Chapter 19: Annoying Captain and Thunder...

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I saw myself in the scene of fire again but instead of the fire, I saw Aaron and the lady mother..from my vision in the same enchanted forest.

"Don't worry, Queen" Aaron said and bowed. "I'll send her away if the attack gets worse" he said as she frowned in worry.

"One more thing Xavier" she paused as she sucked in a breath. "My daughter is mute by there is one last thing I need to do" she said as he gave a nod and followed her in the forest and-

"Y/n!" I opened my eyes and saw Loki standing next to me. "Where was your head? I've been calling you and knocking on your door for so long" he cried as he sat down with a frown.

'I'm busy' I said and closed my eyes again, trying to go back to my vision. I felt Loki holding my hand and when I came back to the vision Loki was with me.

"Is this what you're seeing?" He asked and I nodded. "But how did you-"

"Shh! Loki, I'm trying to find them again" I cried and his eyes widened. "Y/ talked" he said in shock, I froze and turned my head towards him with eyes wide.

"I..can talk?" I mumbled and touched my throat. I paused and thought about it. "Oh wait.." I said and lid up my eyes. "Maybe I can talk because we're in a virtual world where we can see all this from the past but can't be seen by them" he signed and closed his eyes before opening them.

"For a minute I thought you could actually talk" he muttered as he stared at me. "The lady whom you say that is my mother said that I'm mute by birth" he frowned. "What are you sure?" He asked and I gave a nod.

"They went inside the enchanted forest" he raised an eyebrow. "They?" He asked and I gently hit my forehead. "Aaron; the ice cream guy and my mother" I answered and pointed at the forest."we need to follow them" I said and we both walked into the forest.

After a few minutes we spot them coming out of the house of cobblestone and ivy's and giving each other a sad smile.

"You truly are a great mother, my Queen. Princess Y/n is beyond lucky to have you making such a huge sacrifice for her." He said and bowed.

"And it's time to bring her here for the throne and the sacrifice" he said as he stood up and kept is sword around his waist.

Little me was brought there by a maid and she took the tiny tiara away from my head as I stood there infront of my mother in confusion. The Queen smiled as she took out her crown and knelt down to put it around my head but just when she was about arrow came and it her from behind, making her fall down on the floor.

The little me rushed towards her and started crying. And the same thing happened but this time I saw who were the attackers; some human hunters.

They ran away with their horses and left Aaron, some other men behind. And one took the crown from the floor an-

"Y/n! Loki! Are you both in there?" We woke up when we heard Thor and Steve's voice from the other side of the door. We both shared a glance and frowned.

Loki and I opened the door and glared at those two, Thor chuckled nervously and Steve raised an eyebrow.

"Alright whatever you two wanna do you can do later but first we need to do daily training and fighting practices, and this time other Avengers are joining too, so Loki please don't mess with anyone" Steve said and glanced at me. "Are you crying?" He asked me and I realised there were some tears on my cheek.

I shook my head and handed him a magical note.

'No my eyes are burning and
I'm not feeling well'


He glared at Loki. "Is it because of him?" He asked and I shook my head immediately, making him sign. "Fine whatever..just don't be late again" he said and walked away. Thor grinned and watched us.

"Are you two courting?" He asked which made me blush and shook my head immediately. "What no! Why would you think that, Oaf?" Loki frowned at Thor, he laughed.

"Alright" he mumbled. "Don't be late for practice again you two" he warned and patted Loki shoulder before he left. Loki closed the door and stared at me. "So everything you said this morning was true" he muttered.

I opened my mouth but couldn't speak which made him laugh. "You can only talk in that world, darling" he mumbled and smiled as I rubbed my neck and tried to speak but couldn't.

'Do we need to go?' I asked and whined when he gave a nod. "If we don't go then your father figure might come himself to see you and remember what happened at the hospital" he muttered and shifted his clothes to his armour and helmet.

I stood tiptoes and touched his helmet which made him laugh. His eyes melted and he took it off, placing it on my head which didn't feel right cause it was just too big for my tiny head that it covered most of it. 'I can't see!' I cried and tried to balance the helmet but couldn't.

I finally pushed it up and looked up at Loki who's eyes were navy blue..shit.

Once again I was pushed against the wall with him sucking my neck and growling as he played with my hair...and other hand roamed my body.

Oh gods, when will we be able to control this?


After a few minutes we reached the training room where all the Avengers except Clint and Natasha were.

I walked in later after a few minutes when Loki went in and caught everyone's attention. "Kid why are you late?" He asked me suspiciously. I handed him a note:

I went to shower and forgot about the training, sorry Mr. Stark:(


He glanced at me and shook his head. "Don't forget next time okay?" I gave a nod and he went back to Steve, who held a paper in hand.

"Alright so here up, Loki and I, Tony and Bruce, Thor and Peter and Y/n with Wanda will train together today" he declared and kept the sheet aside. Loki glared as he saw Wanda grabbing my hand and giving a smile which I returned.

"Let's start" Steve declared and the training began.



So Y/n really is the mute princess after all...but who is Aaron and what exactly happened to the Queen?

Let me publish some more chapters so you'd find out soon;)



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