Chapter XXX

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When you and Coriolanus strolled through the city and back to your apartment, it was always after something horrible had happened. However, today was arguably the most severe.

If you had told your past self this would be what your relationship with him had been reduced to, she would've laughed in your face. You had fallen so hard and fast for him, and how could you not? He was charming and could give you everything you ever wanted. But, he had a past he refused to admit to. Everyone around you kept filling in the blanks, leaving you in shambles over all the details.

Doctor Gaul's new addition made you sick. He lied to your face without a second thought. All to prevent you from feeling anything for another man. Yet, you were already making excuses for him. He was trying to keep you safe, you told yourself. He didn't want you to fall in love with someone from the Districts. He was saving you!

You couldn't tell if those were your thoughts or ones Coriolanus had placed in your mind. He had indeed played you for a fool, and you still didn't dare to confront him.

What would you even say to him? It wasn't easy for you to call out behavior, even if it hurt you. For God's sake, you had let Cedar walk over you for years and never said a word. No matter how often you caught him in a lie or with other girls, you still forgot and forgave him.

You both pooled through the door of your apartment, eager to rid yourselves of the day. Coriolanus reached to take off your jacket, but you flinched at his touch. He was startled by your reaction, even withdrawing himself. "Hey," he tried to soothe you with soft words. "What's wrong? You've been quiet all day."

"I'm fine," you answered, hoping for once he would drop it. You weren't sure how much longer you could keep yourself together. "I just really need to go to bed."

His hands wrapped around your waist as you wrestled with your bed sheets. You didn't flinch this time, though it was difficult to suppress that emotion. "You're sure you don't need to shower?" he purred in your ear.

Again, unable to suppress emotion, you felt your body begin to crave him. How pathetic was that! You threw your sheets down and pulled away from him. "I'm sorry, Coriolanus," you sighed. "I just- why did you accuse me of being in love with Garnett? That's not fair to me. I don't ask you about Lucy Gray."

His eyes widened with fear, and so did yours. You knew you couldn't keep it together for much longer, and you had finally slipped up. "Oh my god, I didn't mean to. I- I don't even."

He shook his head as he walked towards you, trying to stop you from having an existential crisis. "Shhh, stop. You don't need to freak out like this," he said, taking your hands away from your hair, his best effort to stop you from pulling out your hair. "I assumed Tigress would tell you about her too, but why did you wait so long to say anything?"

You were stunned by his response. Yes, Tigress, thank you for saving the day yet again. Of course, it made more sense she had told you than you snooped in his bedside drawer. You'd have to stick with that story for now.

"I'm sorry," you said, throwing yourself in his arms to keep up the act. "I didn't know how to ask you about her. I hate thinking about you with someone else."

Coriolanus scoffed. "I was hardly with her. Tigress thought it was immense pining, but that wasn't what I felt for her. It was just a crush, mostly of convenience. Nothing ever came of it."

You nestled into his chest, hoping he would keep reassuring you. Though it wasn't very kind of you, it was hard not to enjoy him smearing the name of his past love as if he never even knew her.

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