Chapter 16: Evil doctor and annoying little kids...

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For few days Loki and I tried to stay away from each other after the incident in the elevator.

I flushed everytime I thought about how we could' what am I thinking! I shouldn't think like that! I shook my head and tried to calm myself.

But the problem was that at night either I teleport myself to his room unconsciously or he teleports into my room unconsciously which made things a little awkward.

I went to sleep last night and woke up with two wide arms wrapped around me. Not again..

I woke up and saw Loki next to me in my room this time, holding me tight and not letting me go. I pushed him away but he just groaned in his sleep and pulled me back again. I groaned. Why does he have long arms!

After a few defeats and success over sending him back to his room, I went down to the kitchen for some breakfast.

I grabbed a bowl of cereal and had a peaceful meal until I sneezed and felt myself shivering.

Mr. Stark jumped and came to my side. "Kid are you alright? I told you, you need a doctor but you never listen do you?" He nagged and gave me a glass of water and a thermometer.

I shook my head. 'There's no need Mr. Stark. I'm fine' I wrote down on a piece of paper which he ignored and shook his head as he handed me a thermometer.

He took the thermometer after a few minutes and it showed that I had a high fever. I suddenly felt heated as my head hurt a little.

"It's a fever. Very high" he mumbled and nagged at me, saying that I should stop watching TV at midnight.

"You're seeing a doctor and that's final." He made a call and left the kitchen.

I panicked as I thought of the doctor's needle on my arm. I don't want that!


After a few hours I got a message from Jarvis, telling me to come down and get in the car which Mr. Stark has sent to drop me to that doctor. I groaned.

Unwillingly I went down and got in the car. The car started moving and in a flash Loki who was still asleep just appeared in the car and rested his head on my lap as he slept peacefully.

Loki? How did he get here!?

I pushed his shoulders to wake him up and it seemed to do the trick cause he woke up and rubbed his eyes as he looked around.

"W...what am I doing here?" He asked and turned to me. I held a finger against his lips and glared. Be quite! The driver can hear you and tell Mr. Stark you're here.

He turned his attention to the driver who was watching us from the view mirror. "Oh hello" Loki greeted and placed his hand on the driver's shoulder, as a green shimmer occured and the driver's eyes went green and back to his normal ones.

'What did you do!?' I asked Loki who just let out a breath. "I enchanted him. Now he will only listen to me" he replied and leaned back. "Now how did I come here?" He asked which made you join your eyebrows.

'you just appeared, I don't know how' I replied which made him flush. "The overflow?" He asked and I nodded. We looked away and stayed in silent, away from each other as I remembered the elevator incident.

The car stopped after a few minutes and I looked out of the window. It was the hospital Mr. Stark said.

I got off the car and so was Loki about to but I stopped him. 'Loki you're still in your pyjamas!' he looked down at himself and gave an 'oh' before he snapped his fingers and he was in a gray shirt, black tie and a black jacket with his styled hair.

A Broken prince and his Mute princess حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن