Chapter XVIII

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*Smut-related Content*

One of the medics on the scene wrapped a shock blanket around you, applying a bit of ointment on the busted lip you had. Detectives were walking around to every able person inside the restaurant, asking if they had seen anything. Coriolanus hadn't left your side the entire time. He stayed positioned in front of you, protecting the exposed side of you as you had your back up against a wall.

Detectives eventually walked over to you both, and he agreed to talk to them, but only if they took you and him home immediately after. He did walk away to speak to them, but his eyes stayed on you the entire time, his hand in a tight fist. You knew he was furious over what happened tonight, and you were too, but more so terrified.

This would lead to him talking of how vicious the rebels were, how they'd kill innocent people just to prove their cause, and you'd have to sit there and bite your tongue. The insurgents had ruined your night in more ways than one.

Both you and Coriolanus were walked to one of the police cars, and you sighed with relief, knowing you could finally get away from this tragedy and go home. You didn't know how many had died, but when the police and medics came inside to rescue you and take you outside the restaurant for treatment, bodies littered the room. You couldn't tell which ones were still alive or who had already passed, but there was so much blood.

Coriolanus touched your thigh, a gentle reminder that he was still there. You tried to smile at him, even through all the pain-stricken emotions throughout your mind. You hoped he would keep his mouth shut about the rebels and let his lips be occupied with something else instead.

The police dropped you off at your apartment, and Coriolanus followed you. "I'm not letting you sleep alone tonight," he said firmly, his decision not debatable. You obliged, letting him take your hand as he led you up the stairs.

Your apartment still showed all the signs of an anxious girl getting ready for a first date. You could feel the emotional change in Coriolanus as he looked and saw all of the dresses lined up on your bed, the makeup and perfume scattered across your bathroom sink. He clenched his jaw, and you prepared to hear his worst.

"Are you alright?" his voice was low and soothing, and his eyes were big with curiosity like all he cared about was how you felt.

You took in a deep breath. "I'm fine," you lied in hopes he wouldn't sense your lack of transparency. "I'm just a bit unsettled."

Coriolanus wrapped his arms around you and walked you slowly over to your bed. He set you down gently and kept one arm around you, pulling you close to his chest. His other hand ran through your hair, calming your body from the terror that still coursed through your veins.

"I never meant for anything like this to happen," he whispered, his hands still stroking against your scalp. "You deserved a gentle evening. I'm sorry I couldn't give that to you."

You wanted to cry, but your body wouldn't let you. A state of numbness was coming over you, one you weren't sure if you could escape. Your night had been incredible before the attack at the restaurant. You were enthralled by Coriolanus's looks, smile, and effect on people. You wanted him in every way possible just hours before, but now you just wanted to be alone. The way his hand paused against your head told you that he could sense your lack of emotions.

"I can tell you're not fine," he said, pulling away from you so he could look into your eyes. "You are safe here. You were safe there. You are always safe when you are with me." He rested his forehead against yours. His eyes closed to calm his frustration with your ill-placed fear. "I will not let anything bad happen to you."

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