Chapter 21: The Meeting

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Loki sat on a chair infront of his desk with his reading glasses, reading a new book he found in the liberary. After an hour of his lonely silence you walked in and stood next to him as you poked his head with your index finger, he turned around and met your face. 'Hello' you said to him mentally and waved at him which amused him a bit.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you for a kiss, settling you over his lap while he kissed and pulled away to take a breath. "Hello" he replied and gave a small smile.

It had been a month since you and Loki kissed for the first time, ever since then you both kissed a lot when no one was present or when Steve or Thor weren't looking during practice hours. Loki's nightmares almost went away, he felt a lot better waking up with you wrapped over him and your presence eased him for some reason that he was unaware of.

Your both's Overflow thing was still going on and that's why you two decided to finally contact Atlas or Xavier about it since you wanted to find a cure for this strange 'thing' happening.

Loki rubbed your back and licked your earlobe like always which made you giggle. "We need to visit the ice cream guy remember?" He asked and you gave a nod, just when you were close to your overflow and so was Loki by being so close together...a sudden noise brought both of you back to consciousness as you two turned around and faced Dr. Strange coming out of his portal.

"I knew you two would get close to linking again" he muttered as he rolled his eyes at your red faces. You got off Loki's lap and he stood up with you. "You knew?" He asked with his frown. "Well they call me 'Master of Mystical arts' for some reason don't they? Oh and I forgot to mention I also hold the time stone so it's kinda obvious that I'd knew what exactly is going on with you two here, the reason why it is AND the fact that little Miss Princess lied to me when I came to integrate her about her magic powers, past and forgotten memories!?" He cried which made you flush in embarassment.

"You know why we're overflowing?" He asked, keeping his frown and ignoring everything else he said. "Yes I did from the start" "Then why didn't you tell us anything!?" Loki cried ragefully. "It would bring imbalance in your time and trust me you don't want to mess with time Loki" he muttered. You grabbed Loki's hand in yours and gave it a squeeze which relaxed him and drop his frown.

"If you knew about everything then why didn't you tell the Avengers all about it? And... Thanos?" Loki asked him suspiciously with a tilted head.

"Because it would effect and maybe change the events of the future and I can't let that happen" he answered and scratched his beard. "Why are you here?" You decided to intrude his mind and ask him. His eyes widened at that and glanced at you. "Oh I forgot you could get into people's minds" he muttered to himself. "But thank you for reminding me Y/n, I'm here to inform you to be cautious over everything from now on. You just started a journey which is meant to leave a mark on your path." He warned and you two raised your eyebrows at that.

"You can't warn Avengers about Thanos or even worse but you can come here to warn us? Isn't the time going to be effected by it, Magician?" He asked mockingly which made Strange frown. "This event was supposed to happen and what you mentioned at first was-is not" he said before he disappeared in a giant ring. You both turned to face each other and burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked but you asked him the same question back. "I won't tell you till you tell me" he stated but you made the same condition. At last you both stopped when you heard a knock on the door. "Loki? Is that you?" You heard Steve talking from the other side of the door.

"Yeah it's me" he answered. "It's my room Captain, did you need something?" He asked and you both could hear Steve's chuckle and surprise through his voice. "I just never heard you laugh and was passing by, sorry." he said before his shadow over the door wasn't seen anymore. You turned around and Loki leaned down to press his lips with yours for a brief second. "Let's go before Steve calls us for boring practice matches between each other" he mumbled for which you agreed.

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