happens next;)



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