Chapter XXVII

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You bit your nails anxiously as you walked to Doctor Gauls' office. Your presence was demanded rather than asked for.

There were only two days left until Garnett Daybreaker would arrive in the Capitol along with his support team. You knew that Gaul had called you to discuss your role in ensuring his time was well spent.

Coriolanus hadn't made an effort to see you for what seemed like months when, in reality, it had only been two days. This pattern of behavior had begun to rattle you mentally. He had asked if you needed space after his confession, as he could see you were shaken up by the fact he killed someone, but you told him you were okay.

Was that true? Well, you hardly knew how you felt about it. Either you were daydreaming about him lying upon your bed, shirtless, wet, and glistening for you. Or, you imagined him killing that tribute in the most malicious ways possible.

Regardless of your current fantasy of Coriolanus, the reality was that he wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Even if something horrible happened between the pair of you, which you doubted, it wasn't like you could escape him. You were on your way to meet with him and Doctor Gaul, and unless you wanted to kiss your future away, you'd just have to suffer in your inappropriate relationship with a coworker. Though, it was hardly suffering.

Coriolanus was waiting outside the officer's doors for you. He embraced you tightly upon your arrival, making you feel better about his refusal to contact you. "How have you been?" he asked insecurely. "I hope you aren't still upset with me."

"I was never upset with you, Coriolanus," you stated firmly as you pulled away, taking his face in your hands. You cupped him gently as he swooned over the feeling of your fingertips against his cheekbones. "It was just a lot to process, but I told you I was fine."

"Saying you are something and being something are two separate things," he replied as his hands met yours. He pulled them away from his face but kept a firm hold as he rested them at your side. "I still thought you needed time."

Your previous emotions of anger had whisked away at the sound of his voice and the touch of his hands. He smiled slightly before facing the office doors, which had begun to open. Of course, you released each other before Doctor Gaul emerged, a sinister grin beaming across her face.

"Ribbit, robbit, he'll live as a hobbit. Alone in a village with no one to pillage. Ribbit, robbit." You glanced at Coriolanus with pure confusion, but he showed no sign of unfamiliarity with Doctor Gaul's riddled speech. She must've done this often.

"Wonderful to see you, Doctor." Coriolanus shook her hand as her grin seemed to creep wonder across her face, reaching her ears. His approach shocked you. Mainly because he was so calm with her strange behavior. He did have a grandmother who was slowly on the brink of losing it. Perhaps he found comfort in people like that.

Doctor Gaul ushered you both to follow behind her. The lab was full of new mutts whose shrieks filled the open area. You tried to keep yourself composed, but every new and sudden sound had you practically jumping out of your shoes. She led you and Coriolanus to a room designated for planning Garnett's arrival.

You saw several banners with his tribute photograph, all ready to be hung in the quad outside the president's home. Seeing his face sent shivers down your spine and made your lips tingle. Despite Coriolanus standing at your side, you felt your heartstrings tugging at the thought of Garnett.

"The District boy will be here soon," Doctor Gaul said, conveniently sending every longing thought of him out of your mind. "I'm tasking you both with ensuring his stay here is as grand as possible. The Districts need to see the true prize in becoming a victor, and this will do just that."

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