The coffee machine starts to buzz loudly, Alexia twists and folds her arms over her chest before leaning into the counter. I lean onto my elbows and flick my eyes across her face slowly. "I have a feeling she hasn't got anyone close around her."

"I agree," Alexia's eyes droop with sadness. "I feel like something bad has happened to her. I've noticed that sometimes when I'm around her, she flinches unexpectedly. Her eyes always wander as if she's trying to suss everyone out. She's never settled, although she acts like she is."

If Alexia can pick up on it, then I'm not going crazy. "With the bruising on her face last week and the scars on her knuckles. She's been through something or is still going through something but she's very closed off."

"Then we can't push her to open up," she sighs and turns back to her coffee. "That's the last thing she needs, us interfering in her life. If she wants to tell us, when she's ready, then that's up to her. But who knows, nothing might be wrong and she's actually okay. We can't just accuse, it might push her away. And I don't want to lose her when she's the only friend I have."

I stare at the back of her head. Knowing that doing nothing could be adding to the problem.

Although I don't want to be the reason why Alexia loses her friend.

My phone buzzes next to my laptop. I expect to see Lonzo's name pop up but when I see Poppy's, I'm pleasantly surprised. I didn't think she would be the first to text after last night.

Poppy: I really enjoyed cooking together yesterday, you're right, it's good for a distraction.

Gabriel: What do you want to learn to make next?

Poppy: Something with spice, maybe a Mexican dish. I've always wanted to experiment with something like that.

Gabriel: We can do that. I've got the perfect recipe. It's easy but tasty.

Poppy: Can't wait to try it. Thank you. As long as it's okay to come back.

Gabriel: I said I'd offer and I'm not the type of man to go back on my word.

Poppy: I really appreciate it, you have no idea.

"Is that her?" Alexia asks, dragging my attention away from the screen.

For a moment I forgot I wasn't alone. I flick my gaze to her and nod, locking the phone. "Yeah."

Alexia's lips twist to the side in a knowing smile. "You were smiling at your phone."

"No I wasn't." I say defensively.

Her eyes roll at the same time her eyebrows raise. "Sure you weren't. Sure you weren't."

I stare at my sister for a few moments before getting back to work. If I don't have this completed by the time Lonzo is home, I'm going to have him on my case after a day of his murderous activities. I'd rather not have that on my mind right now.

When Lonzo gets home later that evening, I head over to Dark Suite so I can settle some business plans with Zane. Lonzo has been on calls nonstop, ever since we've had to replace our third party income from Landon, he's been working extra hard to find the money that we would have lost.

I've been putting the effort into Zane's club, Lonzo decided he wanted to take the challenge and find something new. I'm not entirely sure what's going on with him at the moment but he's been on a mad one since he came back from vacation.

I head upstairs to Zane's office inside Dark Suite.

My eyes shamelessly scan the VIP section but Poppy is nowhere to be seen. A part of me is relieved because I hate seeing her with men who don't know how to respect women or keep their hands to themselves.

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