Chapter 1

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Amy's POV

My blood ran cold, my body felt numb. I held the white plastic test in my hand, my suspicions were right, I am in deed pregnant.

There was a knock in the bathroom door. "Amy are you okay? Dinners ready if your hungry." My mother said through the door.

"Coming and I'm fine." I said, my voice wanting to crack. "Okay. I heard her simply say.

I had been home from band camp for a month and when my period didn't come I thought it was strange and then another month went by once I started school and I knew I had to take a test so now here I am two months pregnant from a horrible mistake and it's all my fault.

I putt all my stuff a way in my room  and walked downstairs to the dining room, I sat in my seat and stared down at the plate of food.

I hadn't heard my father ask me about school until I heard my mom ask in concern, "Amy are you sure everything is alright, you look really pale, do we need to go see the doctor?" She asked.

"No I'm fine, it was just a king practice during band today." I lied, feeling a bead of sweat go down my forehead. I liked over at Ashley and saw her snickering. She knew when I lied I would start sweating.

"You dad is going to be picking you two up tomorrow, I have a job interview." My mother said.

"Wow really mom. That's great." I said, flashing her a smile.

We continued to eat in silence, the only sound of our sliver wear clashing with a glass plates.

I walked back to my room once dinner was finished and did my homework, but my mind drifted to other things.

I stopped doing my homework when I realized I wasn't going to get anywhere. I laid in bed and fell  asleep.

I walked the halls of the school to my locker, I held my arms in front of my lard, feeling very nervous and insecure about myself.

I opened my locker putting away what I didn't need leaving only the stuff for my first period and a snack.

I closed my locker seeing my two best friends Madison and Lauren run up to me.

They started talking about some new drama and noticed how pale I seemed. "Amy what's wrong?" Madison asked.

I pulled them to the bathroom, checking to make sure no one was in there. "So you guys remember how I told you last month in the first day that I had sex?" I asked, they nodded their heads.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered. Their faces went pale and their eyes went wide.

"What Amy? Oh my god I'm so sorry. Don't worry we will go to the doctors and make up a plan." Lauren said, Madison nodded her head in agreement.

"We?" I questioned confusion. "We're your best friends we are going to help get you through this. Do you even want the baby or for that matter keep it? You could aport or give it up for adoption." Lauren said.

"What no she can't aport, that's just wrong. Have you told your parents?" Madison said.

"Are you crazy of course I haven't they would kill me. And I don't want to have an abortion but I might have to." I admitted.

"Who's the father? Come on you have to tell us who you did it with at BAND CAMP." Madison emphasized the point.

"Nope." I said walking away. I walked back to my locker and finished grabbing what I needed.

The first bell rang and started walking to class. "Hey Amy." Ben said, standing in front of me.

Ugh not Ben again. He's been kind of stocker ish for the past month, I mean he's a nice guy but he is desperate. We worked in a school project two weeks ago and aced it but I just didn't feel anything for him really.

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