Chapter 11: Flashbacks..

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I meditated for a while till I felt my thighs getting heavier. I opened my eyes and saw the blue eyed little creature playing with my hair and sniffing my neck.

I groaned. "Get off!" I groaned and tried to push her away but she seemed to get more stronger day by day. Oh gods, What sort of trouble is this?

With no choice I placed my two fingers on her temple and drifted her to sleep. She yawned and fell on my chest.

When will this end so that this creature leaves me alone?

I summoned my metal mask and put it around her mouth and since it was a bigger size it also covered her nose. Thank Goddess..

I pushed her shoulder and tried to wake her up. "Wake up!" I whispered as she fluttered her eyes.

She blinked and looked at me. 'how long did I last?' she asked in my mind. I rolled my eyes at that. "Not even a few seconds actually. It seems you're strange powers are getting stronger." I said while I paid attention to her trying to claw the mask and get it off.

'get this off of me!' she yelled in my mind for which I gave a dark chuckle. "Oh so you'd start doing those weird things again? No kitten, this stays." I said and poked her forehead for which she glared at me.

She tried to attack me, I chuckled and pushed her away, accidentally hitting the tiny button on her strange bracelet. A strange light came out and scanned her face.

"Loki's mask; was made by S.H.I.E.L.D for Loki when he was caught after the battle of New York. Loki's mask was last seen on him when he was handcuffed, the further information on what happened to it are unknown, Ma'am." A female voice spoke which made us freeze.

'I won't disappoint you, Thanos...'

'You better watch out for that nosy planet if you fail..' His voice started Ron in my mind.

I suddenly remembered he would attack Midgard then Asgard if he found out I failed. I panicked and started panting. What have I done?

I felt a push around my shoulder and saw the little non-mortal looking at me, looking worried. 'Loki is everything alright? I'm sorry for that. I didnt know it w-' "Leave me alone!" I yelled and pushed her away. She pulled my arm and placed her palm around my forehead.

'I'm sorry, you can tell me anything you know..' "Just leave!" I yelled and pushed her hand away. She blinked and tried to approach me but I held her arm ragefully. "I. Said. Leave." I took her arm and went to my door, throwing her away and slamming the door before falling down and crying with sobs.

I heard loud knocks coming from the other side but I ignored and weeped.

I don't deserve anything, it was all my fault. Everyone is going to die because of me. I failed and now that mad Titan will shred the universe in pieces.

I heard a final knock and heard a paper slipping. I turned my head and saw a tiny hand peeking down the door with a note before disappearing and leaving the note on the floor. I slowly picked it up and read;

I don't know what you thought when you heard that, but I just want you to know I'm sorry and whatever happened is the past. Whatever happened in New York is something we should all forget and move on. It might be hard but it wouldn't kill to put a little effort to heal from it right?

'Cause sometimes it isn't our fault for the guilt and pain we feel, but the people in our surroundings are' I don't blame you for New York and we don't always need to blame someone for some bad thing which happened, even if it's our own self.

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