A Love Cherished Forever

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Shiva couldn't withstand the intense hunger that the world was suffering through. He thought about the only place he could get what he wanted and proceeded towards Vaikunth.

Vishnu smiled as he woke up from his sleep and sat up to on his bed of Shesha. Lakshmi was siting beside him.

"What are you smiling at, Narayan?" She asked.

"Shree, it's time we play our part in this great leela."

"So we haven't been doing it till now?"

Vishnu laughed, "But this is going to be important and more fun. Look who is coming."

Lakshmi turned around and saw Shiva approaching the. The couple got up and greeted Shiva.

"What happened, Sakha? You rarely come to Vaikunth. Did you lose your way?"

Shiva shook his head, "I know you like to joke but this is a serious situation, Hari and only you both can help me."

"What can we do for you, Mahadev?" Lakshmi asked.

"Devi Kamala, the world is in pain of hunger. You are the Goddess of prosperity. You are Dhanya Lakshmi. You are always filled with grains. I am asking for some to save the world. Only you can help me."

Lakshmi looked at Vishnu and he nodded. She went inside and brought her Kalash that represented her wealth and prosperity.

"Mahadev, you are correct. I do fill people's plates but Shakti and Shree are inter - related. One cannot work without the other. So with Annapurna gone, even Lakshmi's storage is empty."

She put forward her empty pot towards Shiva. He was disappointed.

"How can this be possible? What am I supposed to do now?"

Vishnu held his shoulders, "Sakha, you have realized why you made Annapurna upset. Bring her back. She will only return if you ask."

"I cannot even if I wanted to, Vishnu. She has hidden herself from me. She doesn't want me to find her."

Lakshmi smiled at Shiva's innocence and said, "Hey Shambhu, we know where Parvati is. Even if she's angry with you, she cannot keep herself away from you. She is currently in your city, Kashi residing as Devi Annapurna. No matter how upset she gets, she still loves you. She is looking forward for you to get her. Bring her back."

Finally a smile appeared on Shiva's face, "Thank you so much, Devi. I will bring her instantly."

Saying so, he left.

Annapurna was distributing rice to her devotees in her temple in Kashi. Grateful for her kindness, everyone thanked her. She also smiled seeing her children in peace. Suddenly she felt a presence and she knew exactly who it was. She turned around and saw Shiva standing at the entrance of her temple. The devotees joined their hands in reverence on seeing Shiva. The Gods also appeared to witness the much awaited reunion of Shiva and Shakti. Shiva slowly walked towards her with a bowl in his hand. She too walked towards him and they met midway. Shiva smiled, seeing her after a long time.

"Parvati, I finally found you. You have no idea how long I've been searching for you. Now that I'm here before you, all I can do is ask for forgiveness. I'm sorry that I disregarded you. I dismissed food and illusion, the ones that you reside in. But I've understood how much world needs them. Needs you. I need you. Come back to me, Uma. I promise you I will never hurt you ever again. Today I stand before you not as Mahadev, but as a begger who is asking for food from Devi Annapurna for this world. 'Bhiksham Dehi Devi!' "

Shiva knelt down on his knees and extended his bowl. Parvati was touched by his action. With a warm smile, she poured a handful of rice from her pot into his bowl with her ladle. The Gods showered flowers on them. With her giving food to Shiva, all her anger washed away and nature became flourished once again. Trees retained their leaves, lands became green and houses filled with food like it was before. The Universe was restored to it's previous state. Everyone eulogised the divine couple.

"From this day, Devi Annapurna will be worshipped here with Shiva with his begging bowl and will be known as Bhikshamurti" Brahma announced.

"Will you forgive me, my love?" Shiva asked in his mind. Parvati nodded teary eyed.

"How can I be angry with you when you are here like this."

"Then come back home, Parvati. Kailash is empty without you."

"Of course. How can I stay without you? My family."

With the world back to it's function, Shiva and Parvati disappeared but they stayed in Kashi forever as Annapurna and Vishwanath.


Lunch time in Kailash was chaotic once again. Their mother was back. Their kitchen was filled. Ganesh sat on his mother's lap as they were having their meal together.

"Maa, without you everything felt so empty but now that you are back, we are not letting you go anywhere. You will always stay with us like this" said Ganesh. Parvati ruffled his hair.

"Where can I go when all of you have bounded me here."

"Well you cannot argue with your mother. We all know that she's our boss" Shiva said with a smirk.

Parvati said, faking a surprise, "Oh really? Then it's good that you know as you should."

Laughter and cheers filled the mountain that day.

At night, Shiva was sitting on their swing and Parvati laid on his lap, playing with his deadlocks.

"Prakriti seems happy."

Shiva looked at her and smiled at her words.

"Of course it is. You are back. But one thing I have to say.... You have to stop going away so frequently now."

Parvati raised her eyebrows, "Whose fault was it this time?"

Shiva didn't answer.

"Exactly. It's not like I enjoy going away. It's just that sometimes the
situation demands it. But I can assure you, I'm not going anywhere any soon."

"Promise?" Shiva asked, extending his hand. Parvati placed hers on his.


"I love you, Uma."

"I love you more, Shankar."

"I love you the most."

Shiva pulled her closer as their lips connected in a warm kiss. The Universe was filled with a state of bliss with the beautiful union of Shiva and Shakti. The primordial powers of the universe, one together, forever.

____ The End ____

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